NReality Battle Land System Opened and Updated!

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Postby Unreality » 2009.04.23 (17:27)

NReality Battle Land System Opened! And it will last forever! :p

To claim a land:

Step 1: pick an emptied land slot. for an example, landx1y2

Step 2: submit a map to, with nreality map type set as landx?y?, in this example, the user will need to append |||landx1y2 at the end of his map data

Step 3: highscoring/speedrunning/underclocking that map with NReality and get a 0th score, then submit the score to NReality server

Done! The Land claiming process is completed.

To overthrow other players' lands

Firstly, there is no way to capture other players' lands. You can only overthrow/remove it and make the land become empty again.

Secondly, to overthrow a land, you must have your own land next to it. It can be vertically/horizontally/diagonally next to that land.

You can overthrow a land next to you by submitting a score that is better or tied the land owner score.

There's no limit on overthrowing others' lands. You can overthrow as many other players' lands without time limit.

To claim your 2nd land 3rd land and so on...

You can hold a new land every Server day. You cannot hold two new lands in one Server day. You can check the land webpage to see the server time.

If your new land being overthrown, you can reclaim a land on the same day. As long as you don't hold two new lands in one Server day you are fine.

If you already got a land, your new lands must be next to your own lands vertically/horizontally.

What if all lands being occupied?

Currently whenever 33% of the lands are being occupied, the world expand one unit in both width & height.
This process will go on & on until it reaches 10x10

If someone overthrew my land, can I reclaim it with the same map?

Yes as long as you submit a 0th run with a better score than him and all other players' runs.

If someone overthrew my land, can I reclaim the land with another map?

Yes you can.

If someone overthrew my land, can I claim another emptied land?

Yes as long as you follow the land claiming rules... like.. no two new lands on 1 server day, new lands must be next to your own lands etc

***Why we can only overthrow lands next to our lands?***

1. So that new comers are more comfortable to claim lands without worrying xaelar overthrows their lands in 3 minutes.
2. So that you can focus on battling with your neighbors. Land wars should happen between neighbor lands.
3. So that players who have no land will have a need to claim a land.

What if someone made a map like 59-0 which once he maxed the 0th then no other ppl can beat him?

Other players can overthrow that land with a tied score.

What if someone edit the map data after he claimed the 0th spot so that no one can beat him? like taking out some gold or placing pixel-perfect mines around his own demo.

The database is maintained by Unreality and he will take care of the cheaters

Are highscores / speedrun / underclock lands all independent?

Yes they are all independent, you can claim one highscores land + one speedrun land + one underclock land in one day.

Any admins for this Battle Land System?

Basically this system runs automatically by itself. But if someone cheats or if there's any bugs, you can post it here, and Unreality (me) will take care them.

From bhz:
Are we allowed to resubmit a map of another player and use it to play in land battles?
Are we allowed to resubmit a map of ourselves to use in land battles?
Are we allowed to resubmit a map that was conquered earlier on to use in land battles?

Yes, yes, yes, use any maps you like. Get the original author permission first and credit/link the original map at numa if it isn't created by you
Last edited by Unreality on 2009.04.27 (01:57), edited 8 times in total.

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Postby Exüberance » 2009.04.23 (17:34)

Sounds interesting.

Is the top-left corner of the grid (0,0) or (1,1)? I would assume (0,0)

Also, if we wanted to claim (3,4), do we append |||landx3y4 or |||land34 ?

Does that server prvent you from cheating (ie claiming (0,0), then (9,9) even though they are not connected) or does that just mess things up?
ExüberNewsFeed: Exuberance is mostly <AFF> (Away From Forums) for a while, though I may still participate in epic contests/threads. When I return, I shall bring several comic updates (enough to finish season 1) and hopefully 1 or 2 games- at least one of which is N-related
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NOTE: If I just add a bunch of comics in one day, but plan on going back to normal after that, I probably won't update the status.
+ Dead: Canceled. Done. Maybe you'll get a random comic like once a year, but it's pretty much done.
- Zombie (Dead/Comatose): The comic is probably done regular updates forever, but I'll probably still add something once in a blue moon. It's still POSSIBLE, that I'll raise the status up, but not very likely. Maybe I'll have a comicplosion for like a week, then go back to being dead
+ Comatose: Complete stand-by. No (or very few) updates for some amount of time, but the comic's far from being over
- <AFK> (Comatose/Loitering): Stand-by, but you might possibly count on a few updates once and a while. Again, this is temporary
+ Loitering: Like comatose, but for short amount of times.
- Turtling (Loitering/Semi-Active): Really slooooww updates
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- Quasi-Active (Semi-Active/Active): Averaging about 2 comics every 3 weeks
+ Active: Loosely defined status, but about a weekly update
- Over-Active (Active/Power-leveling): About 2 comics a week
+ Power-leveling: About 3 comics a week. Possible a schedule, possibly not
- Über-Epic (Power-leveling/COMICPLOSION!!): In some cases, this may actually be mean updates more frequently than COMICPLOSION!!, but I'm defining this level as a non-organized comic rush, kind of like a few days after my comic started
+ COMICPLOSION!!: Daily updates for a minimum of 5 days (since the daily updates started. It remains at this status until the 5, 7, whatever days are done)

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Postby xaelar » 2009.04.23 (17:38)

I can answer your questions:

Is the top-left corner of the grid (0,0) or (1,1)? I would assume (0,0)
It's (1,1). This link ( leads to the battlefield.

Also, if we wanted to claim (3,4), do we append |||landx3y4 or |||land34 ?
You add |||landx3y4 to the code

Does that server prvent you from cheating (ie claiming (0,0), then (9,9) even though they are not connected) or does that just mess things up?
It does prevent cheating, you can only get lands near your other lands, except you dont have a land, then you can claim every empty land you wish to claim. And we have Unreality as our judge and boss ;)

I'm up for the battle :D
Thx to usaswim for this awesome signature!

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Postby Exüberance » 2009.04.23 (17:41)

Oh. I didn't realize that had all the informatino there. Thought it was jsut a link to teh server. I guess the obvious thing to do would've been to check it first, h'uh?

What happens if this gets really popular and we have 50 people wanting to play. That would be a problem. Bigger maps?

EDIT: Also, what happens here?

Consider you make a map. Someone beats your 0th, so it goes kablooey. Someone else claims that square with their own map so they own it. Now you take back the top score on YOUR map. This means you should get teh square back. But someone else has it. Now what? You BOTH hold the 0th position on a map in that location. Now you have glitch wars! I would image that you get the square, then whenever somone gets a 0th on either map, the tile blows up again.

Maybe you should make it so that once a map is placed on a tile, the only map that can be on that tile until the grid resets is that map, and instead of destroying tiles, you capture them. That's the only way I can see you can clear up this contradiction glitch.

Oh, do you have to beat the score on the other guys map to destroy it, THEN reclaim your score on YOUR map to get the tile? That makes sense... I think. So reclaiming your 0th on your map won't do anything if someone else has already claimed that tile?
ExüberNewsFeed: Exuberance is mostly <AFF> (Away From Forums) for a while, though I may still participate in epic contests/threads. When I return, I shall bring several comic updates (enough to finish season 1) and hopefully 1 or 2 games- at least one of which is N-related
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NOTE: If I just add a bunch of comics in one day, but plan on going back to normal after that, I probably won't update the status.
+ Dead: Canceled. Done. Maybe you'll get a random comic like once a year, but it's pretty much done.
- Zombie (Dead/Comatose): The comic is probably done regular updates forever, but I'll probably still add something once in a blue moon. It's still POSSIBLE, that I'll raise the status up, but not very likely. Maybe I'll have a comicplosion for like a week, then go back to being dead
+ Comatose: Complete stand-by. No (or very few) updates for some amount of time, but the comic's far from being over
- <AFK> (Comatose/Loitering): Stand-by, but you might possibly count on a few updates once and a while. Again, this is temporary
+ Loitering: Like comatose, but for short amount of times.
- Turtling (Loitering/Semi-Active): Really slooooww updates
+ Semi-Active: One every 2 weeks...ish?
- Quasi-Active (Semi-Active/Active): Averaging about 2 comics every 3 weeks
+ Active: Loosely defined status, but about a weekly update
- Over-Active (Active/Power-leveling): About 2 comics a week
+ Power-leveling: About 3 comics a week. Possible a schedule, possibly not
- Über-Epic (Power-leveling/COMICPLOSION!!): In some cases, this may actually be mean updates more frequently than COMICPLOSION!!, but I'm defining this level as a non-organized comic rush, kind of like a few days after my comic started
+ COMICPLOSION!!: Daily updates for a minimum of 5 days (since the daily updates started. It remains at this status until the 5, 7, whatever days are done)

"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind." ~Albert Einstein
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Postby xaelar » 2009.04.23 (18:04)

It currently works so, that if 2 maps are at the same land, and both map owners have the 0th on their maps, the one who submitted and claimed that land first, keeps it until it is destroyed. You generally only loose lands when you loose the 0th or get tied, and you can only get lands, when you claim a map with a 0th for that empty land.

I think this system works quite well :D

Oh, do you have to beat the score on the other guys map to destroy it, THEN reclaim your score on YOUR map to get the tile? That makes sense... I think. So reclaiming your 0th on your map won't do anything if someone else has already claimed that tile?
Yes... you need to beat the other guys 0th on his map first. Then you submit your 0th on your map (note: you only need to submit again, you can have made the 0th before, a submit is enough to regain that land. But you need to submit as 0th.).
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Postby Exüberance » 2009.04.23 (19:26)

I assume normal is the time as would happen in userlevels/maingame
Speedrun is number of frames (ignores gold)
And underlock is normal, but allowing you to use the underclock feature?

Is that right?

And how do you submit a map for a specific type? |||landx1y1 would appear to submit a map for the normal mode, but how do I submit one for speedrun or underclock? Or is it automatically submited to all 3, and yiou just claim it by playing it normally, somehow doing it in speedrun mode, or having underclock on? EDIT: O I C there's a speedrun mode in the configure panel. Forgot about that. So I assume you just get a 0th with taht mode activateed to claim the tile?
ExüberNewsFeed: Exuberance is mostly <AFF> (Away From Forums) for a while, though I may still participate in epic contests/threads. When I return, I shall bring several comic updates (enough to finish season 1) and hopefully 1 or 2 games- at least one of which is N-related
Comic Activity-O-Meter: (how often I'm updating my comic)
(Click here to see what each level and half-level means in terms of updates per time period)

NOTE: If I just add a bunch of comics in one day, but plan on going back to normal after that, I probably won't update the status.
+ Dead: Canceled. Done. Maybe you'll get a random comic like once a year, but it's pretty much done.
- Zombie (Dead/Comatose): The comic is probably done regular updates forever, but I'll probably still add something once in a blue moon. It's still POSSIBLE, that I'll raise the status up, but not very likely. Maybe I'll have a comicplosion for like a week, then go back to being dead
+ Comatose: Complete stand-by. No (or very few) updates for some amount of time, but the comic's far from being over
- <AFK> (Comatose/Loitering): Stand-by, but you might possibly count on a few updates once and a while. Again, this is temporary
+ Loitering: Like comatose, but for short amount of times.
- Turtling (Loitering/Semi-Active): Really slooooww updates
+ Semi-Active: One every 2 weeks...ish?
- Quasi-Active (Semi-Active/Active): Averaging about 2 comics every 3 weeks
+ Active: Loosely defined status, but about a weekly update
- Over-Active (Active/Power-leveling): About 2 comics a week
+ Power-leveling: About 3 comics a week. Possible a schedule, possibly not
- Über-Epic (Power-leveling/COMICPLOSION!!): In some cases, this may actually be mean updates more frequently than COMICPLOSION!!, but I'm defining this level as a non-organized comic rush, kind of like a few days after my comic started
+ COMICPLOSION!!: Daily updates for a minimum of 5 days (since the daily updates started. It remains at this status until the 5, 7, whatever days are done)

"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind." ~Albert Einstein
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Postby Seneschal » 2009.04.23 (19:41)

It says on the other thread that you don't need to use your own maps, but how can we edit the data to include |||landxy if it isn't our map?

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Postby Exüberance » 2009.04.23 (19:55)

cheesemonger wrote:It says on the other thread that you don't need to use your own maps, but how can we edit the data to include |||landxy if it isn't our map?
I think we do have to use our own map. If I'm correct about how the normal/speedrun/underlock thing works, anyways. I tried doing xaelar's test level in speedrun instead of normal, and no one had any highscores, but I did not claim the map, so I'm assuming in order to claim a tile it must be your own map.

EDIT: Woo! It works! I has an underclock tile! This is pretty cool. Nice one, Unreality!
Last edited by Exüberance on 2009.04.23 (20:46), edited 1 time in total.
ExüberNewsFeed: Exuberance is mostly <AFF> (Away From Forums) for a while, though I may still participate in epic contests/threads. When I return, I shall bring several comic updates (enough to finish season 1) and hopefully 1 or 2 games- at least one of which is N-related
Comic Activity-O-Meter: (how often I'm updating my comic)
(Click here to see what each level and half-level means in terms of updates per time period)

NOTE: If I just add a bunch of comics in one day, but plan on going back to normal after that, I probably won't update the status.
+ Dead: Canceled. Done. Maybe you'll get a random comic like once a year, but it's pretty much done.
- Zombie (Dead/Comatose): The comic is probably done regular updates forever, but I'll probably still add something once in a blue moon. It's still POSSIBLE, that I'll raise the status up, but not very likely. Maybe I'll have a comicplosion for like a week, then go back to being dead
+ Comatose: Complete stand-by. No (or very few) updates for some amount of time, but the comic's far from being over
- <AFK> (Comatose/Loitering): Stand-by, but you might possibly count on a few updates once and a while. Again, this is temporary
+ Loitering: Like comatose, but for short amount of times.
- Turtling (Loitering/Semi-Active): Really slooooww updates
+ Semi-Active: One every 2 weeks...ish?
- Quasi-Active (Semi-Active/Active): Averaging about 2 comics every 3 weeks
+ Active: Loosely defined status, but about a weekly update
- Over-Active (Active/Power-leveling): About 2 comics a week
+ Power-leveling: About 3 comics a week. Possible a schedule, possibly not
- Über-Epic (Power-leveling/COMICPLOSION!!): In some cases, this may actually be mean updates more frequently than COMICPLOSION!!, but I'm defining this level as a non-organized comic rush, kind of like a few days after my comic started
+ COMICPLOSION!!: Daily updates for a minimum of 5 days (since the daily updates started. It remains at this status until the 5, 7, whatever days are done)

"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind." ~Albert Einstein
My N+ Vector Sprite Sheet ::: My Caption Contest ::: My Comic :::Puzzles of the Exuberant ::: DEFEND YOUR NINJA: THE FLASH GAME (Release Date TBA)
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Postby xaelar » 2009.04.23 (20:44)

You can use any map but you MUST resubmit it as your OWN MAP.

You add |||landx(number)y(number) after the code to target the chosen land on the battlefield.

To claim a land, you have to submit the map to that piece of land. After submitting, you have to either HIGHSCORE, SPEEDRUN or UNDERCLOCK that map. If you submit a highscore, speedrun or underclock 0th, and the targetted land is empty, You get that Land.

- Submit a highscore 0th at the map, and you have the highscore land
- Submit a speedrun 0th at the map, and you have the speedrun land
- Submit an underclock 0th at the map, and you have the underclock land

You can only get lands by submitting 0ths on your own maps. By submitting 0ths at other guys lands, you just destroy them.

(Remember: If you have 0 lands, you can freely choose a land. If you have 1 or more lands, you need to claim empty lands NEAR your own lands.)
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Postby TheRealOne » 2009.04.24 (00:00)

What if: Since you (xaelar) have spot x3y3 say i take spots (2,3), (2,2), and (3,2) and you can't beat them. That blocks you off from the rest of the map so do you have to wait until someone beats your score on your map or until the land expanse until you can pick land again?

Also WTF?! at your 3,3 time i can't get better than .400.
<@Izzy> Holy balls, sweet run.
<@gloomp> Holy sweet, balls run.
<@Izzy> Sweet, balls run holy.
<@gloomp> Run sweet, balls holy.
<@Izzy> Sweet run, ballsy hole.
<@gloomp> All's sweet, holeb run.
<@Izzy> Ballsy nun, sweet mole.

<@Kool> bro no joke, I saw the sexiest swedish chick giving herself anal on one of those pop-up alarm-clocks at my uncle's house

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Postby Unreality » 2009.04.24 (01:19)

TheRealOne wrote:What if: Since you (xaelar) have spot x3y3 say i take spots (2,3), (2,2), and (3,2) and you can't beat them. That blocks you off from the rest of the map so do you have to wait until someone beats your score on your map or until the land expanse until you can pick land again?

I am going to make an important change to the system: You can overthrow a land only if you have a land next to it

1. it encourages more people to claim lands without worrying xaelar will take away his land in 5 mins
2. To let you focus on beating your neighborhoods lands
3. To make more players actually participate

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Postby Unreality » 2009.04.24 (02:39)

sry for double post, but I have updated the battle land system, pls see the 1st post :)

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Postby bhz » 2009.04.24 (21:54)

Are we allowed to resubmit a map of another player and use it to play in land battles?
Are we allowed to resubmit a map of ourselves to use in land battles?
Are we allowed to resubmit a map that was conquered earlier on to use in land battles?
Questions, Questions, Questions!
Because I don't really like mapping...I play N(Reality) to highscore :)
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Postby Exüberance » 2009.04.24 (23:08)

bhz wrote:Are we allowed to resubmit a map of another player and use it to play in land battles?
Are we allowed to resubmit a map of ourselves to use in land battles?
Are we allowed to resubmit a map that was conquered earlier on to use in land battles?
Questions, Questions, Questions!
Because I don't really like mapping...I play N(Reality) to highscore :)
So long as you don't submit a demo, then edit it to make it impossible / longer / less gold I think that would be fine. He said in an earlier post that we could use other people's maps, but resubbing and delisting.

@Unreality please just use normal links on your Nreality site. Your peculiar javascript voodoo links are making random NUMA tabs change maps instead of oppening a new tab. You're upsetting my pet firefox.
ExüberNewsFeed: Exuberance is mostly <AFF> (Away From Forums) for a while, though I may still participate in epic contests/threads. When I return, I shall bring several comic updates (enough to finish season 1) and hopefully 1 or 2 games- at least one of which is N-related
Comic Activity-O-Meter: (how often I'm updating my comic)
(Click here to see what each level and half-level means in terms of updates per time period)

NOTE: If I just add a bunch of comics in one day, but plan on going back to normal after that, I probably won't update the status.
+ Dead: Canceled. Done. Maybe you'll get a random comic like once a year, but it's pretty much done.
- Zombie (Dead/Comatose): The comic is probably done regular updates forever, but I'll probably still add something once in a blue moon. It's still POSSIBLE, that I'll raise the status up, but not very likely. Maybe I'll have a comicplosion for like a week, then go back to being dead
+ Comatose: Complete stand-by. No (or very few) updates for some amount of time, but the comic's far from being over
- <AFK> (Comatose/Loitering): Stand-by, but you might possibly count on a few updates once and a while. Again, this is temporary
+ Loitering: Like comatose, but for short amount of times.
- Turtling (Loitering/Semi-Active): Really slooooww updates
+ Semi-Active: One every 2 weeks...ish?
- Quasi-Active (Semi-Active/Active): Averaging about 2 comics every 3 weeks
+ Active: Loosely defined status, but about a weekly update
- Over-Active (Active/Power-leveling): About 2 comics a week
+ Power-leveling: About 3 comics a week. Possible a schedule, possibly not
- Über-Epic (Power-leveling/COMICPLOSION!!): In some cases, this may actually be mean updates more frequently than COMICPLOSION!!, but I'm defining this level as a non-organized comic rush, kind of like a few days after my comic started
+ COMICPLOSION!!: Daily updates for a minimum of 5 days (since the daily updates started. It remains at this status until the 5, 7, whatever days are done)

"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind." ~Albert Einstein
My N+ Vector Sprite Sheet ::: My Caption Contest ::: My Comic :::Puzzles of the Exuberant ::: DEFEND YOUR NINJA: THE FLASH GAME (Release Date TBA)
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Maps in the Fernat Epic (so far): (meh, let's put this in a spoiler too. My sig's gettin too big. I'm such a packrat :p)

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Postby Unreality » 2009.04.25 (07:56)

answered & done

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Postby Nexx » 2009.04.25 (08:12)

Oh snap, this sounds pretty cool!

I don't like how you have to pick one position with each map, though. But I don't see any other way you could do it seamlessly like this. Oh well.

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Postby Exüberance » 2009.04.25 (12:58)

Are we allowed to edit old maps we like to include |||landxXyY or do we have to resubmit?
ExüberNewsFeed: Exuberance is mostly <AFF> (Away From Forums) for a while, though I may still participate in epic contests/threads. When I return, I shall bring several comic updates (enough to finish season 1) and hopefully 1 or 2 games- at least one of which is N-related
Comic Activity-O-Meter: (how often I'm updating my comic)
(Click here to see what each level and half-level means in terms of updates per time period)

NOTE: If I just add a bunch of comics in one day, but plan on going back to normal after that, I probably won't update the status.
+ Dead: Canceled. Done. Maybe you'll get a random comic like once a year, but it's pretty much done.
- Zombie (Dead/Comatose): The comic is probably done regular updates forever, but I'll probably still add something once in a blue moon. It's still POSSIBLE, that I'll raise the status up, but not very likely. Maybe I'll have a comicplosion for like a week, then go back to being dead
+ Comatose: Complete stand-by. No (or very few) updates for some amount of time, but the comic's far from being over
- <AFK> (Comatose/Loitering): Stand-by, but you might possibly count on a few updates once and a while. Again, this is temporary
+ Loitering: Like comatose, but for short amount of times.
- Turtling (Loitering/Semi-Active): Really slooooww updates
+ Semi-Active: One every 2 weeks...ish?
- Quasi-Active (Semi-Active/Active): Averaging about 2 comics every 3 weeks
+ Active: Loosely defined status, but about a weekly update
- Over-Active (Active/Power-leveling): About 2 comics a week
+ Power-leveling: About 3 comics a week. Possible a schedule, possibly not
- Über-Epic (Power-leveling/COMICPLOSION!!): In some cases, this may actually be mean updates more frequently than COMICPLOSION!!, but I'm defining this level as a non-organized comic rush, kind of like a few days after my comic started
+ COMICPLOSION!!: Daily updates for a minimum of 5 days (since the daily updates started. It remains at this status until the 5, 7, whatever days are done)

"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind." ~Albert Einstein
My N+ Vector Sprite Sheet ::: My Caption Contest ::: My Comic :::Puzzles of the Exuberant ::: DEFEND YOUR NINJA: THE FLASH GAME (Release Date TBA)
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Maps in the Fernat Epic (so far): (meh, let's put this in a spoiler too. My sig's gettin too big. I'm such a packrat :p)

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Postby Unreality » 2009.04.25 (14:58)

Exüberance wrote:Are we allowed to edit old maps we like to include |||landxXyY or do we have to resubmit?
i haven't tried... don't know if edit old maps work or not

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Postby Nexx » 2009.04.25 (16:46)

Exüberance wrote:Are we allowed to edit old maps we like to include |||landxXyY or do we have to resubmit?
I just tested it out and editing works (so long as you can edit - i.e. it's not rated).

EDIT: Don't forget, only one land per day!

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Postby Exüberance » 2009.04.25 (18:00)

Can you reclaim a lost land by retaking your 0th if you have another land that is not connected to it? Also, does diagonal count as connected for claiming new territories, or does it have to be up/down/left/right?
ExüberNewsFeed: Exuberance is mostly <AFF> (Away From Forums) for a while, though I may still participate in epic contests/threads. When I return, I shall bring several comic updates (enough to finish season 1) and hopefully 1 or 2 games- at least one of which is N-related
Comic Activity-O-Meter: (how often I'm updating my comic)
(Click here to see what each level and half-level means in terms of updates per time period)

NOTE: If I just add a bunch of comics in one day, but plan on going back to normal after that, I probably won't update the status.
+ Dead: Canceled. Done. Maybe you'll get a random comic like once a year, but it's pretty much done.
- Zombie (Dead/Comatose): The comic is probably done regular updates forever, but I'll probably still add something once in a blue moon. It's still POSSIBLE, that I'll raise the status up, but not very likely. Maybe I'll have a comicplosion for like a week, then go back to being dead
+ Comatose: Complete stand-by. No (or very few) updates for some amount of time, but the comic's far from being over
- <AFK> (Comatose/Loitering): Stand-by, but you might possibly count on a few updates once and a while. Again, this is temporary
+ Loitering: Like comatose, but for short amount of times.
- Turtling (Loitering/Semi-Active): Really slooooww updates
+ Semi-Active: One every 2 weeks...ish?
- Quasi-Active (Semi-Active/Active): Averaging about 2 comics every 3 weeks
+ Active: Loosely defined status, but about a weekly update
- Over-Active (Active/Power-leveling): About 2 comics a week
+ Power-leveling: About 3 comics a week. Possible a schedule, possibly not
- Über-Epic (Power-leveling/COMICPLOSION!!): In some cases, this may actually be mean updates more frequently than COMICPLOSION!!, but I'm defining this level as a non-organized comic rush, kind of like a few days after my comic started
+ COMICPLOSION!!: Daily updates for a minimum of 5 days (since the daily updates started. It remains at this status until the 5, 7, whatever days are done)

"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind." ~Albert Einstein
My N+ Vector Sprite Sheet ::: My Caption Contest ::: My Comic :::Puzzles of the Exuberant ::: DEFEND YOUR NINJA: THE FLASH GAME (Release Date TBA)
Exüberance on WoW
Maps in the Fernat Epic (so far): (meh, let's put this in a spoiler too. My sig's gettin too big. I'm such a packrat :p)

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Postby Unreality » 2009.04.25 (18:08)

reclaim must connect
up left down right

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Postby Nexx » 2009.04.25 (18:24)

Potential problem: What's to stop somebody like xaelar from taking a map that he's got the market cornered on and just resubbing that map for different spots? Those quick chimneys and multiple-corner-jump runs are pretty easy for xaelar to pull off, and since he controls what maps he has to highscore on, he can make those maps suited to his (completely ridiculous) skills, and there's not a whole lot anyone else can do.

The most basic form of this strategy is copy-resubbing, but he needn't go that far. He could make a new map every time, so long as highscoring it relies on maneuvers that xaelar can do much more easily than others can.

I have no suggestions on how to deal with this kind of thing, though, other than a rules update and/or manual policing. Perhaps change the rules so you can only claim land on maps that aren't yours? But even if people were okay with that, it doesn't work that well in terms of location choosing. :\

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Postby Unreality » 2009.04.26 (04:51)

let's wait and see...

TFK can beat xaelar at 90-3... izzy maybe the best chimney'r, kryx is the best speedrunner. If they play they may able to overthrow xaelar land map

I believe xaelar excel at 1000 frames long map...

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Postby TheRealOne » 2009.04.26 (05:06)

Not to mention I can out chimney xaelar, I will reclaim my map pretty soon. And people will make maps to their skill that is the cool thing about the contest. Also I made my maps to my skills.
<@Izzy> Holy balls, sweet run.
<@gloomp> Holy sweet, balls run.
<@Izzy> Sweet, balls run holy.
<@gloomp> Run sweet, balls holy.
<@Izzy> Sweet run, ballsy hole.
<@gloomp> All's sweet, holeb run.
<@Izzy> Ballsy nun, sweet mole.

<@Kool> bro no joke, I saw the sexiest swedish chick giving herself anal on one of those pop-up alarm-clocks at my uncle's house

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Postby xaelar » 2009.04.26 (11:34)

Ha Unreality, it's not only chimneying ;)
Thx to usaswim for this awesome signature!

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