Xbox one problem submitting scores

Discussion about latest version of N; N++ (Available on PC & PS4)

Moderator: Nahoj

The Loneliest Number
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Joined: 2018.02.13 (07:34)

Postby Lvl3 » 2018.02.13 (07:38)

I have had a couple issues with N++ on Xbox One. One of which is I cannot see my friends on the leaderboards, and another is that I have been unable to submit scores for 2 weeks now. My best friend can still see his friend's high scores, but also has been unable to submit scores for 2 weeks. Is anyone else having any similar issues? Contacted metanet about it and they said the leaderboard thing was a bug issue, but did not reply about us being unable to keep our high scores for the last 2 weeks. Is anyone else experiencing this?

Almost as Bad as One
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Joined: 2018.01.28 (04:55)

Postby bdubdryrub » 2018.02.19 (04:11)

Yeah I've also been unable to submit scores or see new usermade maps in the last 2 weeks. Instantly fails, doesn't even try to submit. Something must have happened to the servers

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