Feedback to Metanet on N++'s NED

Discussion about mapping and userlevels.
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Postby Sendy » 2016.09.28 (14:10)

First I'd just like to say good job. It's awesome, despite a couple of bugs which I know you guys will iron out.

About tile placement - in the earlier NED, slope tiles were arranged according to symmetry. In other words, when you got a slope type (mostly horizontal or mostly vertical), you got all the pieces to make a diamond shape - all the mirror images. In new NED, slope tiles are grouped according to rotation, which is less convenient and means a lot more switching back and fourth when making complex shapes like caverns.

In my experience, the brain is much quicker at doing reflections than it is rotations. Working out which group of tiles I need takes me longer and I miss the old setup.

Also, you guys take our levels away from us when we submit them :(

I totally get the idea behind this, and I applaud it. You want people to playtest the crap out of everything before uploading, to prevent constant iterations being uploaded. But think about how some of your levels have changed over time - from feedback by players. If I want to re-make a map to move a crappy mine or enemy, I WILL do it. It just means that this way, I'm going to have to take a screenshot of the map and re-build it piece by piece. Again, if it's a map I'm proud of and I want to perfect, I will. This also stops the rather awesome community scene of mashups, remixes, tileset re-uses and all that good stuff.

I realise this may not be easy or even possible to change, but I wanted to put it out there.

Finally, there's a 32 character limit on map names, which isn't enforced in the editor. So you can get level names that are cut off and look weir

Posts: 39
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Postby Sendy » 2016.10.03 (22:31)

Another suggestion: symmetry guidelines like in the old NED, preferably with various overlays, such as a middle cross, one that divides the grid up into various sizes of rooms. These were excellent visual aids. For the moment I am sketching in visual spacers with solid tiles, then erasing them when no longer needed, but this is clunky.

Also, I'd like to be able to fine-tune object placement without having to go into 'f' mode after placing each object. Perhaps have it as a toggle option, like the old snapping option in original NED.

The Loneliest Number
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Joined: 2018.01.16 (02:48)

Postby albertmitchell » 2018.01.16 (03:45)

Yes, I can agree that this work is really great!
I really like to play this game! it is very interesting

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