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Re: Is it just me...?

Posted: 2008.12.24 (19:11)
by smartalco
Yes the available skins suck, it seems that a couple members are working on ones that don't suck though, so that should be fixed in time

Everything else here is ~648.9 times better then the old forums.
Spawn of Yanni wrote:Joke topics of any sort should not be posted in places so important, revered, and active such as News.
All bow down to the great and mighty news forum! I accept our completely serious news overlords.

Re: Is it just me...?

Posted: 2008.12.24 (19:15)
by TribulatioN
'blizz wrote:Man, unprofessional is what we /do/. It's what Metanet is about, and what Metanet was founded upon.
I guess if that's how Metanet works, then that's how it shall be.

Re: Is it just me...?

Posted: 2008.12.24 (19:43)
by otters~1
blue_tetris wrote:AMLT = complainer.
Your loving forum staff = problem-solvers.
Oh thanks. I only understand short sentences; that was a godsend. I couldn't even get through the Blizz rant.

Anyway, AMLT seems to have uncovered some bitterness--our admins need counseling (uh oh).

PS: That stuff about Mare/Raigan was eye-opening.

Re: Is it just me...?

Posted: 2008.12.24 (20:01)
by amomentlikethis
As a user of the forum I feel I'm allowed to complain.

I mean... I went to the News forum to see what recent news N has had, and yet found topics about moderator's signatures, and posts that were totally offtopic.
I'm sure if I continued reading down the News forum's topics I'd find more...

Also, I can't really solve any problems unless I voice them... Unlike the moderators, I can't really do much about spam myself...

Kablizzy wrote:You mean like yourself? Looks like someone isn't getting that Mod Spot for Christmas he was hoping for! Ah, well. Maybe next year! =D
I have what, 20 posts here in 3 months? Why would I even want to be a moderator of a forum I don't visit all that often? o_O

Re: Is it just me...?

Posted: 2008.12.24 (20:59)
by Spawn of Yanni
I do admit I was surprised about Blizz's comments on M&R.

Also, Raigan just got an account here.

Re: Is it just me...?

Posted: 2008.12.24 (21:18)
by AF
If we really wanted to have a super-serious, strict-as-hell forum, do you think we would have (not to point fingers, no offense intended) mods with avatars like Wedgie's? I mean, these forums are not at all meant to be super-strict or serious-as-hell. They just aren't. If they were meant to be serious, we'd require people to use their actual names as their usernames (*tips hat to Lenny*), and any jokes would be rewarded with warns, or just bans. I don't think we want that. I know I don't.

Re: Is it just me...?

Posted: 2008.12.24 (21:41)
by Animator
Woah, woah, woah. Hold up.
As a user of the forum I feel I'm allowed to complain.
I have what, 20 posts here in 3 months? Why would I even want to be a moderator of a forum I don't visit all that often? o_O
You barely come to these forums in the first place, and yet you believe you have a say at how things are run. I find a problem with that. I'm finding it very hard to believe that you're not complaining for the better of the forum, but out of spite and to stir things up in here, and I really don't like it. It's just a joke, surely you've got to understand it. There are -rarely- any true news around here (as Blizz said in that awesome trilogy to the wall of text) and the mods and admins try their best at adding humor to their things. Sure, some people might not agree with the humor, but they learn to cope with it, because they know the staff is trying their best to make this place an awesome place. You're being too uptight, loosen your belt and unbutton your pants, take a seat, turn on the AC, watch some TV, and for the most important part, the idea you aren't getting is:


I even underlined and added in different colors, just for you.

Re: Is it just me...?

Posted: 2008.12.24 (21:47)
by amomentlikethis
I went to the News section, as I said, to see what had happened to N recently. I didn't go there to see what was quite obviously spam.
I complained that the most serious section of the forum included spam from this forum's moderators, I appologise if me not visiting here all that often seemingly doesn't give me the right to complain...

Re: Is it just me...?

Posted: 2008.12.24 (21:49)
by Spawn of Yanni
I don't see why you could've been -disappointed- with the information you got from News. You got all the happenings (since the switch) plus three joke threads. Did they take precious time away from your tight schedule?

Re: Is it just me...?

Posted: 2008.12.24 (22:53)
by Eiturlyf
Woah, Animator posted. You are so dead.

But seriously, relaaaaaaax and learn to take a joke.


Posted: 2008.12.25 (00:16)
by Animator
Woah, Animator posted. You are so dead.
Do I look like the mafia to you? Do I have dozens of little guys under me with little M-16's ready and waiting at my command while I prepare to issue out the order to kill someone?


Re: ...

Posted: 2008.12.25 (00:21)
by unoriginal name
Animator wrote:
Woah, Animator posted. You are so dead.
Do I look like the mafia to you? Do I have dozens of little guys under me with little M-16's ready and waiting at my command while I prepare to issue out the order to kill someone?


Re: Is it just me...?

Posted: 2008.12.25 (00:39)
by blue_tetris
amomentlikethis wrote:I have what, 20 posts here in 3 months? Why would I even want to be a moderator of a forum I don't visit all that often? o_O
I made that same expression when I found out you were still capable of complaining about stuff here.

Anyhow, these threads are the only things that bring out the bad in us mods. Everything thing else is a hilarious show meant to amuse the forumers' while they wait for something new to talk about.

If you knew us--like, really knew us--you'd know that none of this is anything concrete. It's all just fun text on a screen and a public that we still enjoy being able to screw with, even if it's just a little. I don't think we'd have nearly as much fun if there weren't AMLTs around to pretend like it's the goddamn end of the goddamn world whenever they see it. So, actually... for our sakes... don't relax. It's too much fun that you don't. And it's just as much fun to return to the forum and goof around some more because there are still folks--veterans, I may even call some of them--who let themselves take this place too srsly.

But if you really want to be less affected by things around here, do remember: Relax. Don't do it. When you wanna suck to it. Relax. Don't do it. When you want to come. But if you do come, shoot it in the right direction. Make making it your intention. Live those dreams. Scheme those schemes. Got to hit me, hit me, hit me with those laser beams. And by "come", I mean ejaculate. And by "laser beams", I mean ejaculate (noun form).

Re: Is it just me...?

Posted: 2008.12.25 (01:49)
by wedgie
So for completely unrelated and undisclosed reasons I have decided to change my avatar.

As a moderator here I feel that I have to set a more serious example for the members. We can't be letting people think that this is a place where you can joke around. I mean, can you imagine? O_o

Re: Is it just me...?

Posted: 2008.12.25 (03:23)
by Kablizzy
SkyPanda wrote:Ha awesome post Kablizzy.
I'm actually more unchilled about the stuff you were saying about M&R.. is that all true? :/
Some of that stuff was said in satire to make a point. They did, though, refuse to host the fora on their site, and turned down the Legacy for v1.5 integration. With that said, again, no hard feelings - But if we're going to make a huge deal about this stuff, let's get the facts straight.

As an Administrator of the Forum, I feel like I'm allowed to ask you to read all of my 11,000+ posts at the old forums. It's like War and Peace, but when you're done with it, you'll feel better. And you'll probably understand why I continue to post this exact thing over and over again. Please try and listen to me sometimes, guys. It really works!

And really - If the AMLTs of the world weren't around, I wouldn't be nearly as cool as I am. I wouldn't be able whatsoever to make posts like that. So thank you, AMLTs of the world, for making The Blizz possible. I feel like I just won a Grammy. Or a Dronie. Here's to hoping I get one again this year! =D =D

Re: Is it just me...?

Posted: 2008.12.25 (03:29)
by SlappyMcGee
Well, you know what?

Fuck you, Kablizzy. You don't appreciate my sense of humor twenty-four hours a day? You don't think I slave over jokes just to impress you. Jeeeeeesus. You can be such an arrogant cock. Who the fuck do you think you are, you bearded asshole? You come on these forums like, what, twice a year so that you can troll everybody into paying attention to you and then you talk about Magic: The Gatherers. Ooooh, everybody, look at this hip trading card game!!! Everyone loves that!

I mean, I don't like making all of these jokes just to be shot down by some dillhole with a God complex. I wouldn't be surprised at all if this forum change was to put people like this into positions with more power. Remember all of the power Kablizzy had on the old forums? I don't. I remember him quitting the community like a little bitch.

In fact, you should be thanking me. This "Wah wah wah, this community absorbs my life!!! HELP ME, I"M QUITTING LOL IM BACK" bullshit can be saved because you don't even want to visit a forum with my satirical bullshit.

I am tired of being targetted by elitist "cat-avatar" TYPES who think that I'm responsible for the reason they can't enjoy themselves in their free time.

In the meantime, I'm with AMLT in this argument.

Re: Is it just me...?

Posted: 2008.12.25 (05:16)
by epigone
Well, there are certainly enough ego's to go around here at this forum.

Three cheers!

Re: Is it just me...?

Posted: 2008.12.25 (05:18)
SlappyMcGee wrote:you bearded asshole
this crushing combo had me laughing, i must admit

Re: Is it just me...?

Posted: 2008.12.25 (05:56)
by smartalco
Alright, I'm gonna cool all this shit down.

I'm actually me, b_t, Kablizzy, wedgie, gloomp, suki, BlckNWhteNinja, Riobe, epigone, Condog, and 1/2 of snugs (LF is the other half of snugs).

This is a giant social experiment, and you have all just lost.

Also, I don't appreciated being called a bearded asshole slaps.

Re: Is it just me...?

Posted: 2008.12.25 (14:54)
by 乳头的早餐谷物
I'm with Slappy-M. I'm tired of Kablizzy's cat avatar. It creeps me out.

God damn Louis Wain.

Re: Is it just me...?

Posted: 2008.12.25 (21:49)
by Geti
blizz, that was good. gratz for good.
this whole forum seems saturated in ego at times though. i know its what half the administration team does best, and fuck yes we get the same topic every few weeks, and no it isnt just you AMLT.. but half the time the people saying "chillax bitches" need a time out and some of those pills themselves. but i dont even care, just dont bring too much rage to the forums.

Re: Is it just me...?

Posted: 2008.12.25 (22:03)
by blue_tetris
While we're being candid:

What the fuck, smartalco? Just play the fucking zombie game. Don't chatter the whole time and try to pin your death on everyone else. Seriously. Like, someone else dies? It's there fault. Smartalco dies. It's somehow everyone else on the party's fault. I mean, if you consistently play the goddamn zombie game and you consistently find that "everyone else who plays Left 4 Dead sucks!", it might be time to reevaluate the team dynamic. Especially considering that everyone else I play with doesn't complain at all. Am I to believe that LV, Yahoozy, Dave, Slaps, kai, and everyone else are only good players when you're not around to complain about it, but the moment SA shows up to bitch and moan, suddenly we're all bad players? Like, we make some subtle transition just to annoy you?

Like, honestly, you do this weird "I'm never wrong" crazy bullshit which is only slightly intolerable until paired with the "I need to constantly vent my bizarre and incorrect feelings about every situation", rendering Left 4 Dead impossible to play with seven migraines. I mean, I see it in other circumstances, like in the IRC and stuff. I notice it subtly on the forums. But in the fucking zombie game, what would be ordinary conversation gets sidetracked to this beyond-autistic degree of sociopathy. I can't imagine you ever making friends in real life, heaven forbid they want to sit down and play a game of Mario Kart with you.

And, yeah, I know the obvious solution: Don't play L4D with smartalco anymore. But you're not a bad player. You're a bad person. And it's something I think is worth correcting beyond the confines of the zombie game, because it's like hitting two birds with one stone. I mean, if you can perhaps stop being a douchebag when it comes to gaming at large, maybe we could also play TF2 or Synergy or something together. I dunno.

Deep down, yeah, I figure it might just be your method of situational management. Like, this is how you think you should assist the group dynamic and help the party win. But it's not an open line of communication. It's like barking random commands and--moreover--whining about consequences of actions. If you had the general charisma to be the group organizer, I'd be perfectly fine with you taking charge and nursing the party along to victory. But you're not that guy. So, in the end, it's just irritating chatter.

Additionally, we play the game to have fun. Some of the players--by the own admission--suck at the game but still like to play it for the social experience. Why should they be hounded away from a game they bought just because some jackass can't stand to have fun instead of just speed-beating the levels sometimes. Some of us like the nuance of the social experience and just want to hang out, maybe have some drinks, maybe shoot some zombies, maybe just dick around and not shoot zombies, whatever. We play the game as if it were some sort of tool used to generate enjoyment. I mean, call me old fashioned, but that's what I thought games were for.

But here it turns out smartalco doesn't like playing games to have fun.


Just kidding, man, you're a great guy.

No hard feelings?

Re: Is it just me...?

Posted: 2008.12.25 (22:17)
by SlappyMcGee
blue_tetris wrote:While we're being candid:

What the fuck, smartalco? Just play the fucking zombie game. Don't chatter the whole time and try to pin your death on everyone else. Seriously. Like, someone else dies? It's there fault. Smartalco dies. It's somehow everyone else on the party's fault. I mean, if you consistently play the goddamn zombie game and you consistently find that "everyone else who plays Left 4 Dead sucks!", it might be time to reevaluate the team dynamic. Especially considering that everyone else I play with doesn't complain at all. Am I to believe that LV, Yahoozy, Dave, Slaps, kai, and everyone else are only good players when you're not around to complain about it, but the moment SA shows up to bitch and moan, suddenly we're all bad players? Like, we make some subtle transition just to annoy you?

Like, honestly, you do this weird "I'm never wrong" crazy bullshit which is only slightly intolerable until paired with the "I need to constantly vent my bizarre and incorrect feelings about every situation", rendering Left 4 Dead impossible to play with seven migraines. I mean, I see it in other circumstances, like in the IRC and stuff. I notice it subtly on the forums. But in the fucking zombie game, what would be ordinary conversation gets sidetracked to this beyond-autistic degree of sociopathy. I can't imagine you ever making friends in real life, heaven forbid they want to sit down and play a game of Mario Kart with you.

And, yeah, I know the obvious solution: Don't play L4D with smartalco anymore. But you're not a bad player. You're a bad person. And it's something I think is worth correcting beyond the confines of the zombie game, because it's like hitting two birds with one stone. I mean, if you can perhaps stop being a douchebag when it comes to gaming at large, maybe we could also play TF2 or Synergy or something together. I dunno.

Deep down, yeah, I figure it might just be your method of situational management. Like, this is how you think you should assist the group dynamic and help the party win. But it's not an open line of communication. It's like barking random commands and--moreover--whining about consequences of actions. If you had the general charisma to be the group organizer, I'd be perfectly fine with you taking charge and nursing the party along to victory. But you're not that guy. So, in the end, it's just irritating chatter.

Additionally, we play the game to have fun. Some of the players--by the own admission--suck at the game but still like to play it for the social experience. Why should they be hounded away from a game they bought just because some jackass can't stand to have fun instead of just speed-beating the levels sometimes. Some of us like the nuance of the social experience and just want to hang out, maybe have some drinks, maybe shoot some zombies, maybe just dick around and not shoot zombies, whatever. We play the game as if it were some sort of tool used to generate enjoyment. I mean, call me old fashioned, but that's what I thought games were for.

But here it turns out smartalco doesn't like playing games to have fun.


Just kidding, man, you're a great guy.

No hard feelings?

Re: Is it just me...?

Posted: 2008.12.25 (22:18)
by SlappyMcGee
Whoops, wrong image.

Re: Is it just me...?

Posted: 2008.12.26 (05:02)
by Lightning55
All right. Let's see, what is this forum revolved around? A community that plays N. I agree that the old forums were fine and I personally liked the old forums better. I have trouble reading this font in the new skin. But so what? Everyone sucks it up and deals with you. But you AMLT, man, I respect you, but come on, just suck it up like the rest of us. You complain there were jokes on the News!!! So what?!?!?! Why can't we have a couple of jokes amidst all this seriousness? I think because these forums revolve around a game, we deserve to have fun and joke around wherever you are. What's so wrong with that?

I really hope someone can change the color of the forums though. My eyes hurt. Especially after this