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Postby Why Me » 2009.09.19 (22:15)

I was wondering if anyone besides me on this forum plays Warhammer. Personally, I play Warhammer 40k, and I collect Space Marines. I've started to collect the Imperial Guard, because I would like to control the Imperium. My brother collects Tyranids, and is starting to collect Necrons. We've been playing for a couple years, but we only started to play the correct way (we used to sort-of...make up our own rules. I'm quite ashamed of that now...hehe) a month or two ago. If anyone plays, I would love to know who, and what army you collect.

We've also been thinking about starting to play fantasy, but we're waiting until we have enough money.

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Postby Aphex » 2009.09.19 (23:25)

Why Me wrote:We've been playing for a couple years, but we only started to play the correct way we used to sort-of...make up our own rules. I'm quite ashamed of that now...hehe) a month or two ago.
hehheh I the same thing.

I no longer play warhammer, mainly because of the cost, and my rapidly decreasing free time. When I did play I collected chaos space marines... Yeah, I found painting the models really fun, and messing about with the poses. The model I'm proudest of is my converted space marine dreadnought... I'll upload a pic sometime ;)

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Postby natrues peril » 2009.09.20 (06:20)

i started a couple of weeks ago and i collect orks
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Postby Ampersand » 2009.09.20 (06:34)

I play both, and we even have tried to organize a tournament or three here on the forums. I'm a Dwarf man - 40k isn't really my bag, but Dark Eldar are apparently my thing there.
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Postby Communist » 2009.09.23 (08:02)

Organize a tournament! We sure failed at that one! (Or, I did...)

I play 40k, Eldar and Witch Hunters. Though I haven't got many models...

I also play some LoTR.
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Postby Vyacheslav » 2009.09.23 (11:26)

I don't play, but my high school had a Warhammer club run by the librarian, who is a metalhead.

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Postby beethoveN » 2009.10.13 (02:28)

I'm in the academy right now! probably doing eldar.
If we shadows have offended,
Think but this, and all is mended,
That you have but slumbered here
While these visions did appear.
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Postby Pikman » 2009.10.16 (21:10)

I play neither; I feel like I should, though. Does anyone particularly recommend it?

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Postby beethoveN » 2009.10.26 (18:16)

If we shadows have offended,
Think but this, and all is mended,
That you have but slumbered here
While these visions did appear.
William Shakespeare

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Postby Kablizzy » 2009.10.27 (03:45)

Pikman wrote:I play neither; I feel like I should, though. Does anyone particularly recommend it?
Definitely. It's an extremely rewarding hobby in all aspects, but it does require some time, effort, and dedication.
vankusss wrote:What 'more time' means?
I'm going to buy some ham.

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Postby Luminaflare » 2010.11.10 (12:57)

Kablizzy wrote:
Pikman wrote:I play neither; I feel like I should, though. Does anyone particularly recommend it?
Definitely. It's an extremely rewarding hobby in all aspects, but it does require some time, effort, and dedication.
and money.

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