((An IRC conversion between Aphex, Communist and I. We covered a lot of ground ^_^))
Spoiler"Err, hey... miss? You have some great cleavage there. Ever considered marketing?"
Jessika looked at the man and frowned. He was obviously drunk, so I would be easy to overpower him. But why waste my effort on him? Jessika thought. He's just another low-life. Even so, I do like to have a little fun.
Jessika reached into her shirt and pulled out a short Sabre sheathed against her stomach. The man reacted almost as fast as her, unsheathing a Zweihander with one hand.
"Impressive, for a drunk"
"You haven't seen anything yet"
Jessika stepped forward and launched a slash at the man's neck. Even though he was apparently drunk, he dodged it quickly and with great finesse.
"It seems I underestimated you" said Jessika.
"That happens frequently. But each person only does it once..." he replied.
David responded with an overhand blow to her head. Jessika parries it quickly, spinning around and aiming for the gut. David barely got his massive sword in place, but managed to sweep the deadly blade back. Jessika continues the flow, swinging the dagger-like sword round and aiming straight down on his head. Holding on to the massive sword with one hand, David's left hand flashed up, his parrying dagger firmly stopping the weapon's descent.
"Why are you attacking me?" asked David. As he says this, David looks down as Jessika's heaving bosom.
"You smug son of a bitch"
Jessika launches a surprise kick, knocking him to the ground. She puts the sword to his throat, triumphant. Several people around the bar clap, others look stunned.
"I suggest, lady, before you celebrate, you look down." Jessika looked to his other hand. There, instead of the sword, David was holding a small tube, pointed directly at her. "Let's talk this over, ok?"
"Hehe, good job" Jessika said dryly. "Fine then, I'll humour you." Jessika moves the sword away and goes back to sit down with the other man.
"Sorry about that, just be another minute" she says to him.
"No problem" says the man, forcing a smile.
"Now, something about marketing?" Jessika said sarcastically to the man. David had by this time picked himself up, and secreted all his weapons about his person again. He casually pulled back a chair, ran his hand through his pure-white hair, and sat down.
"I'm sorry I said those things about you. To be honest, you really aren't anything special." He smiled at this, and went on. "The truth is, I recognize you..." He paused silently for a second. "I know you... Jessika Steel!"
"What's it too you?" Jessika snapped back.
"I need someone with your... shall we say, talents?" David said. "I can pay extremely well. That's what you'd like, yes?" Jessika slaps the man across the face.
"I'm better than that. Everyone thinks that I'm just a low-life, but there's more than that to me..." Jessika trailed off, daydreaming...
"Oh I know all about you. I'm a prosecutor, at the moment, you see?" David went on. "Raised by a bunch of wealthy aristocrats... thrown out when you were eight, thrown out again by your foster family... and then a list of crimes longer than my arm."
"But the truth is, I need someone like you. I really do..."David's face softened, and he spoke softly... "I want to find my parents. I'm like you... I never knew my parents..."
"Well... excuse me, but I don't know your name" Jessika said.
"I'm... David. I don't have a last name... but I use to be David LeBlanc... on account of my hair"
"Well, David, it seems are paths cross not in vain. I accept your offer, but only on account of your fantastic swordsmanship" said Jessika.
"Thank you so very much. I've got several things I can do to help you, as well." David said. "For example, as a prosecutor, I can almost certainly help you walk free from your life of crime. Also, I think you'll find that merely working in my amazing presence will be a reward in itself. Though I should warn you, I'm not looking for marriage" This last bit was said jokingly, by David. He appears to have regained his forward, arrogant, and confident manner.
"This sounds too good to be true. How do I know I can trust you?" said Jessika suddenly.
"Err..." David stammered. "Well, you don't have any other choice, really. You're on the run, you have no discernible future... and I have some interesting information for you..." David paused.
"You are being followed"
Jessika's eyes widened. She always thought she'd covered her tracks well.
"Is it safe to talk now?" she said, leaning forward.
"Not really... but agree to work with me... and I'll make this person history."
Jessika weighed up the pros and cons. As David had said, she didn't have much of an option.
"Okay" she said eventually. "I'll do it"
"Very well. We have an accord." David stood up. "I recommend that you come live in my house for a while- it's good for lying low." David scribbles on a piece of paper for a bit. "That's my address. Come see me in the morning. If you want to stay at my house, feel free to do so."
"Now, I'm off. I'll take care of the person following you. Goodbye, Ms Steel..." David got up, and, cloak swirling dramatically, walked out the door.
Jessika glanced nervously over at the man. "Can you keep this secret?" she whispered. Takkun wasn't sure of what he'd just seen. He took another swig of his drink.
"Sure, but I need to ask you something, about your crimes" he said.
"Yeah, what is it?" Jessika replied.
"Do you know how to get a hold of a boat?"
Jessika was startled by this question. She had been expecting something major involving her sinister war against the government.
"Sure, why?"
"Really! You know where to get a boat! I thought they'd all been destroyed by the Elder!" Takkun's mind was racing, he needed a crew... "Where is it?"
"Well, I know some contacts that have a few stored; hidden away. There's almost no chance that we'd be able to get them on the water though, let alone sail them..."
Suddenly there was a crackle from the speaker in the dusty corner of the ceiling. A blast of trumpets echoed out across the room, and everyone fell silent. The Elder's voice issued forth.
"Attention citizens of Seros. The government traitor Jessika Steel has been found. She is seventeen, of moderate build, and with dark grey hair. If you find her, then remain calm and restrain her at any cost."
All the light had seemed to drain from the room. This is it, she thought. The rough men of the pub started closing in. She was frozen.
Takkun grabbed her hand, pulling her away from her seat. He races her out the front door of the bar. Takkun suddenly feels a heavy hand on his shoulder. Spinning round, he finds a man with an axe raised above his head, a crooked smile on his face. Takkun quickly pushes the girl away...
The huge man suddenly falls over, a sword poking a hole in his stomach.
"Waha!" Cries David. "Got the devil, and not too soon, no?"
Takkun wants to turn round and check on the girl, but his fear of the monstrous man in front of him leaves him no choice but to keep his eye on the deadly blade.
"What do you want? Are you going to finish her off? I thought the argument was over!"
David sheathed his blade.
"That argument finished. We made a deal. But that's not important now!"
Takkun sighs with relief.
"It looks like I've caught up with you in a big mess." David said. "I suggest that you flee with me, if you want to live." Takkun turns to the girl; he was following her, so it’s her decision...
Jessika stared up at the two men above her. She hated being put on the spot like this, but she had no choice.
"I think you'd better come with us. We may need you anyway" As she said this, her stomach turned over. What have I done to this poor, innocent man? she thought.
"There's not much time then. C'mon, let’s go!" yelled David.
And with that, David began to sprint down the back-alleys, the other two following...
The journey beginning.
: After David and Jessika have a fight in the bar that almost leads to a duel to the death, they come to an agreement to help each other. After David leaves in a hurry, Takkun manages to find out that Jessika knows the location of a battered boat; but before they can talk more, they are interuppted by a message from the elder, ordering the hunt of Jessika. Takkun grabs Jessika and they both run out of the bar, where they find David. Then then run to safety.