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N/NReality Level Help Thread

Posted: 2011.11.20 (18:33)
by EddyMataGallos
N/NReality Map Help Thread

Since I've seen loads of people asking for help on determinate levels in diferent topics i decided to create this, which is based in the same idea as in the old forums.

The advantage of this is that forums wont become polluted with tons of topics asking for help.

Please if you've got any doubt/trouble with any level post it here, and hopefully people will help you. The fact that I created this thread doesnt mean im going to be the one who will solve the doubts!

Lets see if people agree with this idea and start cooperating.

PS. I created the topic here instead of inside N forums because i saw most doubts are asked here.

Re: N/NReality Map Help Thread

Posted: 2011.11.20 (21:15)
by Paradox
are you mocking me willard?

Re: N/NReality Map Help Thread

Posted: 2011.11.20 (21:23)
by EddyMataGallos
Ehm? Im definitely not mocking you, you were asking for help in your topic, meanwhile this thread has been conceived so that all people can post their trouble/doubts of any level here, and other people will cooperate by solving them, so the forums wont become polluted with tons of threads of people asking for help of diferent levels. Its the same philosophy as the old forums thread. I can see no similitude between this and your thread.
Hadn't you read my post before saying that? (Or was it a joke?)

Re: N/NReality Map Help Thread

Posted: 2011.11.21 (05:30)
by Paradox
EddyMataGallos wrote:N/NReality Map Help Thread

Please if you've got any doubt/trouble with "ANY LEVEL" post it here, and hopefully people will help you. The fact that I created this thread doesnt mean im going to be the one who will solve the doubts!
when you say "any level" the way you say it makes you sound like your talking about the N, B_T & Legacy story.

but thats not right, your talking about maps that people make that they need help with (usually only NReality, DDAs & races need help, to the most of my knowledge) - just saying to clarify - hmm or maybe you are talking about the N, B_T & Legacy stories

first & last of all, that used to be called "help with coordinates & custom path", as in modmaster willard

Re: N/NReality Map Help Thread

Posted: 2011.11.21 (13:54)
by EddyMataGallos
Paradox-Dragon wrote:when you say "any level" the way you say it makes you sound like your talking about the N, B_T & Legacy story.r
uhm maybe because im talking about N, B_T & Legacy levels ¬¬
Im not a mapper and i dont check any mapping threads, therefore i wouldnt make any mapping thread
I'll make my question again, had you read my post? Because I linked twice to the same thread in the old forums, and i said this had the same phisolophy.
Anyway dont worry about the confusion, i know you're a mapper and tend to understand things following a mapper criteria.

This thread is conceived so people can help solving any trouble anybody's getting in beating any level, or highscoring it, anyway, the activity is so low nowadays that this thread may be useless, if any mod thinks so then delete this.

Re: N/NReality Level Help Thread

Posted: 2011.11.24 (10:23)
by Paradox
lol, i just realised your avatar is a ninja at a bar

yeah, i understand that now, i never checked the link because it takes too long to load willard

Re: N/NReality Level Help Thread

Posted: 2011.11.24 (14:21)
by EddyMataGallos
haha thats ok :P btw my avatar comes from Nv1.2, when you ran out of time :)