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Problem submitting map.

Posted: 2010.12.05 (15:21)
by Tryptafeind
I've been working on this nifty map deemed "The High Life," but when I submit it to NUMA, it informs me that there are too many characters before the "|," and that's not an easy fix, methinks.... what's the deal?

Re: Problem submitting map.

Posted: 2010.12.05 (15:54)
by 大見解
most likely, you have an extra character, either a ^, or ; or : or ! or | of some sort. basically, theres an error somewhere in your level data

Re: Problem submitting map.

Posted: 2010.12.05 (16:10)
by Scrivener
Means you have too much tiledata. Make sure it looks right in the editor and if it does try removing the last symbol before the |

Re: Problem submitting map.

Posted: 2010.12.07 (13:08)
by Tryptafeind

nothing has helped yet.

I could post the code here...

Re: Problem submitting map.

Posted: 2010.12.07 (23:57)
by krusch
Try posting it here, either in quote tags or attached as a .txt

I know LV is good at fixing dodgy data, somebody should be able to look at it for you.

Re: Problem submitting map.

Posted: 2010.12.08 (00:36)
by 大見解
entwilight wrote:Try posting it here, either in quote tags or attached as a .txt

I know LV is good at fixing dodgy data, somebody should be able to look at it for you.
no not in a quote tag. bad idea.

Re: Problem submitting map.

Posted: 2010.12.08 (02:55)
by Kablizzy
Either myself or LV can edit it out correctly. We're both pretty equally well-versed in reading code.

Re: Problem submitting map.

Posted: 2010.12.08 (04:47)
by krusch
大見解 wrote:
entwilight wrote:Try posting it here, either in quote tags or attached as a .txt

I know LV is good at fixing dodgy data, somebody should be able to look at it for you.
no not in a quote tag. bad idea.
My apologies, you're right. Fancy new forums.

Re: Problem submitting map.

Posted: 2011.01.27 (14:37)
by Tryptafeind

Re: Problem submitting map.

Posted: 2011.01.27 (15:06)
by lord_day

Try that. I think you were missing some 0's at the end.

Re: Problem submitting map.

Posted: 2011.01.27 (18:07)
by Tryptafeind
oh my fucking god thank you

thank you thank you thank you
