I learned to use NReality mods from player03's tutorial as well, along with the wiki article. I saw the wiki first, and it was a bit too confusing, so I decided to look at other NReality maps as examples. Give me a moment, and I'll give you an example.
Let's take a look at this map:
When loaded into NReality, You'll see that the rockets are very fast, but they don't follow you once launched. Both these attributes can be achieved using mods. (Let's ignore the floorguards for now)
The Code pertaining to the NReality mods is located at the end of all the level data, so the entire level data would look something like this:
Code: Select all
1001101112 (tile data) 01010211|5^444,84!10^3 (object data) 4!10^396,324|||| (Nreality object mods go here)
Now, the code that has to do with the rockets in the aforementioned level is below:
Code: Select all
The code can be simplified into three different statements:
Code: Select all
13,turnRate,0; 13,maxspeed,15; 13,startaccel,15
You'll notice that each of the three statements begin with the number thirteen. The thirteen tells NReality that the statement has to do with rockets, as each mod is assigned a different number.
After the 13, each statement defines what Nreality should do to the rockets. Should it alter the turn rate, or change the maximum speed of the rocket? Finally, the third part of each statement tells NReality how much each variable should be changed by. As you can see, the maximum speed of the rockets in the level above is set at 15, which is pretty fast.
One of the downsides of moding in Nreality is that once you go into edit mode, all of your mods get erased, so you have to copy the mod code each time you want to edit, and paste it back/load it in once you're finished.
Hope that helps. Post back here or PM me if you have any other questions.