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What is legit mode?

Posted: 2009.12.31 (20:56)
by EddyMataGallos
Hi, im a noob, and i dont know what is legit mode. I know that it is represented with a dot before the records, but i dont know what is it.
Can anyone tell me what is legit mode?

Re: What is legit mode?

Posted: 2009.12.31 (22:21)
by kkstrong
Nreality Readme wrote:v6c Bugs fixed & features added:
*0. Most important update: The Highscores is splitted into two versions. The default one is the "Original Mode", which highscores episodes 0-99 will load the metanet server scores tables. Another mode is "Legit Mode", if you want to change to "Legit Mode", please edit "LegitMode.txt" and set the content from "0" to "1". Once "Legit Mode" is on, it will load the NReality Server scores table for highscores episodes 0-99, and the version 4 scores will be ranked lower. Also, when "Legit Mode" is on, your old version 4 runs will be replaced with any new runs that you make. In both modes, when you submit episode 0-99 highscores , the scores will be submitted to both Metanet server & NReality server. Please note that Metanet server scores only go up, so nothing to be worried about. NReality server, on the other hand, rank legit runs first, those version 4 runs will be always put under legit runs.