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NReality NUMA boards hackers

Posted: 2010.12.03 (21:13)
by EddyMataGallos
Yep, I know there is another topic about this, but its from 1 year ago and I didnt want to bump it.
As I have lately seen some hacked scores on the NUMA boards, I have thought on creating this topic and post here every hacker I see, with a level to proof it.

I will start with andrewninja: This guy has all of his runs hacked, I believe (i.e. 2819 201582 201596 etc etc)

I dont know if this thread is going to be useful or not, anyway.
However, if it is not posible to prevent this (like on the 100-199 boards) then it wont be very useful xD.

Re: NReality NUMA boards hackers

Posted: 2010.12.04 (14:20)
by 大見解
i mean, legit mode works...

but the thing is, i'm not sure if anyone is really even maintaining the nreality highscore boards...

Re: NReality NUMA boards hackers

Posted: 2010.12.04 (17:06)
by 999_Springs
As Unreality said in the other thread, the numa scoreboards will still continue to accept practice mode scores if it is going to accept v6c2 runs. The practice mode glitch doesn't work if you submit from v6d4, but there's no way to get round the problem of submitting practice mode scores from v6c2, unless the server stops accepting all v6c2 runs.

I think Unreality has e-mail notification on PMs turned on so if you want to get some removed you could send him a PM and he'll most likely check it.

Re: NReality NUMA boards hackers

Posted: 2010.12.05 (00:48)
by golf
Also, if you want a better chance of Unreality fixing the boards, give him a list that has all the actual maps with hacked runs. That is what worked best when I was maintaining the other thread that you're referring to, and reduces the time that Unreality has to take looking at a person's NReality page.