Poem/Song Writer?

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Postby Slick » 2009.03.16 (02:44)

You're sick of feeling numb
You're not the only one
I'll take you by the hand
And I'll show you a world that you can understand
This life is filled with hurt
When happiness doesn't work
Trust me and take my hand
When the lights go out you will understand

Pain, without love
Pain, I can't get enough
Pain, I like it rough
'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all
Pain, without love
Pain, I can't get enough
Pain, I like it rough
'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all

Anger and agony
Are better than misery
Trust me I've got a plan
When the lights go off you will understand
Known as "Cliqyx" on ps4 for n++

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Postby SlappyMcGee » 2009.03.16 (05:11)

Daniel Johnston, Caspar the Friendly Ghost:

He was smiling through his own personal hell
Dropped his last dime in a wishing well
But he was hoping to close and then he fell
Now he's Casper the Friendly Ghost

He was always polite to the people who'd tell him
That he was nothing but a lazy bum, but
Goodbye to them he had to go
Now he's Casper the Friendly Ghost

Nobody treated him nice while he was alive
You can't buy no respect like the librarian said, but
Everybody respects the dead, they
Love a friendly ghost

And now they say we'll never forget what he learned
As we were mean to him but he never burned
Just singing, "love lives forever!"
Thank you, Casper the Friendly Ghost
Thank you, Casper the Friendly Ghost

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Postby Amadeus » 2009.03.16 (06:05)

I found a way cool thread
so I racked up in my head
A lot of way cool verse
that would make you wanna curse

Although my song is lame
My ego is so tame
I know its really bad
My writing skills are sad

I wrote this song so quick
I didn't get to pick
Which lines I'd use or not
And so I was distraught

At last I wrote my song
So you can sing along
Isn't it so great
Songwriting is my fate
People write to me and say, "I’m giving up, you’re not talking to me." I just write them a simple message like, "Never give up," you know? And it changes their life

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King Sanchez De La Cruz Magnifico IV: Return of Lenny Laser-Tits
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Postby Lenny » 2009.03.18 (09:28)

I write occasionally. I wrote a little something about a month ago, entitled The Road. Here it is, if you want.

One foot; another.
The road moves forward.
One foot; another.
I collapse. I get up.
The road moves forward.

One foot; another.
There is nothing but the road.
It moves forward.
One foot; another.
No beginning, no end; just the road.
It moves forward.

One foot; another.
No one else. Just me, and the road.
It moves forward.
One foot; another.
Silence remains.
The road moves forward.

One foot; another.
A tree passes. The same tree passes.
The road moves forward.
One foot; another.
Clouds come and go as they wish.
Wet, dry, wet, dry.
The road moves forward.

One foot; another.
I become one with the road.
We move forward, for ever.
One step; one leap; then another.
Another man steps onto the road.
The cycle repeats. For ever.
You’re always on the road.
<&Yanni> I've had an ambient song like this playing for a couple hours,
<&Yanni> Oh no wait that is MY AIR CONDITIONER

<@Animator> :::: Techno was killed by a better music genre.
<SouthyMcGee> Music is auditory art. What art is a different argument.
<&sforzando> Alright, no 247MHz for you.

Previous Custom Member Titles: Cross-Country Sticker King 2k10, Doing Out the Girls, Outdoing the Girls, Lenny Laser-Tits, King Sanchez De La Cruz Magnifico IV: Return of Lenny Laser-Tits (current).

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Postby MattKestrel » 2009.03.18 (14:30)

GTM sits down.
Thinks of a lazy poem.
Aha, a haiku!

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