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Image and icon maps not working

Posted: 2010.02.05 (17:03)
by chume14
I've been working on an image map over the last few days but I opened it up this morning and none of the images are any longer working. So I tried some other image maps to check like this and they aren't working either the images I mean other mods like colour mods are. I want to know if this problem is limited to me and what might have caused it?

Re: Image and icon maps not working

Posted: 2010.02.07 (08:09)
by kkstrong
Are they still not working? Infunity was down for some time.

Re: Image and icon maps not working

Posted: 2010.02.07 (14:43)
by chume14
Yes they are working now thanks I originally thought it was a separate issue as other mods were working but clearly not. Thanks you can lock this.