'Twas the night before Christmas

Talk about whatever is on your mind, if it doesn't go anywhere else.
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Joined: 2012.06.16 (23:02)

Postby Inspired » 2019.12.25 (02:52)

The Christmas season always makes me feel nostalgic, and I like to check in here to see where everything is up to. I thought I'd post one of my favourite Christmas eve traditions. 14(?) years after first being written and posted. I love how it captures the community as it once was.

Happy holidays everyone!

The Night Before Christmas - Metanet Style!

'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through IRC, not a member was speaking, except of course me.

The computers were left on the desks in their rooms, and the chatting did not ever seem to resume.

Each person was nestled, all snug in their chairs, not concerned with the time or the state of affairs.

With KA in his ‘kerchief, and LV in his cap, they had just left the chat room for a long winter’s nap.

When out on the desktop there arose such a clatter, The Blizz sprang from his post to see what was the matter.

Out of the ‘net he scrolled with a flash, straight to the front screen with an incredible crash.

The icons laid out with a brilliant glow, gave the luster of objects appearing below.

When, what to his wandering eyes should be shown, but a miniature sleigh pulled by a drone.

With a thin little driver, who could be seen now and then, I knew in a moment it must be St. N.

More rapid than ninjas his coursers they came, and he whistled and shouted and called them by name.

“Now Stupid, now Seeker, now Laser and Chain Gun! On Floor Guard, on Thwumper, on Hal and on Reggie!”

“To the side of the screen, and through the glass wall! Now seek away! Seek away! Seek away all!”

As members that flee before ‘Suki tirades, when met with an obstacle, through the sky they parade.

So to the desktop his coursers they flew, with a sled full of games, carrying St. N, too.

As Sweep awoke in his bed, and was looking around, out came St. N, with a noisily bound.

He had on not that much, a mere hat on his head, he was a thin figure, all colored in red.

A pack full of games, he flung on his back, and he looked like a peddler, just opening his pack.

His eyes couldn’t be seen, but I knew he was merry; his cheeks were like roses, his color bright cherry.

He stood with a posture that made him look bold, his name on his hat, etched in pure gold.

In his left hand, he carried mines for the naughty, the spoiled brats, and those who were haughty.

An fr34king 1337 ninja, he was sleek and quite thin; I stood when I saw him, a devout follower of N.

With a nod of his head, and a shift of his feet, he went straight to work, to continue his feat.

He filled the stockings, each one with a game, and then he turned back around, and called out a name.

He dashed to his sleigh, let out a sharp cry, and jumped off the screen, and away he did fly.

But I heard him exclaim, as he drove out of sight,

“Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!”

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