Mapping Statistics: Comparative 1.4 vs. 2.0

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Postby zoasBE » 2014.12.04 (21:59)

Hey guys, I have a quick question, how many maps were needed on NUMA back in the years when the first N version was published to start to publish/create good maps at a coherent/moderate rate and not to publish the subrayable and remarkable shit that Nv2.0 is used to have until today?
I can rephrase that, there are almost 120000 maps at Nv2.0 data base at the time of writting this and aproximately the 75/80% of them are real shit and the rate of shit published these last days seems to be at even higher percentage.
I mean, how many time or maps were needed in our community (because it seems that 2.0 is a separate community) to that percentage of the rate of quality was decreased to the middle at least, and the averge quality and stablished authors were consistent? Because in almost 2 years later 2.0 was published and with 120000 maps, it seems that there are only 7 or 8 consistent and semi-good authors at much, specially Raja12 (I really like that dude). That's a shame, isn't it?

Seriously, why they don't try to improve and create good things?
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Postby Losttortuga » 2014.12.04 (23:55)

What's sort of interesting about n2 is that it tends to lend itself to a completely different kind of map than what you usually find on numa. People who play n2 don't usually have the patience for longer levels and the userlevels implementation doesn't really support them since maps are so ephemeral; they sit on the first few pages for a couple hours and then disappear. So what you get is a lot of short, speedrun-ish maps, which, bad maps aside (and there are a lot of those), seem to me to have undergone something of a sophistication in the time that n2 has been around. If n2 ever does blossom into an mature community (haha) then their perception of map design will probably be very strange to those of us who have been hanging around numa for all this time, which could be cool. It could also continue to be shitty though so who knows.

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Postby THUNDER » 2014.12.06 (23:33)

there is nothing wrong with NV2 we have a small separate community

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Postby DraxoBox » 2014.12.07 (17:11)

THUNDER wrote:there is nothing wrong with NV2 we have a small separate community
It perturbs me that Nv2 players even decided to separate from Nv1.4 in the first place. There isn't much of a reason to alienate the newer version for the sake of being a newer version.

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Postby Oleary15 » 2014.12.07 (18:48)

Losttortuga wrote:What's sort of interesting about n2 is that it tends to lend itself to a completely different kind of map than what you usually find on numa. People who play n2 don't usually have the patience for longer levels and the userlevels implementation doesn't really support them since maps are so ephemeral; they sit on the first few pages for a couple hours and then disappear. So what you get is a lot of short, speedrun-ish maps, which, bad maps aside (and there are a lot of those), seem to me to have undergone something of a sophistication in the time that n2 has been around.
I completely agree with this. And I can admit, because of the lame mapping system on Nv2, good maps just disappear after a few hours or so. With that being said, I don't usually enjoy playing the longer maps unless they are in the popular page, nor do I enjoy creating good and long maps.
Pixelwiz wrote:
THUNDER wrote:there is nothing wrong with NV2 we have a small separate community
It perturbs me that Nv2 players even decided to separate from Nv1.4 in the first place. There isn't much of a reason to alienate the newer version for the sake of being a newer version.
I agree with this too. There was no reason to separate into some weird new forum, considering there is already a Sub-Topic for Nv2 on this forum. To be honest, I just don't like Nv2 anymore. Most of the community is immature. Some Nv2 dude who also plays Nreality tried to kick me from the Nreality chat because I don't play that game anymore. It's just a game with a lot of children. I just don't enjoy it anymore, and due to the lag, I don't really enjoy playing 1.4 either.

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Postby james_S » 2015.02.22 (01:08)

hi thunder!
The 'n Tower' was not built in a day. There were some remakes

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Postby Threat » 2015.02.22 (20:05)

To be honest: Most of my maps are pretty darn short.. but they are good and attract lots of attention since they are based on "Who does this the fastest" Kind of mood. Even great players such as Eddy take a minute or two to try to obtain 0th.
(Although Eddy might get it on his first try lol)

And concerning the immature players, I also agree. That is part of the reason why I don't map that much anyways since the next level will probably be unbeatable, too easy, or even a penis. (Lol)

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