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Postby Condog » 2008.12.26 (11:26)

Stop having fun guys. Seriously.

Ice Climbers are awesome. Deal with it.

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Postby MattKestrel » 2008.12.26 (15:53)

blue_tetris wrote:
AMLT = complainer.

Your loving forum staff = problem-solvers.
It's the circle of life! Ahh.

Imo this thread has been extropolated to the point where it's become a joke :/

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Postby blue_tetris » 2008.12.26 (16:03)

I agree and am locking it.

AMLT, don't start joke threads.
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Postby wedgie » 2008.12.27 (13:43)

I think this should have been left open, as there was some really interesting stuff starting to surface. This always happens. A few people throw tantrums and tower posts and then it gets locked so that some people can't give opinions on the whole situation. It's like ringing someone, calling them an asshole and then putting the phone down before they can say anything.

I thought we were easing up on the locking of topics?

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Postby blue_tetris » 2008.12.27 (15:15)

Okay, then. Unlocked.

I feared it was getting spammy and off-topic.
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Postby Tanner » 2008.12.27 (15:21)

Addendum: Cocks.
'rret donc d'niaser 'vec mon sirop d'erable, calis, si j't'r'vois icitte j'pellerais la police, tu l'veras l'criss de poutine de cul t'auras en prison, tabarnak

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Postby otters~1 » 2008.12.27 (16:56)

Locked? Fuck locked, this should be pinned. It's the funniest thread I've ever seen.
the dusk the dawn the earth the sea

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Postby wedgie » 2008.12.27 (18:21)

I think this thread shows that some people have some issues that have come up because of this thread. I think such issues should be aired and discussed rather than being repressed. Talking is good.

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Postby Eiturlyf » 2008.12.27 (18:48)

НЕТ! Это вопрос свободного мира, и каждый должен заткнуться, если им не нравится то, blarghblarghasdijslfjd я идиот.
Die Kreatur muss sterben!

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Postby blue_tetris » 2008.12.27 (18:56)

wedgie wrote:I think this thread shows that some people have some issues that have come up because of this thread. I think such issues should be aired and discussed rather than being repressed. Talking is good.
I've already unlocked it, you whiny sod!
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Postby Tanner » 2008.12.27 (19:29)

You know, I have some repressed feelings that need to be aired. I've got hell of quashed emotions. Bitches trip over my pent up frustrations. I could go on!

The thing is, Dave, you joke about this Jesus complex of yours but, deep down, I think you're becoming just a little bit more water than wine and a little bit more whine than anything else, nah'mean? After all, wasn't christ_tetris supposed to have descended from the sky and affixed himself within our collective mother's vaginas in order to save us from ourselves and Suki? What happened to the Dave who was ready to carry all the flaws of this community on his Atlas-esque shoulders? Have you finally given up on the Sisyphusian task of pushing our faults and imperfections up the mountain that is the Internet? Damn it, Dave! Don't abandon us now! Not right in the hour of our need! The new year is coming. A world of possibilities. And all I can think of is how scared I'll be to face this without you!

I love you.

Be with me.
'rret donc d'niaser 'vec mon sirop d'erable, calis, si j't'r'vois icitte j'pellerais la police, tu l'veras l'criss de poutine de cul t'auras en prison, tabarnak

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Postby blue_tetris » 2008.12.27 (20:33)

rennaT wrote:You know, I have some repressed feelings that need to be aired. I've got hell of quashed emotions. Bitches trip over my pent up frustrations. I could go on!

The thing is, Dave, you joke about this Jesus complex of yours but, deep down, I think you're becoming just a little bit more water than wine and a little bit more whine than anything else, nah'mean? After all, wasn't christ_tetris supposed to have descended from the sky and affixed himself within our collective mother's vaginas in order to save us from ourselves and Suki? What happened to the Dave who was ready to carry all the flaws of this community on his Atlas-esque shoulders? Have you finally given up on the Sisyphusian task of pushing our faults and imperfections up the mountain that is the Internet? Damn it, Dave! Don't abandon us now! Not right in the hour of our need! The new year is coming. A world of possibilities. And all I can think of is how scared I'll be to face this without you!

I love you.

Be with me.
You jumped the shark when you stopped using Vent.

SlappyMcGee grew the Canada beard.
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Postby Tanner » 2008.12.27 (20:55)

'rret donc d'niaser 'vec mon sirop d'erable, calis, si j't'r'vois icitte j'pellerais la police, tu l'veras l'criss de poutine de cul t'auras en prison, tabarnak

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Postby MattKestrel » 2008.12.27 (21:02)

Can we make this the official joke thread? That would be ironic.

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Postby AF » 2008.12.29 (01:56)

GTM wrote:Can we make this the official joke thread? That would be ironic.
Man, there are so many posts like this on the forums, and it's like posting "Hey, I think I should eat some pie!" in a pie forum.

But, hey! Yeah! Let's go and eat some pie in this pie forum!
Lightning55 wrote:I really hope someone can change the color of the forums though. My eyes hurt. Especially after this
lol yeh i watched dis ( ) and was LIEK WOA

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Postby SlappyMcGee » 2008.12.29 (02:05)

AFling wrote:
GTM wrote:Can we make this the official joke thread? That would be ironic.
Man, there are so many posts like this on the forums, and it's like posting "Hey, I think I should eat some pie!" in a pie forum.

But, hey! Yeah! Let's go and eat some pie in this pie forum!
Lightning55 wrote:I really hope someone can change the color of the forums though. My eyes hurt. Especially after this
lol yeh i watched dis ( ) and was LIEK WOA

AF, stop stirring up shit.


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Postby Kablizzy » 2013.07.02 (20:18)

Opened for discussion.
vankusss wrote:What 'more time' means?
I'm going to buy some ham.

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Postby aids » 2013.07.02 (22:51)

Kablizzy wrote:Opened for discussion.
Feeling nostalgic, are we?


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Postby Universezero » 2013.07.03 (09:23)

LittleViking wrote:The three topics you linked to were all jokes. I don't know how you missed that. And the forum move had nothing to do with elevating our power - did you not notice that we were already admins over there? If we wanted to increase our power or the power of anyone else, a few mouse clicks would have done the job.
What further discussion is needed?

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Postby Kablizzy » 2014.01.16 (09:35)

Unlocked again for discussion.

Also, in, like, all seriousness and under no duress whatsoever, the *actual* (read: largest and most pressing) reason that we moved from Forumer is because Forumer was shutting down, and we didn't want to lose the forums. We discussed it for quite a while during Forumer's troubles, and decided that it was either move or lose the community. Now, the forums are hosted by some yuku company, and every link and image on the old forums are gone.
vankusss wrote:What 'more time' means?
I'm going to buy some ham.

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Postby sidke » 2014.01.16 (12:00)

also there is a cool domain hack now

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Postby DraxoBox » 2014.02.05 (15:30)

This post contains spam.
I don't recommend staring at it too long.
Then again, if all of these colors were randomly flashing behind porn, you might achieve an epileptic orgasm.
But this post does not contain porn. It contains spam.
It also might contain epilepsy.
Lots of epilepsy.
Last edited by DraxoBox on 2014.12.03 (13:15), edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Universezero » 2014.10.31 (22:32)

Kablizzy wrote:Unlocked again for discussion.

Also, in, like, all seriousness and under no duress whatsoever, the *actual* (read: largest and most pressing) reason that we moved from Forumer is because Forumer was shutting down, and we didn't want to lose the forums. We discussed it for quite a while during Forumer's troubles, and decided that it was either move or lose the community. Now, the forums are hosted by some yuku company, and every link and image on the old forums are gone.
Was there no way of porting the forums to a new format? It would have been great if we'd been able to keep everything the same (at least as far as posts and users are concerned) while also moving from Forumer.

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Postby 乳头的早餐谷物 » 2014.11.05 (17:01)

Universezero wrote:
Kablizzy wrote:Unlocked again for discussion.

Also, in, like, all seriousness and under no duress whatsoever, the *actual* (read: largest and most pressing) reason that we moved from Forumer is because Forumer was shutting down, and we didn't want to lose the forums. We discussed it for quite a while during Forumer's troubles, and decided that it was either move or lose the community. Now, the forums are hosted by some yuku company, and every link and image on the old forums are gone.
Was there no way of porting the forums to a new format? It would have been great if we'd been able to keep everything the same (at least as far as posts and users are concerned) while also moving from Forumer.
The initial intent was to do that:

But then, like, we didn't.
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