JTRplaysN has joined

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Almost as Bad as One
Posts: 2
Joined: 2013.10.27 (18:27)

Postby JTRplaysN » 2013.10.27 (18:35)

Hello fellow community of N, N+, and all other "N" related works.

As you may have seen in N [version: 2.0], I have already been designing a few maps as well; although the majority of them were made accidently and kind of unfair (since I couldn't even beat them), there is actually a small series I will be beginning with the time I have.

In regards to creating the "Are You Smarter Than The Computer?" series, I will be making more and more of this series upon request and by default. At the moment, I have already made the very first one as well as part 2.

Other than that, I hope to meet and greet all of you; hear some requests and pass some ideas back and forth.

Since my computer is VERY SLOW, it doesn't seem to do well with the whole highscore situation, so if I manage to actually beat one of my levels; I will begin taking screenshots to show my progress thus far.



"Asked ortsz for a name change"
Posts: 3380
Joined: 2008.11.13 (16:47)

Postby otters~1 » 2013.10.28 (00:16)

Was just gonna point you toward nmaps.net if you haven't found it already. Map archive.
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