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This forum going forward (administration, organisation, etc)

Posted: 2016.08.28 (11:28)
by 乳头的早餐谷物
So apparently there's a new ninja game which is cool and activity here has picked up a tiny bit. With that in mind I thought I oughts to bring up the topic and make a topic on the topic of what we are doing with this community and in particular this forum. So yeah if you have any thoughts you can dump them here.

Re: This forum going forward (administration, organisation,

Posted: 2016.08.28 (12:35)
by Vyacheslav
Maybe rehaul some of the forum indexes, especially in the off-topic since that section is nowhere near as active as it was in the forum's glory days.

Re: This forum going forward (administration, organisation,

Posted: 2016.08.28 (16:43)
by sidke
last night i'd just been poked by shomman and nahoj about making things more appealing for n++ people here. i'd rearranged the n++ things and got n++ header images in the header thing and gave the n++ subforums some description things. i'mma put a header thing in the theme that very clearly points to the different forums of the site for the games, mostly n++ and n1.4. in fact, probably only those for the time being. just very top and visible links to the two forums, with most the other things accessible from the front page.

curious what you mean for rehauling, do you mean rearranging and merging?

also i am thinking to force people into a single theme because the theme-specific things would only work for that theme. i can think of some naysayers to that, but not needing to recreate work three times over sounds better than needing to recreate work three times over.

Re: This forum going forward (administration, organisation,

Posted: 2016.08.28 (22:50)
by shomman
One theme seems like a good idea to me - even with Nahoj you don't have all the time in the world. I'd be happy to change themes, not that attached to them.

We want to avoid the nv2 situation again.

Re: This forum going forward (administration, organisation,

Posted: 2016.08.29 (04:42)
by sidke
i'm about to do some things, so if everything breaks feel free to blame me forever. i am taking backups so i can revert to before i possibly irreparably destroy everything.


okay i did the thing and i haven't noticed any explosions. if things go awry please do let me know. there will be style quirks because i had to rewrite all of the style from scratch so it would be compatible with the new phpbb

Re: This forum going forward (administration, organisation,

Posted: 2016.08.29 (16:03)
by aids
sidke wrote:i'm about to do some things, so if everything breaks feel free to blame me forever. i am taking backups so i can revert to before i possibly irreparably destroy everything.


okay i did the thing and i haven't noticed any explosions. if things go awry please do let me know. there will be style quirks because i had to rewrite all of the style from scratch so it would be compatible with the new phpbb
It looks lovely. I especially love the N1.4 and N++ links at the top of the board index. Hate to nag you but have you updated recently?

EDIT: I noticed all the avatars are gone? Is that a theme limitation or a sidke mistake?

Re: This forum going forward (administration, organisation, etc)

Posted: 2016.08.29 (16:07)
by sidke
▲▪►▪▼◄▲ wrote:EDIT: I noticed all the avatars are gone? Is that a theme limitation or a sidke mistake?
that's a sidke mistake

EDIT: a sidke mistake that has been rectified

Re: This forum going forward (administration, organisation, etc)

Posted: 2016.08.30 (14:45)
by 乳头的早餐谷物
<oughts> Ummmmmm
<oughts> I just logged in to the forums
<oughts> My theme is gone
<oughts> Are you fucking kidding me
<oughts> sidke
<oughts> What did you fucking do
<oeuvre> XD
<oeuvre> no more orange
<oughts> What the fuck
<oughts> I will burn the shards of this community down to the fucking ground
<oughts> Not okay
<xwd> woo
<oughts> I mean you're a champ and once again you've stepped up to do what is necessary for the forums
<oughts> But in the process you fucked me and I will never forgive this

Re: This forum going forward (administration, organisation, etc)

Posted: 2016.08.30 (15:37)
by sidke
please understand

Re: This forum going forward (administration, organisation, etc)

Posted: 2016.09.02 (18:04)
by sidke
double posting because steam is now relevant as a thing directly to n, so there are now steam profile fields added to your user profile

you can set a link to your steam profile or just your steam name if you prefer