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Bug Report?

Posted: 2010.07.28 (14:01)
Where do I report NReality bugs?


- When I replace the image for gold, the image dont disappear when I take the gold.
This is tested with diffrent types of images.
Can we expect a fix for this?

Re: Bug Report?

Posted: 2010.07.28 (18:51)
by ENT474
NPLUS wrote: Can we expect a fix for this?


Re: Bug Report?

Posted: 2010.07.29 (14:04)
Can you be more specefic instead of just writing one damn word?

Re: Bug Report?

Posted: 2010.07.29 (14:09)
by Spawn of Yanni
I haven't been following the development of Nreality but I'm pretty sure the creator, Unreality, hasn't been active in quite a while and doesn't look like he's going to update the program again, at least not any time soon.

Re: Bug Report?

Posted: 2010.07.29 (15:15)
by aids
No no no, I'm sure this has been fixed before. What I expect to work would be to have the background not have gold icons on it, and the forrground to have icons. That way, when the ninja collects the gold, NReality will show the gold-less background.

Re: Bug Report?

Posted: 2010.07.29 (18:24)
by t̷s͢uk̕a͡t͜ư
ENT474 wrote:No.
Hey fuckface, acquaint yourself with the forum rules.
Stupid one-word responses won't do you any favors, especially when you give new members a bad first impression of our community.

Re: Bug Report?

Posted: 2010.07.29 (19:58)
by Universezero
NPLUS wrote:When I replace the image for gold, the image dont disappear when I take the gold.
This is tested with diffrent types of images.
Can we expect a fix for this?
Do you mean an image map, or a custom icon?

Re: Bug Report?

Posted: 2010.07.30 (14:19)
Universezero wrote:
NPLUS wrote:When I replace the image for gold, the image dont disappear when I take the gold.
This is tested with diffrent types of images.
Can we expect a fix for this?
Do you mean an image map, or a custom icon?
Modmaster 1.4 -> Images -> Icons

Speaking about bugs, it should be possible to load images directly from the PC, so the images would get loaded immediately, or having the screen black until everything is loaded so maps like: wont be spoiled.

Also, have Unreality completely left or will be be back?

Re: Bug Report?

Posted: 2010.07.30 (14:25)
by Raif
NPLUS wrote: Also, have Unreality completely left or will be be back?
I don't think he's left completely, but he's been pretty inactive the last few months.

Re: Bug Report?

Posted: 2010.07.31 (02:23)
by Universezero
There's your problem. Don't use Modmaster; it screws things up. No offence, kk.

Re: Bug Report?

Posted: 2010.07.31 (11:24)
Universezero wrote:There's your problem. Don't use Modmaster; it screws things up. No offence, kk.
I am not really following here. Modmaster is not causing the custom gold problem. ModMaster dont make its own code, it just use the NReality code.
If I write this code by myself or let mod master create it fast is absolutely no diffrence at all:

Re: Bug Report?

Posted: 2010.07.31 (12:12)
by Universezero
Hmmm... I've done a little bit of experimenting, and it seems that if you set drone pathing on a piece of gold that also a custom icon, then the icon will not follow the piece of gold around. This is most peculiar... I'll see if I can find a remedy to this.

Re: Bug Report?

Posted: 2010.07.31 (19:46)
Universezero wrote:Hmmm... I've done a little bit of experimenting, and it seems that if you set drone pathing on a piece of gold that also a custom icon, then the icon will not follow the piece of gold around. This is most peculiar... I'll see if I can find a remedy to this.
Another bug. Its not a major bug but it would be nice to see these get fixed

Re: Bug Report?

Posted: 2010.08.10 (18:11)
Another bug report(still hoping for fixes): Thwump go/fall thru tile created by tile drone.

Re: Bug Report?

Posted: 2010.08.15 (18:58)
More bugs:

- If a alarm drone have custom pathing set, it loses its hitbox(it no longer can kill N)

- If custom pathing is applied to a drone(using the R L D U method), and it is "told to go to negative coordinates, the drone will just go away ignoring its path code