2014/11/10 | Curious Results + NUMACon :: Less
Many thanks to both TommyWisau and Losttortuga for helping me judge the entries. Our critiques are on the forums, and here are the top five. Thank you all for participating.
- VO586 - Onesevennine
- EV064 - Onesevennine
- An Artist's Touch - tiki854
- the gourd - mahi_mahi
- The Seer - anco
TW had the wonderful idea to have a 'minimalist' NUMACon. However, minimalism is a rather hard abstract to judge, so we're letting the mappers come up with their own restrictions. It can be something as basic as "enemy-less" or "gold-less" to something more creative, like "one drone for the whole map" or a "no jump KRA". Try to give yourself limits which enhance the map and don't just make mapping harder. This contest will run until 31 December and each member can submit a whopping 5 maps! Maps should be tagged LESS in order to be judged. Any questions can be directed at myself, and best of luck to all.
>> Aidiera
(PS: The Dronies are coming, don't worry.)
2015/01/08 | Less Results & More!
YetiRevolution got a sub-20 minute 00 column at AGDQ. Congrats, dude!
With over 60 maps, this was one of the most successful NUMACons in like, ever! DW40, mahi_mahi and Aidiera were the judges with Bio stepping in to be a tie-breaker. Aidiera's comments are on the forums, along with a poll to vote for the theme of the next NUMACon, which will take place in February. Here are the winners:
- 0th :: Less Is More, More Or Less by ChrisE
- 1st :: Canalamo by Yahoozy
- 2nd :: Mea Culpa by krusch
- 3rd :: Gravily-Less Zone by the23
- 4th :: Less at last by IodineEnvy
One last note: The 2014 Dronies will be a bit different then all the previous years. I've switched up the categories because there were simply not enough maps made this year. You'll see in a few weeks when nominations begin, but for now my suggestion is to keep a list of all your favorites and divvy them up later. You will also need a Google account to fill out the form, just as a heads up.
>> Aidiera
2015/01/22 | NUMACon & Arcana & The 2014 Dronies
User-requested, Aidiera-accepted, this is Metamorph, the first retile NUMACon. What's a retile, you ask? A retile is a map has the same objects as another map, but a brand new tileset. The only rules for a retile are that 1. you do not add, remove, or modify the given objects, and 2. all items must be visible (but do not need to be accessible). I, being a practiced retile specialist, have hand-picked twenty maps from the in-game levels. You can browse them HERE and choose the three you like most to retile. I'm sorry if one of your favorite maps wasn't chosen; the vast majority of them would be... difficult to say the least.
Anyhoozies, this contest will run until 28 February, contestants may submit three entries tagged Metamorph, and any questions can of course be directed at myself.
In more exciting news, PALEMOON and sidke have joined forces to bring you a new kind of mapping experience. Actually, this is a more freeform version of MapDraft, which older members might remember. But this is waaay sicker! MapDraft : Arcana is a project designed to inspire, intrigue, and most of all, invite mappers to expand their horizons. So cleanse your soul, clear your mind, and head on over to the thread to see what the fates have in store for you.
Finally, the 2014 Dronies Nominations have begun! Head on over to http://noms.droni.es/ to submit your nominations. As previously mentioned, the categories have been changed, but you are still able to submit the same amount of maps. You'll need a Google account (Gmail, YouTube, etc.) in order to log in, but I'm only making this mandatory so that you now have the option of editing your submissions! I'll leave the form open for a couple months because I want -- and NEED -- as many submissions as possible. Okay, cool.
Thank you all for taking the time to make this community as great as it is. It's not because of me, it's because of you.™
>> Aidiera
2015/05/25 | NUMACon :: Gaunt ++ Creature Features
I'm sorry for the delay in Metamorph results. As soon as they're finished I'll post them. But I wanted to begin April's NUMACon. Gaunt will be a contest about making a map that's long, hard, and full of - ahem - challenges. It can't be too hard, but it can't be too easy either. Find the perfect balance of difficulty and enjoyability and you'll do well. But each member is only allowed one submission, so make sure it's good. Be sure to tag your submission GAUNT, and you have until 1 April to join.
Next, I've run short on Reviewers again, so I've created a Workshop where members can submit reviews to be proofread, fine-tuned, and perfected. All of you are welcome to submit reviews and help each other work on them. If I get an influx of Creature Features, I'll even create a special account just for them. Any questions regarding the Workshop can be posted as a comment to the document.
Lastly, nominations for the 2014 Dronies will close at the end of June. While that may seem far away now, it'll be upon us before you know it. That being said, I made a nifty little tool to help you browse the qualifiers:
Open NUMA and click that link to view a random map made in 2014. It's not perfect, since it includes delisted maps and a few non-maps, but it's helped me a lot, so I'm sure it will help you. Have fun!
>> Aidiera
2015/04/06 | Metamorph Results
I'm sorry for the delay. The judges were Onesevennine, cheez, and myself. Comments can be found here.
0th :: Haunted_Bamboo - PALEMOON
0th :: Madres - the23
1st :: Cape Coral - blacklef
2nd :: The Naif Ninja and the Big Blue Ballsey Bullies - macrohenry & blue_rocks
2nd :: Inhalable Drug - PALEMOON
I'd also like to inform you that for the next few NUMACons, submissions will be lowered to either one or two per member. It seems that too many maps to choose from leads to the judges being unable to choose five winners. (This is why we have two ties above.) So with less options, there should be more overlap. Also, if you are interested, I need reliable people to volunteer to judge the upcoming contests. Leave me a comment if you can help out. Congrats to the winners, and I'm glad the retile contest was a success.
>> Aidiera
2015/05/25 | Gaunt Judging & Such
First, as previously mentioned, there is an open poll on the forum. It will close at the end of the month when the next contest begins. Voting for your own map is allowed since you're given three choices. If voter turnout is high maybe more contests will be judged this way.
Second, if your browser has a userscript plugin (like Greasemonkey or Tampermonkey), atomizer made a reeeally awesome script which updates nmaps.net links to Appspot links on NUMA, the wikia, and the forums. Paste THIS into your plugin and be sure to thank atomizer.
Third, I'm considering moving News Posts to the forums where we have more control over them, like editing and archiving. You might know that News Posts on NUMA get deleted once they're off the front page (citation needed), but if they were posted to a thread, they would be kept longer. If that's okay with you guys (and my fellow Admin), I'd like to do that starting pretty soon.
Lastly, nominations for the 2014 Dronies are over at the end of this month. Much thanks to the highscoring community to participating, but more noms would still be helpful. Also, voting will be different. There will be several pages on the form, and each page will have all the nominees in on category, and you will have to select your top five. Thanks.
>> Aidiera
2015/05/25 | NUMACon :: Swerve
This month's NUMACon was chosen by the poll from this thread. Swerve is a tile-based contest where you have to focus on 4/8 tiles (the curved ones). You may use the other types of tiles as well, but the more curves you have, the better your score will be. Each member can submit two entries, tagged SWERVE, and all maps must be submitted before 15 July. The judges will be Mohit_Ghune, blacklef, and most likely myself.
I will also be commenting on the Gaunt maps (but not streaming soz) and the results will be posted here. Thank you for your patience.
Voting for the 2014 Dronies will start very soon. Instead of going through the rigamarole of choosing 5 nominees in each category (which is a gigantic hassle), all the nominated maps will be listed, and you will be able to choose your five favorites for each. Google Forms doesn't give me the option of including a big list of links, so the poll will be back on webform (which was used for the last few Dronies). I will send validation codes to everyone who nominated, but if you didn't, PM me and I will give you a validation code. Voting will be open for however long, and I'll make a new nomination form for this year later.
>> Aidiera
2015/07/15 | Gaunt Results :: NUMACon - Traverse
I'm sorry it took so long to finish the judging (of which there was none). My comments can be read here and the poll results are here.
0th :: concentricity >> script
1st :: SpatterSpew >> tiki854
1st :: BS117 >> Onesevennine
1st :: Maseru >> Yahoozy
1st :: forbidden sun >> PALEMOON
Thank you all for participating. The August NUMACon is will be Traverse and the theme is "unconventional ways of moving around". Interpret that as you wish. Two maps per contestant and all maps must be submitted before 1 September. Judges will be da_guru, DaggaFork, and lifdoff. (Swerve judging will commence ASAP.)
Lastly, if you'd like to be an Admin for NUMA, click here.
>> Aidiera
2015/08/02 | Swerve Results
This wasn't one of the more popular contests, oh well. The judges were Aidiera, blacklef, lifdoff, and Mohit. You can see their comments here and if you'd like to see how I arrived at the top four, click here.
0th ::: The Fourth Dimension - macrohenry
1st ::: Swerve - Aidiera
2nd ::: Where Once Was Greatness - script
3rd ::: UL963 - Onesevennine
>> Aidiera
2015/09/13 | The End of an (Aidi) Era
Hello all. I've had a good three-year run. But my free time is substantially less than is necessary to be an active Admin for this site. So it's time to revive the community with some fresh blood. The new team will be as follows:
- maxson924 (Rose) --- Senior Admin, Maintainer of the Peace
- Sunset --- Junior Admin, Community Relations Administrative Personnel
- DaggaFork --- Junior Admin, Senior Contest Arrangement Technician
- lifdoff --- Junior Admin, Primary Officer Overseeing Prose
- sidke --- sidke
I would like to thank you all for three great years, and hope that there will be many more to come, whether on this site or another. I'll still be around, too. Be excellent to each other.
<3 Mat