It’s time for…

LOCKDOWN is a brand-new cross-platform competition for players of the three major N iterations, including 1.4, 2.0, and N++.
The premise of this competition is fairly straightforward, aiming to make the most of mandatory lockdowns that are currently taking place all over the world due to COVID-19. The timeline for this isn’t fixed, but I expect it to go until this whole pandemic thing blows over.
Here is how players can earn points:

Pay attention, because this is important: Points for 0ths will only be awarded to the registered player who finishes with a 0th by the end of lockdown. However, top-10s and top-20s need only be achieved, not secured, by the end of lockdown. Here’s the kicker: Points from 0th scores will jackpot depending on how many individual players achieved the 0th in the lead-up to the final holder; this will be documented in a Google Docs spreadsheet so any competitor can check it at any time, and you’ll even be able to sort by points, date of acquisition, and even by the amount of people who have contested a given 0th. As an example of how the multiplier works, if a 1.4 speedrun goes through four sets of hands (including the first person to post the score), the player who ends up with the 0th by the end of lockdown will received 1,000 points instead of the standard 250 points. How many times this goes back and forth is inconsequential; the only thing that matters is the number of registered players who were involved in the battle. This is to reward competition and incentivise the defence of your 0th.
Ready to join? Cool. Please follow these rules.
1) Firstly, please register in this forum or via Discord PM to either Eddy or myself. I prefer you register it here, but Discord is fine. There is no deadline on registration.
2) Don’t cheat. It should go without saying, but there is to be no speedhacking, pause-exploiting, or anything else that would bring the competition into disrepute. Eddy or I reserve the right to disqualify anyone who’s suspected of breaching these rules. All N 1.4 runs must be submitted using NReality. You can download it here.
3) N++ runs may be submitted on any console! Just remember that whether a score is classified as a 0th will depend on where it ranks on the PC version of the game. If a score is tied with 10th, it will not count as a top-10 for this competition, nor will a tied 0th count as a 0th for this competition. You can compete using any or all mediums; there are no restrictions.
4) No multi-accounting or forging alliances to exploit the competition. While the effectiveness of this will be mitigated by the fact that only the person holding the 0th will be awarded the points, I just want to make this perfectly clear.
5) Tied 0ths do not count as 0ths as far as this competition is concerned; the 0th must be an outright 0th. Any top-10, top-20, or 0th counts so long as it is new; it doesn’t matter if you already had one, just long as it is new. I’m relying on honesty here, although anyone caught exploiting this will be disqualified, so please only submit legitimate entries that were new.
6) Scores will be kept in a Google Docs file. If you take a 0th that a competitor has already submitted in this competition, please mark your entry with an asterisk (*) so I know to add it to the file correctly and ensure you get full points. Scores are only recognised if you post here on this forum thread or on the #contests Discord channel. Please do not PM or DM runs. If posting on the #contests channel, please format it like this: LD: 239163 hs. This is shorthand for LOCKDOWN: Numa level 239163 highscore. It just makes it easier to sort things out. The Google Docs master list will be updated at least twice daily. 239163 is the bonus level I made especially for this contest. If you were to take a 0th on this level off someone else, you'd mark it as LD: 239163 hs*. Simply use sr to denote speedrun.
7) Only one category per run can be claimed for points. For example, a new 0th would only count as a 0th insofar as points are concerned; you wouldn't get additional points for the top-20 as well.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please get in touch. Please share this around so we can get as much competition as possible.
Prizes: I am planning on setting up some prizes, but the real prize here is prestige and glory. Eddy and I may also compete to help stimulate competition.
P.S. Does anyone else get a bug in Google Chrome that logs them out whenever they try to make a post or navigate pages? Just me? Doesn't happen on Opera (for instance).
P.S.S. Please let me know if I made any typos or mistakes.