Save corruption is killing my love for N++

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Postby digivape_500 » 2015.08.04 (16:07)

Hi all, I've been playing N++ since release at every available moment and my save file has been corrupted 3 times now and I can't take it anymore. I got all gold in Intro (including Accepting limitations!), made solid progress in N++, and have made four complete levels yet sit here with nothing to show for it. The first time it happened I believe I let my ps4 go into rest mode while editing a level and then I thoughtlessly unplugged it later. It was not the first time I had done something like this but it is the first time I ever corrupted data because of it. I accepted my mistake and moved on. Since then I made some more levels and replayed a bunch of N++ and was always careful to properly turn off the ps4 yet was dismayed to see my save got corrupted AGAIN! Well then I got smart and cleared space on my cloud save storage and put my third save there. Today when I closed the program and uploaded my save, I relaunched N++ just to see and yet again CORRUPTED and my uploaded save is also CORRUPTED!

I see no one talking about this problem but it is killing my experience, I can't even close N++ without corrupting my progress! And man the save corruption screen is brutally honest: "Your save is corrupt. Press Triangle to delete." I can still see all my times in the leaderboards too. Please Metanet this has to be fixed! Also on the very menu screen itself when things like Options or Story are selected they have the wrong description in the bottom left! After such a long wait I expected a perfect functioning N game and am so disappointed. The wait for N++ continues for me...

PSN: digivape_500

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Postby atomizer » 2015.08.07 (11:43)

wow, this is unfortunate... I wonder if anyone else has this problem.

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Postby Crazywizard13 » 2015.08.11 (09:04)

hello, im having the same problem and havent played n++ since because i had a really good level i was gonna publish soon but everything wiped out.

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Postby kmtburton » 2015.08.12 (12:14)

This is a well known issue but as far as I know they haven't found the cause yet so they can't fix it yet. Most people who have it happen say it happened after saving a level they created but not publishing. Then closing the game or powering off the PS4. Metanet has said it is their top priority and are working on it. Hopefully we'll get news soon.

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Postby Vyacheslav » 2015.08.12 (12:33)

When I was your age, we would manually edit our .sol files to get back our completed saves.

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Postby raigan » 2015.08.18 (21:01)

hi.. I'm really sorry. We feel miserable about this bug (luckily, very rare.. at least, only a dozen or so reports that we've heard), because N++ is literally the worst game to lose your progress on.

We're still trying to figure out the ultimate cause, but so far it seems that it's triggered by saving a level you made (vs uploading it).

If you avoid the editor (sorry, I realize how stupid/frustrating that constraint is!) you should be safe.. at least, as far as we can tell right now.

We're working on it! Save games on consoles are a lot more complex than we realize, it took us literally 6 weeks to get saving working and it seems we missed something... I'm sorry about this :(

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Postby onyx77 » 2015.10.26 (16:40)

it happened to me with about 15 total episodes left between N++ and legacy. I had used the editor with saved unpublished levels with no issue but after a ps4 update it corrupted. twas like getting sucker punched!!!!! i am however stepping back up to the plate and recommending this game to friends as well.
COMPLETED N ON APRIL 2, 2006 - COMPLETED N+ (XBOX) on April 4, 2008 - COMPLETED N+ (DS via 3DS) on February 1, 2015

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Postby MMDE » 2015.11.13 (23:01)

I just had this happen to my save as well... and I knew this was a thing. I was careful whenever I quit the game, because I knew the save could get corrupted. The save cloud thingie? Oh, it backed up my save when I changed user, so that one too was corrupted.

I had literally done half of the levels, gold at all intro, and gold at 24 normal episodes. I had done half of race levels too. :\

As for editing the save file to fix the problem, can't do that on PS4! D:

I guess I have to do all the levels over again........

From now on, I'm going to take a backup of my latest save to a USB device and then transfer it to my PC, because each time I turn off the game, the save may have been corrupted, so taking a backup that overwrites the last one is pointless.

2nd EDIT:
I literally just redid all gold on every single one of the intro solo stages in less than an hour... If only the rest would be as quick... I had done near half of the races too, and over half of the solo levels! :( I was currently struggling to get 25 all gold episodes. Just had to get all gold on one freaking level to do it.

It may be easier to redo now that I know how to solve the various levels and I'm better at the game in general, it's still going to feel like a drag. I know I'm going to swear ten times louder when failing at a level I know I had already been able to complete or get all gold at etc! :\ Knowing I've done it before just makes it all that much more painful to fail.

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Postby raigan » 2015.11.18 (21:27)

We have it fixed in a patch which should be live within the next week or so (we just want to test it really thoroughly to make sure it doesn't cause any other problems!). Sorry again about this :/

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Postby MMDE » 2015.12.21 (07:57)

Has anyone had any corrupt save files since the update? Kinda tiresome to always have to back up the save, which takes like 2-3 minutes to transfer from PS4 to USB, and then another min or two to PC.

I haven't been able to play on a PS4 for a good while, and when I booted up the game now with the latest patch installed, I was told my save file was corrupt! YAY! At least I got tons of backups... Hopefully the rest won't give me corrupt error messages, and I'm just screwed on the very last save file I made!

2nd EDIT:
Second oldest save worked fine, but I could tell by the leaderboard I had done two extra hard levels more. :( One of those were damn hard as well. I also saw the leaderboard listing was a bit different. Very tiny text font size and my name appeared to left align while others more right align or something.

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Postby raigan » 2016.02.13 (00:27)

hey MMDE -- if you're still getting corrupt saves in the latest version (1.04) please let me know! They shouldn't be happening anymore..

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