r543 wrote:Another thing I noticed is that the Ninja doesn't move with Horizontal moving Thwumps? kinda odd oversight.
This also happens in all the other versions of N as far as I know, it's the way it's supposed to work
r543 wrote:The white blocks can be noclipped through when falling at fast speed, they will slam down until a point where it just snaps and you break through them.
This is normal as well, not sure if it was intentional or not but yeah. It can come in handy in several ocassions, we call it "falling through bounceblocks".
r543 wrote:Again with the white blocks, I don't seem to notice the stuttering effect but what I noticed is that a lot of the time I just can't jump off of them or when jumping right as they get upwards I'll just get a short hop instead of the high jump.
You'll get used to this, this happens because you jump when the bounceblock is still going down, because after you leave the bounceblock, it starts going up again faster than you're actually going up after your jump, so it catches up to you and hits you, hence removing all the vertical momentum you had, that is, your jump stops and it's just as if you released the jump key, so it looks like a hop. This happens because in N you keep gaining momentum while you keep the jump key pressed unless you hit something, in which case you lose it all and there's no way to gain it back, the jump has finished.
This is the basis for the double bounceblock jump (well, and the triple and quadruple), I assume you have seen and/or performed them before, but if you haven't I highly suggest you take a look at, for example, 10-2 scores, you'll see tons of bb double jumps being performed there. It's probably among the easiest and most useful tricks in the game, very versatile when mastered.
So the idea is that you indeed jump when the bb is still going down, and when it hits you back, instead of letting it steal your momentum, you hit jump again, this way the momentum gets added up with the power of a new jump. I suggest you practise with it because timing is esential, and by mastering when to jump and how fast to do the two jumps (not too fast, by the way) you'll be able to do practically anything with bounceblock, and you'll learn how to adjust the angle and the height you can reach.
With a good bb double jump you can reach very impressive height, for example, in 10-2, with a double jump from a bounce block of the first row I can reach the gold at the top:
They are easy to master, unlike triple jumps which have very precise timing, and quadruple jumps, which are just plain absurd not because of the timing but because you need very fast taps. More than 4 jumps is impossible. You can perform multiple jumps on the sides of bb's as well, with doubles AND triples being easy to master, and again quads being tough because of the speed required.
r543 wrote:Not related to the gameplay, but I've found myself in a lot of situations where I wanted to jump, then hit something and died, because I pressed jump it would instantly skip the death animation leading to the "press space to start" one(also happens with exit doors), guess v2.0 fixed this by adding some kind of spacebar delay after dying.
Do you jump with the spacebar? That's weird, but you can change it to avoid having that happening, change it to the shift key for example, or to avoid the stickykeys, to any letter, like Z (although you can easily disable stickykeys and use the shift key). In 2.0 the problem does happen as far as I remember, because the jump key acts as the spacebar key, unlike here in which you can actually have them located in different keys (shift and space, usually).
r543 wrote:I did also give Nreality a try, looks like it fully supports the v1.4 save which is nice, but what happens if a save with nreality stuff gets loaded in v1.4? I guess it will still work, but just checking.
Absolutely, you can swap between versions without any problem, however I'd highly suggest you to stay with NReality, it has no disadvantages because it is essentially a mod that extends the original N v1.4, which means everything in 1.4 is still there and untouched in NReality, it behaves in the same way. But in Nreality you have the advantage of using a cheatproof game, you have extra playing modes, mainly speedrun mode in which the goal is to beat the levels as quick as possible rather than with the highest remaining time left, that is, speedrun mode ignores gold. You also have connection to NUMA, allowing you to play usermade levels within the actual game. You have new levels, the ability to mod the behaviour of the game, etc. Nowadays its primitive not to use NReality, mainly because of the cheatproof capability.
r543 wrote:Also miss the randomized title screen, while it makes the game startup less hectic, getting fully surprised by sounds and all, I kinda miss having randomized levels be played on there.
In NReality you have that, except instead of random levels in which the ninja dies, the game plays YOUR OWN runs, stored in your savefile.
However, there's something very important you ought to know: NReality requires you to be logged in to record and save any progress, as a security method. So if you don't create an account and log in, NReality wont save your progress, and hence you wont see your runs displayed on the title screen, instead you'll see it emtpy. If you're currently seeing it empty you might not be logged in, so your progress is not being saved, and that's why there're no runs there.
r543 wrote:Other than those(they're really minor things, not trying to sound like I'm too nitpicky about it), it's nice, guess the underclock mode is unlockable later on and somewhat needed for some of the later reality levels. Speaking about those, they're really there for veteran players, I get what you need to do and can somewhat pull the stuff off, however, currently not in the mood to spend so many tries on it. Don't get me wrong, while some of those are difficult, it's a different difficult than v2's levels, those are more for screwing over the player while reality's are really skillful.
Actually NReality levels are easier than the original Metanet levels, I'm assuming you thought that since the numbering goes up the difficulty increases but this is not the case, not even within the actual 100 first Metanet episodes. It tends to be the case within each column, but you've surely noticed that the start of each column tends to be fairly easy, like episode 90. In fact, column 80 is probably the hardest one, mainly due to it being made by users. The NReality episodes were just popular usermade packs that were included into the mod, but that's it, they're not meant to be harder or anything, and in fact most are probably easier.
That said, the first two extra columns (100 and 110) ARE hard, but that's because they come from the famous user pack of blue_tetris named "super hard columns", so yeah they are meant to be tough. The other 8 though (120 through 190), are just regular levels like the Metanet ones, they come from a 400 level pack named "Legacy - The Origins" made by a bunch of great mappers. These are easy column which you could easily take a shot just like with Metanet ones.
About the underclock mode, it is unlocked after beating the first 6 columns, because it's based on the overclock feature which IS present in v1.4, and you unlock that after finishing 6 columns. Underclock is a normal playing mode except it allows you to slow down the game, making is easier and more boring, but its suitable for testing out stuff you can't pull off realtime.
r543 wrote:I guess that I'll play v1.4 for now and later switch over to reality and do those levels, I did clear a few reality levels and it was defintiely fun to do so.
My recommendation is that you always play with NReality. I mainly play v1.4 levels (episodes 00 to 99) but still use NReality because it provides the functionality to submitting to the legit boards (the boards were everything is legit since it uses NReality cheatproof method:
http://n.infunity.com/latest_lv_score.php), as well as all the other advantages. But the thing is, regardless which levels you want to play, you can use NReality, even if you're going to ignore the new levels, it doesn't make any difference.
r543 wrote:
No that website is for maps. Also, Metanet didn't really ever get big. The Nreality servers host highscores and stuff
Just asked if the original N accounts were hosted somewhere else before Nv2 and the other paid games happened.
The original N accounts are hosted in Metanet server, of course. NUMA is just connected to the server so it can use the same account, but it's independent and it can't modify the server, that is, you cant create accounts from NUMA, only from N. Nv2 accounts are different account also hosted in Metanet's server, they host everything, but it's not connected.
r543 wrote:Yeah drones as in the blue guys with eyes. I think Metanet's main focus in Nv2, was making a challenging campaign, but NOT highscoring. They don't seem to have considered highscoreability when making levels.
I'm still new to highscoring, but as far as I know time also gets added to the total score, so highscoring would be to get as much gold and finish the levels as fast as possible? If that's the case then definitely, it's really fun how fast you can go in N1 avoiding all kinds of traps and enemies, but at the same time you can also be precise and more careful, v2 didn't really allow that.
Correct, that highscoring. Essentially the idea is the finish with as much remaining time as possible, this implies going as fast as you can, and also taking into account that each piece of gold gives you 2 extra seconds, so tipically it's worth to go for them and take them. Of course, if some pieces of gold are islated and it would take you more time to go and grab them than the extra time that they'd reward you, then it's not worth going for them when planning your highscore route. You'll see this happen often, some highscore runs actually leave pieces of gold, not because the runs aren't polished enough but because most surely those pieces of gold aren't worth going for, they wouldn't compensate the time. Most highscore routes take all the pieces of gold though, you can see the top20 best runs on each level to verify this.
Speedrun on the other hand only accounts for the number of frames you take from start to finish, that is, the time spent, so it's just based on completing the level as quick as possible, disregarding the time that gold gives you.
r543 wrote:Losttortuga wrote:
Nreality, in addition to having NUMA integration and extra levels, also has new enemies and the option to drastically alter the way objects and the game's physics work, among other things. You can check out all the wacky stuff people have done with
nreality on NUMA
Is there any preview for those enemies and object properties? Checked the help menu but couldn't find anything, seems to be very interesting though.
There's not a preview of those because they're not in the original game, however you can see the original maps Unreality (the creator of NReality) made when releasing those drones:
http://www.nmaps.net/browse?q=author%3A ... y&count=50
You can load those maps in NReality by going to the Userlevels menu, and typing the map code (the number of the map, which appear in the url when you vising the map page in NUMA) on the top. This way you'll be able to play it directly and also see a leaderboards, which is another cool feature of NReality, leaderboards for all usermade levels in NUMA.
So, those maps showcase some of the new enemies, like the Tile drone, Alarm drone, greedy drone, rocky drone, ghost drone, force field drone, text drone, etc. as well as some of the new capabilities NReality introduced like area triggers, modifying the gravity and number of jumps in air you can make, ceiling and wall floorguards, custom pathing of objects (moving objects, like mines for instance), adding background and foreground images to a level, and a long long etcetera. There's this guy who makes a lot of interesting NReality project, and really showcases the power of NReality modding:
http://www.nmaps.net/browse?q=author:jslimb, you can check out some of his maps as well, again by loading them in NReality of course.
r543 wrote:EddyMataGallos wrote:Hey man, the 1.4 community is completely alive, both mapping and highscoring, albeit there's very little activity, nice to see you coming here. Apparently the main NReality feature wasn't mentioned, it is cheatproof, it helped solidify the trust among highscorers in 2007 when a ton of cheaters were being discovered. Since 2007 there've been no new cheaters due to us not trusting non-NReality players :P
I read about that, it's nice. Personally I don't mind cheaters or hackers if they do stuff like messing around with the game, but I wouldn't want to have them in highscore lists with 0:00 times or 999999 scores, that's definitely something I dislike and I'm surprised how little game devs do about this for the most case, having some kind of checkpoint system(doesn't work for N of course) and checking the clock, but it's good to have this here, will definitely try to do some highscores.
1.2 might be possible, why was that one exactly leaked? Also your profile picture just reminded me of that screen, didnt' that appear when you ran out of time? Guess it was removed later on because it was an awkward mechanic, as dying wouldn't be an issue and give you infinite tries, while running out of time would kick you out of the episode(unless the time wouldn't be set back to it's starting value upon death).
Regarding hackers, I was only referring to score hackers, they hack the scores and submit them to the leaderboards, thus clogging it with fake scores and reducing the possibilities of legit players of having their legit scores in the boards. We ignore these people, but that still implies that some of the scores in the leaderboards are fake so the number of legit scores is smaller than 20.
Regarding why 1.2 was leaked, I don't know, but it was :P I guess somebody extracted the swf flash file and it became popular, and since all flash game sites just steal flash games from one another, the swf file spread through the entire internet. That's how most people actually got to know the game though, like myself and most members here, because let's face it, it's much more likely to find it when surfing a flash game site rather than stomping across Metanet's website. Interested people looking for more information of the flash version then got to know Metanet and to download the latest 1.4 version.
Regarding my picture, yeah that's exactly where I got it from. So I barely remember now, but I believe that indeed, in 1.2 when your time ran out you not only died (like now in 1.4) but you lost the entire episode and that screen appeared, and you had to start again. That screen doesnt appear in 1.4 anymore, so having it in my profile picture is a nice easter egg for those who remember and recognice it.
r543 wrote:Does anyone know if any older versions are still available for download somewhere?
Yeah, long ago I asked the same and I downloaded them all, the pack includes v1.05, 1.2, 1.3c and 1.4. The first ones (1.0, 1.01 and 1.03) aren't, not sure if they were ever even posted on the internet. Anyway, you can download the full pack here: