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I need a rocket mod.

Posted: 2010.01.29 (06:59)
by terrazza
The website is too confusing.

How do I make a rocket's bullet go slower/faster?

I'm attaching it to other codes.

If you need the other codes, tell me so you can combine them together.

Thanks if you can help :).

Re: I need a rocket mod.

Posted: 2010.01.29 (18:18)
by kkstrong
First of all, the website is about as clear as you can make it. Link here

Secondly, you can use Modmaster, a program developed for this very problem.

Third of all, there is a pinned topic in this forum devoted to this very issue. You may find it here

Fourth of all, your question is too vague, do you want the rocke tto just go slower or faster? Do you want the rocket to go faster all the time or just at the start? In any case, this is the code you likely want:

rocket double speed:

Code: Select all

rocket half speed:

Code: Select all

Just append this code to the end of your map data.

And finally, locked.