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Better speedrun path for 174-0
Posted: 2012.12.25 (03:17)
by Mohit_Ghune
After 120-0, this is the second time I have discovered a better speedrun path and made it to the 0th positions on both of those levels. The 0th positions have made me excited. I was casually playing 174-0, when I accidentally ran into the thwump and found the new path!!! :-)
Re: Better speedrun path for 174-0
Posted: 2013.06.14 (07:43)
by paTE
i'm too from india bro
Re: Better speedrun path for 174-0
Posted: 2013.06.14 (13:31)
by zoasBE
Cool Mohit, but you have already a couple of pretty active threads for this: -
Metanet/NReality Speedrun 0th's, relatively new, was specifically created to separate Speedruns from NUMA's runs or from 0ths Metanet Highscore Thread. -
Post a Run!, the one which the community used previously for Speedruns and NReality levels before the first was created, now still works but is more for NUMA runs or anything else interesting.
Re: Better speedrun path for 174-0
Posted: 2013.06.14 (14:53)
by EddyMataGallos
Yeah why is this on NReality forums? This perfectly fits on the Metanet/NReality Speedrun 0ths thread.