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New n++ 1.04 update bug

Posted: 2015.12.04 (15:13)
by Bartdude13524
So i have been playing this since it first came out have all gold on intro and i had about 50-75% all gold in the n++ (medium) difficulty then when i updated with the 1.04 patch i lost all my all gold on every n++ difficulty level i still kept the intro and legacy ones and want to know if it can be fixed as most would know that is at least 25+ hours lost if it cant be

Re: New n++ 1.04 update bug

Posted: 2015.12.05 (23:56)
Bartdude13524 wrote:So i have been playing this since it first came out have all gold on intro and i had about 50-75% all gold in the n++ (medium) difficulty then when i updated with the 1.04 patch i lost all my all gold on every n++ difficulty level i still kept the intro and legacy ones and want to know if it can be fixed as most would know that is at least 25+ hours lost if it cant be
aww... :\ Hopefully this isn't the case for everyone. I had almost 40 all-gold episodes.

Re: New n++ 1.04 update bug

Posted: 2015.12.06 (00:20)
by Bartdude13524
Saw on reddit that there is atleast a dozen other cases of this happening so back up your save before updating

Re: New n++ 1.04 update bug

Posted: 2015.12.06 (04:49)
Bartdude13524 wrote:Saw on reddit that there is atleast a dozen other cases of this happening so back up your save before updating
I have my save backed up, I always do, keeping two different back ups too, because I have already had my save corrupted.

I haven't been able to play on the PS4 since the patch came out, but it would very much suck if I lost all the all-gold episodes. If I were just going for the trophies, it wouldn't be that bad, because then you just need 25 all-gold, which wouldn't be that hard or take all that long.

Re: New n++ 1.04 update bug

Posted: 2015.12.06 (19:13)
by Mike
My save data must have been corrupted in the same way. My all gold badges from the N++ section are gone. I haven't had corrupted save data issues before the most recent patch. I guess it's a good thing I focused most of my efforts on world records.

Although there is still an issue with leaderboards resubmitting your score if you tie your own record, which pushes your score below anyone who is tied with you. But his is a separate issue, and I suppose only a handful of players and levels are affected. I just miss being rank 0 on "the impossible is possible" from the intro levels.

Re: New n++ 1.04 update bug

Posted: 2015.12.06 (19:47)
by Bartdude13524
If you look carefully which i saw last night so im not as worried anymore when you press triangle to look at the levels as individuals it still says 20/20 gold just no icon so i still have all the gold just no icon

Re: New n++ 1.04 update bug

Posted: 2015.12.09 (05:52)
Bartdude13524 wrote:If you look carefully which i saw last night so im not as worried anymore when you press triangle to look at the levels as individuals it still says 20/20 gold just no icon so i still have all the gold just no icon
I believe this was the case with the Legacy levels before the patch too. At least I remember noticing something like this being the case when I played before the patch.

Re: New n++ 1.04 update bug

Posted: 2015.12.24 (10:47)
Okay, so this is an actual bug. It says I've got all the gold on the episode, but no mark, and no mysteriousness symbols either. I redid a level all gold and got the all gold icon back. I had almost 40 all-gold episodes, and it still says I collected all the gold on 'em, but it's irrelevant, because I still gotta redo it for it affect anything in the game.


There's also the problem of fonts and text etc on leaderboards and user created levels going all crazy. On the leaderboards, all names are now in a very small font size. Your name always appear left aligned, totally out of place, while everyone else seems to be aligned to the right. Then there's the issue of the user created level's names. The name on the icon of the level is all messed up if the name take up more than one line. You will often see one letter being repeated at the beginning of a new line. These two things look pretty terrible IMO, and drags down what else is a great looking game.

On the positive side, I haven't had as much issues with freezing when song changes. I think I've noticed it twice or something out of like thousands of restarts. :p I just received the trophy "Achieve Enlightenment", so that's not glitched anymore. Well, the requirements for it wasn't glitched before, but one of the last co-op levels were impossible to finish, but now that's not even required, which I'm very happy about.

Re: New n++ 1.04 update bug

Posted: 2015.12.24 (17:38)
by EddyMataGallos
Thanks for reviewing all these bugs, that's very helpful. Did you know about Metanet's blog? ... d#comments

The creators personally read and update it. If you find any bug, posting it there will help reach them as fast as possible.

Re: New n++ 1.04 update bug

Posted: 2016.02.04 (14:45)
lol, the newest patch that just went live fixed many GUI issues but broke the clones. Some clone portables have become invisible, but you can hear you go through them, and there will be an invisible clone going after you, which totally messes up the game.

Re: New n++ 1.04 update bug

Posted: 2016.02.12 (14:56)
by raigan
Sorry about all of these bugs.. I guess it's obvious we're having a big problem with our programmer :/

The all-gold problem isn't fixed (well, the previous bug was fixed but the new patch has a new bug) but the good news is that this isn't a permanent problem, the data on gold collected is correct, it's just not being used properly to show/hide the badges.

This stuff will get fixed! I'm really sorry it's taking so long.