Ghost Drone - Guide for all
Posted: 2009.06.13 (10:15)
A lot of NUMA Member aren't so near at the nreality world of modding.
Schaaaf,Chrise and I opened a contest where the nreality mod is the main charchter.
in the first part... now we are opening a guide to make easier using special drones in nreality, because there will be half of the drones in the second part.
In the first part the title was flying... and from now you can use one special drone: The ghost drone.
It's only a sub-title of the first part and only one map will win.[/size]
You need to have nreality. If you haven't it you must download this programm.
1. Part: Making a map.
Now i want to make a simple map with a zap drone (blue drone) and a ghost drone.
When you are making the map you MUST remember the order with you submit the drones:

In this map
I submitted first the drone in the left and after the drone in the right.
So the map will report after the tile code (with number like 1,0 but in particular tileset can have some letters), that finish with the | two codes of drone. The first drone that i submit will be the first to appear... the second will be the last.
All code of drones start with 6^. Every time that there is a new object it will be separated by the !
Look at the first code of drone:6^348,300,5,0,0,1
It's like 6^x,y,path,specialType,droneType,direction
Special type will be 1 if it is seeker drone.
To make special drones we must only change the 0 of the dronetype in a number
Now we can start :D
2) Copy the code in a bloc notes: you can't modify the data of userlevels in N because it will delete all your mod. In fact you can try nreality maps only submitting it in a userlevels. We now won't use the userlevels to work, but a simple bloc notes so it will be easier.
Now you must use the option find: you must search 6^ remembering that the first that you find it will be the first that you submit editing the map.
When you retrieve the drone that you want to mod (for me the second) I must modify the code.
Ghost drones follow the ninja whenever he isn't looking and stop when he is. The main difference between the types is that the second type does not hurt the ninja when stopped, and the third type acts like a rocky drone when stopped.
The code of the my second drone is this 6^444,300,5,0,0,1
I must only modify the second 0 in 101 because i want to make the first type of drone.
Some suggestions:
That's really simple and in your map it will be a lot of objects. You must only use find remembering the order of the drone.
You can't try the map in the playing mode of the editor of N.
Using another bloc notes and after copy the map in the userlevels is better.
If you want to modify the ghost drones drones (for example the speed) you can use an easy way:
at the end of the map before the # you must add this ||||(modifing space)|#
You mustn't add modifing space, but this:
Drone number,mod,valor;
default = 0.02; controls how fast the drone accelerates towards the ninja
default = 2; controls how fast the drone can go
default = undefined; if set to 1, the first type of drone will not stop moving
default = 0; controls how completely the second type can fade away
If i want to modify the max speed and acceleration of my ghost drone of the same map i must add this ||||101,maxvelocity,3;101,acceleration,0.03;|#
If i used the second type of ghost drone... i must use the number 102, not 101.
You can ask me what you want.
Sorry for my bad ENGLISH!

You can find an example here:
You can find all nreality mods here:
A lot of NUMA Member aren't so near at the nreality world of modding.
Schaaaf,Chrise and I opened a contest where the nreality mod is the main charchter.
in the first part... now we are opening a guide to make easier using special drones in nreality, because there will be half of the drones in the second part.
In the first part the title was flying... and from now you can use one special drone: The ghost drone.
It's only a sub-title of the first part and only one map will win.[/size]
You need to have nreality. If you haven't it you must download this programm.
1. Part: Making a map.
Now i want to make a simple map with a zap drone (blue drone) and a ghost drone.
When you are making the map you MUST remember the order with you submit the drones:

In this map
I submitted first the drone in the left and after the drone in the right.
So the map will report after the tile code (with number like 1,0 but in particular tileset can have some letters), that finish with the | two codes of drone. The first drone that i submit will be the first to appear... the second will be the last.
All code of drones start with 6^. Every time that there is a new object it will be separated by the !
Look at the first code of drone:6^348,300,5,0,0,1
It's like 6^x,y,path,specialType,droneType,direction
Special type will be 1 if it is seeker drone.
To make special drones we must only change the 0 of the dronetype in a number
Now we can start :D
2) Copy the code in a bloc notes: you can't modify the data of userlevels in N because it will delete all your mod. In fact you can try nreality maps only submitting it in a userlevels. We now won't use the userlevels to work, but a simple bloc notes so it will be easier.
Now you must use the option find: you must search 6^ remembering that the first that you find it will be the first that you submit editing the map.
When you retrieve the drone that you want to mod (for me the second) I must modify the code.
Ghost drones follow the ninja whenever he isn't looking and stop when he is. The main difference between the types is that the second type does not hurt the ninja when stopped, and the third type acts like a rocky drone when stopped.
The code of the my second drone is this 6^444,300,5,0,0,1
I must only modify the second 0 in 101 because i want to make the first type of drone.
Some suggestions:
That's really simple and in your map it will be a lot of objects. You must only use find remembering the order of the drone.
You can't try the map in the playing mode of the editor of N.
Using another bloc notes and after copy the map in the userlevels is better.
If you want to modify the ghost drones drones (for example the speed) you can use an easy way:
at the end of the map before the # you must add this ||||(modifing space)|#
You mustn't add modifing space, but this:
Drone number,mod,valor;
default = 0.02; controls how fast the drone accelerates towards the ninja
default = 2; controls how fast the drone can go
default = undefined; if set to 1, the first type of drone will not stop moving
default = 0; controls how completely the second type can fade away
If i want to modify the max speed and acceleration of my ghost drone of the same map i must add this ||||101,maxvelocity,3;101,acceleration,0.03;|#
If i used the second type of ghost drone... i must use the number 102, not 101.
You can ask me what you want.
Sorry for my bad ENGLISH!

You can find an example here:
You can find all nreality mods here: