Bolded names to the right of the suggestions are the people who came up with them.
But first, the original post by Nahoj:
Nahoj wrote:What would you like to see changed in a possible future update of Nv2.0?
I'll keep a list of the best ideas here:
- Being able to chat with other players in-game.
- Longer leaderboards on userlevels
- Bug fix for not being able to test levels on the downloaded version of Nv2.0
- Being able to see how many players are online.
- Being able to play co-op games online. (This will encourage map-makers, like me, to create alot more co-op maps)
- Whenever you finish a map your score should be displayed on-screen.
- When watching a demo of someone else you should see the flavor/color of their ninja, not your own.
- When completing all the campaign maps you should get the hex editor, this will allow you to change your ninja to any flavor/color you want. (If this idea gets combined with the one above, more people will play the campaign maps)
- Being able to comment on user-created maps.
- There should be a play count on user-created maps.
- A map needs atleast one of each of the following objects to be allowed to be published: Ninja, key and door.
- An option to turn on a ghost-like ninja that represents a selected demo (just like the circle in Nreality).
- When finishing arcade mode you should get a reward, a rainbow Ninja for example.
- Ability to unpublish your maps
- The game should either have a "refresh" button or automatically refresh the "newest" page of the userlevels
- New gamemode; Survival mode: Auto finish upon surviving X seconds (time can be set by the map creator).
When this list is decent enough I'll mail it to Mare and Raigan (the creators of N)
Feel free to post your ideas and suggestions below :)
- In-game music ~Btonios
- Play count ~ james_s
- Death count ~ Nahoj
- Survival mode: Auto finish upon surviving X seconds ~ w95559w
- Customizable background ~ james_s
- Customizable lifespan of the ninja ~ w95559w
- More tile shapes ~ morodumbo2
- Highscore/Speedrun modes ~ Zoltrix
- Display of the amount of gold collected in a level ~ legendklokpok
- Advanced rating system - being able to vote with specific digits (e.g. 4.65), display of the amount of people who have rated a map, display of the percantage of people who have rated a map a certain rating ~ legendklokpok
- Option to allow the author of a map decide whether replays on their map should be viewable or not ~ THUNDER
- Option to create a playlist ~ legendklokpok
- Option to download replays ~ legendklokpok
- A 'show map data' button next to maps ~ SpartaX18
- Possibility to place objects wherever one wants, like it is in 1.4 ~ SpartaX18
- A new engine (less laggy one) ~ SpartaX18
- Display of the score after beating a level* ~ cooperverdon
- Online co-op mode ~ Gabe the squirrel
- Restriction for publishing a map without either a ninja, a door, or a door key ~ Gabe the squirrel
- Moving one-way platforms ~ SpartaX18
- Level tags (like the ones on NUMA) ~ SpartaX18
- Searching maps by several variants (e.g. title + author) ~ SpartaX18
- Connection to NUMA ~ blacklef
- Possibility to fill in an empty, closed area with objects or tiles ~ SpartaX18
- 22,5° jump pads (slightly slanted, more than horizontal/vertical, but less than diagonal) ~ SpartaX18
- Possibility to finish a level after collecting a required amount of gold ~ SpartaX18
- Ability to rotate objects ~ SpartaX18
- Power-ups (e.g. invisibility) ~ Threat
- Water ~ SpartaX18
- Requirement to validate a level before publishing ~ Escapee
- New userlevels tabs - favorite authors tab (display of all of maps made by an author one has marked as favorite), last 100 maps played by the user currently logged in, maps already played by the user currently logged in, maps not yet played by the user currently logged in ~ thejumper741
- Toggled doors ~ aabbcaabbc
- Thwumps moving in all directions, having all of their sides lethal ~ sabk
- Built-in chat and commenting feature ~ CYANIDE
- Addition of ghost blocks and diagonal one-way platforms to the base editor ~ TORNADO
- Ability to place doors on a smaller snap~grid ~ TORNADO
- Toggled gold value ~ TORNADO
- Map challenges (e.g. "make a map with 4 drones") ~ TORNADO
- Custom tournaments ~ TORNADO
- Ability to jump over mines placed in 1-tile high tunnels more easily, like in 1.4 ~ TORNADO
- Diagonal thwumps and floorguards ~ TORNADO
- Evil ninjas** ~ Threat
- Changeable font style and color ~ SpartaX18
- Display of map upload date ~ SpartaX18
- Being able to have distinct userlevels page and bottom level screen titles*** ~ SpartaX18
- Wider moves palette ~ SuperHeroHype
- Ability to fly ~ SuperHeroHype
- Ninja customization ~ SuperHeroHype
- Grapple ~ SuperHeroHype
- Heath (?)**** ~ SuperHeroHype
- Teleport feature ~ SuperHeroHype
- Stealth feature ~ SuperHeroHype
- More drone types ~ SuperHeroHype
- Search feature for metanet levels and editor ~ SpartaX18
- Co-op leaderboard ~ TORNADO
- Connection with N2High - display of frequently updated rankings somewhere in the game ~ SpartaX18
- Enemies colliding with objects ~ SpartaX18
- Time shifting (the toggleable option to play levels in slo-mo or highspeed) ~ HaViX
- Gravity modifier (the toggleable option to play levels in high/low gravity) ~ HaViX
- Canvas rotation (whole level rotation, but in-game, as if the world for the ninja is rolling. Or it makes 90* turns based on button activation, ect.) ~ HaViX
- Frozen enemies (a button that would freeze enemies for a set amount of seconds-frames, editable in the editor.) ~ HaViX
**Already implemented in N++. Wow, seems like sometimes they really do listen! Also, a footnote by EddyMataGallos - the evil ninjas should be intelligent, rather than being just a shadow of the player.
***It's possible to do, but it's very tricky
****I guess he meant health. As in, not dying immediately after touching an enemy.
Now, here are some posts that i didn't know what to do with them.
james_s wrote:-You could have like an unlockable feature which is being able to activate a state in which you can no longer win the game but you glow in a cool light and you can run into the enemies and they disintegrate and also tiles slowly disintegrate allowing you to pass through them (slowly with increased hovering ability) -hence letting you reach the enemies and destroy more. It'd be like a revenge button.
-And a option to have a male or female ninja -and I'd like to be able to get a skin of Orchid from killer instinct 1
-Unlockable 'fat ninja' -just a rounded torso simples!
-Special resurrection diamonds or something (!!!) -which resurrect the ninja when its body comes in contact with them (I guess the ninja would have to be intact for this) so you can still win the map (and your score isn't erased). This could make for some fun user maps.
-Another item to collect can be a power-up during which at the press of a button the ninja sends a shockwave that violently blows back any enemy incl rockets, thwumps, bbs etc (apart from turrets I guess) near to it so it has a chance to escape before they turn back to operating normally. -I think the problem with that is that if the ninja has the ability to move objects then why can't it make itself do a super jump.. So what I propose is that when its used, the ninja gets into the sitting lotus position and hovers still during the couple of seconds in which the shockwave lasts and if a direction key is pressed the ninja drifts quite fast in that direction (which can hence stop a fall etc)
-One way panels to be made breakable when the ninja hits the back of them at a high speed.
(Bear in mind that diagonal one way panels are implemented in the game code as well as normal one) And the mapper would have an option to put two one way panels very near each other -like double glazing, in which case they wont break so easily. -You can see that this idea can affect gameplay as well as aesthetics. (Atm they look like glass but they could be made to look like a forcefield)
-Special sliding gates that open for drones only (pick up their signature) as they move around (makes sense for security against ninjas) but would leave opportunity for ninja to sneak through by catching up to a drone and following it very closely or in the case of laser and chain gun drones time the approach so the drone would be in the middle of the gate holding it open and sneak through after having dodged the fire
-Bonus feature of a special kind of wormhole/ teleporter. A little elaborate glowing thing would appear and if the ninja goes into it, it slowly teleports the ninja (or an enemy) to another place on the map which I think would be cool especially on maps with lots of different enemies around. Their position would change every few seconds with some overlapping (e.g. two or three open at the same time). The mapper can decide where it would appear after each time interval and where it would take the ninja (+it would be on a cycle so if the mapper chooses 10 different locations -the 11th time the ninja uses it, it would appear in the 1st position). Option of random porthole positions too.
-I thought twice about this one but why not. A bonus feature of a balloon (2 tiles wide) which would fall quite slowly and the ninja can push it around by jumping into it. Jump pads would work on it (altho the ninja would be able to squeeze it upwards also etc) and guns and mines would pop it. The idea could be to use the balloon to get to places you cant reach without it and to pop it to get items that can be placed inside it! (inspired by TagPro game mentioned on here lol)
-An option which lets mappers place special background tiles in order to draw a nice background. These tiles would have the same rules+shapes as normal tiles but be a very pale colour and would have no effect on the ninja -i.e purely visual. I think this has potential to create beautiful maps
-Make floorguards be able to move over all flat surfaces (if there are no gaps) -e.g block(trap) gates, closed gates, panels. Except you could decide whether whether to or not to allow them to move on closed gates because if opened the floorguard will be just sitting in mid air which doesn't look right. -Unless you make floorguards gravity affected -simply fall straight down to the next platform and carry on working (they will always fall straight down cause they are programmed to stop near edge of platform). Also an idea could be to make floor guards work on sloped tiles i.e so the only thing they cant get over is angles and gaps which makes sense.
-When ninja reaches the exit, there could be an animation like the ninja gets absorbed into the exit -but chooses not to go all the way in (and transcend to another dimension as it were) but instead celebrates on the edge while being safe from rockets and such, except in half a second while that animation is happening it will be vulnerable (just for a cool effect)
-Metanet inspired (from n++) mini (1/4th of a tile) drones that the ninja can jump on (like metal balls) they could crush the ninja if walls of them come together and they can carry gold and mines stuck to them (like a transport system -they could be the only thing that can come out of the map via special openings and follow a drawn path (which would be slightly visible to the ninja)). Then you can make moving walls and platforms :) the fact that the ninja wont run smoothly over them (balls in a line) I think is even better and it'd be a challenge for pro players to precisely jump on them like we jump on the tops of 'sliding gates' in Nv2 plus u could make it that the ninja can just lean into the gap between two of them when they're going vertically to avoid falling down.
-Also I'm not sure about this but in Editor instead of placing tiles maybe you can have a cursor like a line drawer in windows Paint (except it snaps to acceptable angles)
-The game could identify which route the player took and give it a date stamp. And if that player makes a faster run with the same route (the game would be able to tell) then the date stamp remains the same. All runs on the board will show the date stamp (which can be enlarged when clicked on) so viewers could see who thought up the route first if they see that they taken the same route as each other.
-The mapper can choose the exit can be on a timer for example it will stay open for only 10 seconds after hitting the button (a timer will be shown to the player). This can make for survival gameplay -I prefer this to normal survival mode where good players might spend the whole day surviving in a map.
And on the 'if you could make a new enemy thread':
I think the idea of a Harpoon drone has some plus points. It could have a limited amo of about ten big ''nails''. I think it'll be cool to see a drone dysfunctional for once. And the nails which take time to be shot out would stick into the tiles at the angle of impact and the ninja would also be able to stand on them, meaning that the player can be either aided by those stuck nails (for example to be able to cross a mined area) or hindered as they block the ninja from running there. However that might take away the impression of a 3d world in which the ninja can side step laser and chain gun drones :(
You know about those security lasers which move and an alarm activates if the beam is broken. I think they would be good in n game -alarm lasers, Not killing lasers cause they'd be too hard I think. They will instead open or close gates -which can let in enemies into the area and so on
Btw I like the grenade launcher mentioned previously. But I think it would be good if it shot mines which roll and bounce of walls. It could shoot them straight not very fast and with limited range so they would dip and also I think it'll look good if it could move like a floor guard towards the ninja when it spots it (to compensate for lack of range))
Thumbs up from me for the very tricky Barbara Streisand enemy.
A small 'Control unit' destroyable by the ninja which would let seeker drones communicate info on where they think the ninja is with each other. Once a seeker is alerted to the ninja, the control unit would control the first few right or left turns of all other non alerted seekers to simply head in the direction of the place where that seeker was alerted (which in practise would be the tile/obstacle that the alerted seeker would bump into). And while this is happening, a light can come on top of their antennas
legendklokpok wrote:another thing they could add is that if you are the fat N, you jump higher on jump pads, but your normal jump height would be decreased and your running speed would be twice as low of the as the speed of normal N.
legendklokpok wrote:It would be handy to display your score at the side of the screen, cuz then you dont have to finish the level to see if you got a highscore.
I would just restart the level when i see my score is lower than my personal best.
SpartaX18 wrote:Being able to create custom drone path (invisible or not). It should be a circuit, but if it'd be not, then if drone would "fall of" the track, he'd continue going with the turning set (e.g. turning right on every wall contact).
SpartaX18 wrote:You can set the doors as each door will move You to a different another level, like, the door that is easier to get to, will just move You to the next level and another, harder to get to door, will move You to a bonus room or something.
Postscript: If You won't choose the door which is moving You to certain level, that level will be locked or invisible for You.
legendklokpok wrote:It would be cool to have a map summary, when you select a map the area of the map will get bigger and more info would appear. It would look like this (sorry for the font)
GrzegorzPl wrote:1.All options from Special Object Position Template you have in editor.
2.Rocket mode: one player is a ninja, second player play as rocket turret. He can fire only one rocket at time, but he control the rocket. He can crash rocket on the ground and fire the next rocket. Ninja must go to exit. Second player must defend exit.
3.Devastation mode: This mode is the same like normal mode but.... You can destroy the grey ground and other objects (like drones). You haven't a gun but you can use rocket turret to own ideas. If the rocket miss You and hit the ground- then ground destroyed (You play at Worms? ). So You can make a new way to exit for example. Rocket can hit not only You, drones are also dangered.
Short picture of third point (devastation mode):
4.N-shotter: The same like normal, but You have a weapons (machinegun, rocket launcher, etc.). Short picture of this:
Alright, seems like that's it. I'll try to keep on updating this everytime someone adds something one the v2 forum.james_s wrote:Another item to collect can be a power-up during which at the press of a button the ninja sends a shockwave that violently blows back any enemy incl rockets, thwumps, bbs etc (apart from turrets I guess) near to it so it has a chance to escape before they turn back to operating normally. -I think the problem with that is that if the ninja has the ability to move objects then why can't it make itself do a super jump.. So what I propose is that when its used, the ninja gets into the sitting lotus position and hovers still during the couple of seconds in which the shockwave lasts and if a direction key is pressed the ninja drifts quite fast in that direction (which can hence stop a fall etc)
(I wonder if u think these would work: )
-Also I'm not sure about this but in Editor instead of placing tiles maybe you can have a cursor like a line drawer in windows Paint (except it snaps to acceptable angles)
-The game could identify which route the player took and give it a date stamp. And if that player makes a faster run with the same route (the game would be able to tell) then the date stamp remains the same. All runs on the board will show the date stamp (which can be enlarged when clicked on) so viewers could see who thought up the route first if they see that they taken the same route as each other. (I guess there would have to be extra coding to make sure useless jumps or movements while falling don't affect what the game recognises as a route)
-The mapper can choose the exit can be on a timer for example it will stay open for only 10 seconds and will only open after a set time (a timer will be shown to the player). This can make for survival gameplay or a challenge of which gold to go for to make sure you get to the exit in time -I prefer this to normal survival mode where good players might spend the whole day surviving in a map.