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Shows you would have LOVED to have created.

Posted: 2010.02.04 (21:02)
by OutrightOJ
Any shows that you love so much that you wish all the credit from them was yours? Post here!

Re: Shows you would have LOVED to have created.

Posted: 2010.02.04 (22:20)
by T3chno

Re: Shows you would have LOVED to have created.

Posted: 2010.02.04 (22:30)
by Luminaflare
Way to start the thread with some content.

And to not be a hypocrite Heroes, Fringe, Gundam, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann and Dragonball (including Z but not GT)

Re: Shows you would have LOVED to have created.

Posted: 2010.02.05 (00:11)
by aids
Malcolm in the Middle and the Simpsons.

Re: Shows you would have LOVED to have created.

Posted: 2010.02.05 (02:48)
by otters~1

Re: Shows you would have LOVED to have created.

Posted: 2010.02.05 (02:57)
by SlappyMcGee
Almost everybody in this thread named shows that went sharply downhill before the end.

I'm breaking the trend by going with Fawlty Towers and The Venture Bros.

As for the downhills, Buffy, Futurama and Seinfeld, yeah.

Re: Shows you would have LOVED to have created.

Posted: 2010.02.05 (03:39)
by aids
Inspired wrote:Just throwing in gLee.
Hey, totally.

Re: Shows you would have LOVED to have created.

Posted: 2010.02.05 (11:36)
by 乳头的早餐谷物
Iron Chef.

Re: Shows you would have LOVED to have created.

Posted: 2010.02.05 (15:26)
by otters~1
SlappyMcGee wrote:Almost everybody in this thread named shows that went sharply downhill before the end.

I'm breaking the trend by going with Fawlty Towers and The Venture Bros.

As for the downhills, Buffy, Futurama and Seinfeld, yeah.
If I had been in charge of SNL in the early '80s, Tina Fey wouldn't be famous right now, I'll just say that.

Re: Shows you would have LOVED to have created.

Posted: 2010.02.06 (07:23)
by TheEverPresent
Frasier + House.

Re: Shows you would have LOVED to have created.

Posted: 2010.02.09 (19:04)
by OutrightOJ
Sorry, LF.

In answer, Have I Got News For You would have been cool to have made.

Re: Shows you would have LOVED to have created.

Posted: 2010.02.11 (01:31)
by epigone
bok_choy wrote:Iron Chef.
seconded. And of those long running shows where the creator made BANK.

Re: Shows you would have LOVED to have created.

Posted: 2010.02.11 (01:45)
by T3chno
I would also like to add *M*A*S*H* and 3 Stooges to my list.

Re: Shows you would have LOVED to have created.

Posted: 2010.02.11 (01:58)
by capt_weasle
I'm surprised that no one has said Arrested Development. That show was genius.

Re: Shows you would have LOVED to have created.

Posted: 2010.02.24 (18:27)
by Mute Monk
Firefly. I nearly cried when it was cancelled, and I will never forgive Fox. Not that Fox should ever be forgiven anyways, but that just sealed the deal.

Re: Shows you would have LOVED to have created.

Posted: 2010.02.27 (00:47)
by Torex
Family Guy. I think it's becoming shittier and shittier with every new episode, but damn, it was good before it got cancelled. Plus, creating Family Guy would give me enough pop culture knowledge to actually be able to fare in a conversation with Slaps.

Re: Shows you would have LOVED to have created.

Posted: 2010.02.27 (05:00)
by SlappyMcGee
Torex wrote:Family Guy. I think it's becoming shittier and shittier with every new episode, but damn, it was good before it got cancelled. Plus, creating Family Guy would give me enough pop culture knowledge to actually be able to fare in a conversation with Slaps.
As much as I've hated Family Guy since it came back from cancellation, I think the reverse is true. You don't get pop culture from writing Family Guy, you get Family Guy writer jobs from being Pop Culture whores.

Re: Shows you would have LOVED to have created.

Posted: 2010.02.27 (17:51)
by Tunco
Oprah + David Letterman + Jay Leno + American Idol = Awesomeness.