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Nreality Mine Mods
Posted: 2008.11.24 (17:41)
by Why Me
I was wondering how to make mines that move when you open a door, such as on this map:
I tried a search on here, but I couldn't find any topic about this. Also, the wikipedia entry for Nreality mods doesn't have this. Can anyone help me?
Re: Nreality Mine Mods
Posted: 2008.11.24 (17:46)
by Erik-Player
Here or just go to the end of the map data of your suggested map and see what's after the |'s
Re: Nreality Mine Mods
Posted: 2008.11.24 (17:49)
by Why Me
Erik-Player wrote:Try
Here or just go to the end of the map data of your suggested map and see what's after the |'s
Did you not read what I just said? vv
Why Me wrote:the wikipedia entry for Nreality mods doesn't have this.
Re: Nreality Mine Mods
Posted: 2008.11.24 (18:05)
by Erik-Player
Ask bufar. He'll know.
Re: Nreality Mine Mods
Posted: 2008.11.24 (18:10)
by Why Me
I will. I'll PM him when he gets on.
Re: Nreality Mine Mods
Posted: 2008.11.24 (22:48)
by Condog
This is an example of Coordinate Pathing and Triggers. The objects in question, mines in this case, have "WaitforTrigger" and "StartTrigger". This means they will be stationary at the start, and will begin moving when the right switch is activated. With the "Coordinate Pathing", instead of using multiple sets of grid coordinates, only one set is used. This means the mine will be fed the same location over and over. What this means, is that when the switch is pressed, the mine will move to the coordinates, and will stay there. However, it is not recommended you use this a lot in any one map, as the looping can build up and result in severe lag.
Re: Nreality Mine Mods
Posted: 2008.11.25 (08:14)
by Rikaninja
I'm a begginer at this but I can do a little bit.
Add this to the end of the code for a mine and the mine should go around in little squares:
xaelar has a great map like that, and you can just look at the end of the map data on NUMA, that's how I learnt the first of my mods.