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Nreality doesn't work on my comp.!!!!! AArghhhh!!!!1!!

Posted: 2008.11.21 (21:40)
by NicNac14
I've given up!

okay I need help!
I will start from the beginning:
I have N on a mac osx 10.4.11
I want Nreality :D
I downlaod it...
then what... I've tried everything I could think of...
could you guys tell me what you did?
or how to do it?
please ??? help a fellew n'er...
thanx NN14

Re: Nreality doesn't work on my comp.!!!!! AArghhhh!!!!1!!

Posted: 2008.11.22 (21:04)
by NicNac14

Re: Nreality doesn't work on my comp.!!!!! AArghhhh!!!!1!!

Posted: 2008.11.22 (23:02)
by George
I'd love to help, but I have no idea about Macs. Your best course of action would be to hop onto IRC and try getting some assistance from there. We've got quite a few Mac users there.

It's either that or you can wait for a reply here...

Re: Nreality doesn't work on my comp.!!!!! AArghhhh!!!!1!!

Posted: 2008.11.23 (03:29)
by 乳头的早餐谷物
You need to extract the zip file you downloaded and then do something with the .hqx file inside.