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NReality Battle Land Idea

Posted: 2009.04.22 (17:44)
by Unreality
Here is my idea of NReality battle land. I haven't coded this yet, but I think it will be interesting to share the idea here.

There will be a world map, made by 5x5 grids

Each grid represents one land.

Each player can register one new land per day.

Player register a land by highscoring his own map. That map's NReality map type needed to be input as "BattleLand(x,y)" where x,y is the land coordinate in the world map. e.g. "BattleLand(2,3)"

At the next day the player can register another land. The coordinate of other lands of a player must be next to his own lands. Say if the first day a player registered (2,3), then the next day he can register (1,3) or (3,3) or (2,2) or (2,4) ( as long as those land slots are emptied)

If a player got no lands, he can register any of the emptied land.

An occupied land can be destroyed and returned to empty state, if someone submitted a run that has a score >= the land owner.

Suppose a player's land is being surrounded by other players land, then if that player wants to expand he must defeat one of the surrounding lands, make it empty, and so he can register that land.

When >50% of lands being occupied, the world extend one unit dimension, say, from 5x5 expands to 6x6, and then 7x7 ... 8x8 etc. Towards the direction of East and South.

Everything is automatically done by the server of So that this game can last forever. (Or should I make it reset after someone owned 10x10?)

We can first test it at Highscore mode.. then later perhaps speedrun or underclock mode if any one is interested.

Some more info:

<TheRealOne> well what if i make a map that is very easily maxable
<TheRealOne> and then that spot is always mine
<Unreality> ppl defeat your land by submitting a score that is >= yours
<Unreality> a score that is >= your score
<Unreality> not a score > your score
<TheRealOne> ah
<TheRealOne> then once that land is destroyed
<TheRealOne> then you would have to wait a day to register it agian with a different map
<TheRealOne> i get it
<Unreality> not really
<Unreality> if you haven't registered any land that day
<TheRealOne> yea true
<Unreality> and an enemy land next to your land will give you extra pressure
<Unreality> cause either you are going to take out his land
<Unreality> or he will take out your land

Re: NReality Battle Land Idea

Posted: 2009.04.22 (17:59)
by TheRealOne
I love the idea. I can't wait to play. Also I think that it should reset after 10x10 is owned by one player because that would take a long time. Then maybe a record of who won each round could be kept like a hall of fame of battle land.

Re: NReality Battle Land Idea

Posted: 2009.04.22 (18:04)
by Unreality
TheRealOne wrote:I love the idea. I can't wait to play. Also I think that it should reset after 10x10 is owned by one player because that would take a long time. Then maybe a record of who won each round could be kept like a hall of fame of battle land.
thx.. if there are enough supporters then I will have high motivation to code the whole system :)

Re: NReality Battle Land Idea

Posted: 2009.04.22 (18:48)
by Tunco
%100 agreed. I can't wait to play!
Well, not actually, but this is great, never thought something like that before. You should totally code that when you have enough supporters.

Re: NReality Battle Land Idea

Posted: 2009.04.22 (19:53)
by xaelar
/me loves this very much.

Re: NReality Battle Land Idea

Posted: 2009.04.22 (20:02)
by SkyRay
Maybe i'm just not understanding this completely but heres my question.
What if somebody makes a map that is something where you just have to hold right, and you complete it with in 90 frames, and nobody else can beat it?

Is this the same question therealone asked?

Re: NReality Battle Land Idea

Posted: 2009.04.22 (20:44)
by TheRealOne
SkyRay wrote:Maybe i'm just not understanding this completely but heres my question.
What if somebody makes a map that is something where you just have to hold right, and you complete it with in 90 frames, and nobody else can beat it?

Is this the same question therealone asked?
Same question asked by me, and the answer is that land is destroyed if a player >= to your highscore so if they beat it or tie it, the land is destroyed.

Re: NReality Battle Land Idea

Posted: 2009.04.22 (20:45)
by xaelar
SkyRay wrote:Maybe i'm just not understanding this completely but heres my question.
What if somebody makes a map that is something where you just have to hold right, and you complete it with in 90 frames, and nobody else can beat it?

Is this the same question therealone asked?
<Unreality> ppl defeat your land by submitting a score that is >= yours
<Unreality> a score that is >= your score
<Unreality> not a score > your score

If you tie the map owner, he looses his land

Re: NReality Battle Land Idea

Posted: 2009.04.23 (08:12)
by Infernus
This sounds amazing, but I think I would like it more if each map was pulled out of a pool of maps, eg anthology and the better map packs like stepself etc. What do you think?

Re: NReality Battle Land Idea

Posted: 2009.04.23 (09:09)
by Unreality
Infernus wrote:This sounds amazing, but I think I would like it more if each map was pulled out of a pool of maps, eg anthology and the better map packs like stepself etc. What do you think?

You can always pull a map out of some famous map packs

But since I want to make it so that the system will automatically run by itself without any needs for monitoring/administrating, I'd prefer letting players pick/make their own maps

Re: NReality Battle Land Idea

Posted: 2009.04.23 (09:54)
by Infernus
Ah! Now I understand. I thought "Player register a land by highscoring his own map" meant they had to create their own. As long as you can choose any map, it will be awesome :)

Re: NReality Battle Land Idea

Posted: 2009.04.23 (10:03)
by Unreality
Infernus wrote:Ah! Now I understand. I thought "Player register a land by highscoring his own map" meant they had to create their own. As long as you can choose any map, it will be awesome :)
but they will have to resubmit those maps with the land registration code ( |||landx?y? ) at the end of the map data

as long as they give credit to the original map owner then everything is fine

Re: NReality Battle Land Idea

Posted: 2009.04.23 (16:16)
by chume14
Its a cool Idea but and I'm not saying I'm going to do this surely you can just build a near impossible map around a demo and then the only way to beat it would be to follow their demo exactly

Re: NReality Battle Land Idea

Posted: 2009.04.23 (16:37)
by Unreality
chume14 wrote:Its a cool Idea but and I'm not saying I'm going to do this surely you can just build a near impossible map around a demo and then the only way to beat it would be to follow their demo exactly
don't forget I got the database access... cheating like this will be banned :p

Re: NReality Battle Land Idea

Posted: 2009.04.23 (17:13)
by Seneschal
This sounds cool. I'll join, you'll need some cannon fodder.
Player register a land by highscoring his own map. That map's NReality map type needed to be input as "BattleLand(x,y)" where x,y is the land coordinate in the world map. e.g. "BattleLand(2,3)"
Uh...How do you change the nreality map type of your own/other people's maps?
I take it that the map doesn't have to be an nreality-map (i.e. it includes mods?)

Re: NReality Battle Land Idea

Posted: 2009.04.23 (20:27)
by Yoshimo
Sounds cool. I MIGHT join.

Re: NReality Battle Land Idea

Posted: 2009.04.24 (05:37)
by Unreality
cheesemonger wrote:This sounds cool. I'll join, you'll need some cannon fodder.
great! join now! check the post here
cheesemonger wrote:Uh...How do you change the nreality map type of your own/other people's maps?
I take it that the map doesn't have to be an nreality-map (i.e. it includes mods?)
resubmit the map to, remember to add |||landx?y? at the end of the map data. Say if you want to claim landx3y1, then add |||landx3y1 at the end
remember to credit the original map author if you use other people map :)

Re: NReality Battle Land Idea

Posted: 2009.06.04 (17:46)
by Tunco
And, I have another question.
What happens if somebody posts a map in NReality BattleLand, as the following:

As you can see, it's a non-beatable 1 frame demo.
If somebody submits a map like this, no one would be able to beat it.
That map would be erased from the battle land, or it will stay there?

Re: NReality Battle Land Idea

Posted: 2009.06.04 (17:56)
by kkstrong
Unreality could either manually erase it. However what would likely happen is that it would get beaten very easily. Tied runs overthrow land spaces as well.

Re: NReality Battle Land Idea

Posted: 2009.08.12 (04:55)
by Nexx
kkstrong wrote:Tied runs overthrow land spaces as well.
QFE. AND that answer can be found in the first post without looking too hard.

Re: NReality Battle Land Idea

Posted: 2009.08.13 (19:06)
by 999_Springs
Battle Land is dead. Or, it's turned into a Phoney War between TheRealOne and Empty Space.

Shouldn't this topic be in the NReality forum?

Re: NReality Battle Land Idea

Posted: 2009.08.14 (02:34)
by kkstrong
999_Springs wrote: Shouldn't this topic be in the NReality forum?
Yep, and KinGAleX done.