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Help with my NReality map!

Posted: 2009.07.31 (15:41)
by Natai
I've been working on an NReality map with "conveyor belts" made with one-way platforms on a custom path. My problem is, when I try to put the ninja on it, The ninja either gets stuck inside the platform or is sped along on the platforms at really high speeds (so high that the ninja goes through walls or dies).

I attached the code, please look at it and help.

Re: Help with my NReality map!

Posted: 2009.08.01 (02:11)
by kkstrong
There is no way to make one-ways move without them being really really buggy. Perhaps try using really skinny bounceblocks with stiffness?

Also...there is an NReality mod help thread :)

Re: Help with my NReality map!

Posted: 2009.08.01 (02:36)
by Natai
youre right, i just wish i had known that before all that copying and pasting all that code...