this thread will feature better polls than the metanet highscore 0ths one
i just took 82-2
Which of these do you think would be the most useful gadget to have in your car?
toaster - 4
chess computer - 1
jack-in-the-box - 0
bubble wrap dispenser - 2
detachable floor - 0
You wake up, and you're duct taped to the ceiling of a room that you know well, but it's completely empty. Your arms and legs are not duct taped to the ceiling, and it looks like it was done on purpose so that you should be able to un-duct-tape yourself from the ceiling if you wanted to. What is the maximum height of the room at which you would be prepared to try to unstrap yourself from the ceiling?
2m or under - 1
2.25m - 0
2.5m - 0
2.75m - 0
3m - 1
3.25m - 0
3.5m - 0
3.75m - 1
4m - 1
4.25m - 1
4.5m - 0
4.75m - 0
5m - 0
5.25m - 0
5.5m - 0
5.75m - 0
6m or over - 1
Every day, when you leave your house to go to work, you lock your front door. But when you come back, the front door is wide open, and on your kitchen table, there is a different used car part. This happens every day for 9 years. Which of these is the most likely explanation for this? (Not necessarily implying that one of them *is* the true explanation.)
A car executive married a locksmith's daughter. Both went insane. - 0
A car you bought a long time ago worked out how to travel in 4d spacetime and leaves a different part of itself behind each time. - 2
Your house was built on a car graveyard. - 0
You don't actually own a house; this is a very elaborate prank played on you by your estate agent friends. - 1
Apples. - 2
You invent a food product where you mix together equal amounts of butter and "I can't believe it's not butter". What do you name it?
i can sort of believe it may or may not be butter - 0
half-truth butter - 0
i can't believe it's not quite butter - 0
i still can't believe it's not butter - 0
i really can't believe it's not butter - 1
i can believe some of it is butter - 0
schrodinger's butter - 4
you'd butter believe it - 2
i can't believe it's not i can't believe it's not butter - 3
not quite butter - 2
other (please specify) - 1
Who will win the World Cup?
argentina - 0
belgium - 0
brazil - 1
colombia - 1
costa rica - 0
france - 0
germany - 0
holland - 0
240/2014 New poll question: You discover a cure for cancer. However, you know that widespread use of this cure will lead to the extinction of plankton in 500 years. Which of these would you be most likely to do?
share the cure with everybody - 1
share the cure widely and use the money to try to genetically modify some other organism to replace plankton - 2
share the cure only among those who are prepared to pay the most for it - 0
share the cure only with your closest friends and loved ones - 1
kill all the plankton first by some other method and then share the cure - 0
destroy all evidence of the cure - 1
create a fake cure that kills those who take it - 0
walk into a fitting room at TK Maxx and shut the door and wait a few minutes and then yell extremely loudly "THERE IS NO TOILET PAPER IN HERE" - 4