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Trouble with gold accumulating time

Posted: 2016.05.11 (23:00)
by maverick82
When I start a level the first few pieces of gold add time then none of the rest will. Any ideas what could be causing this? When I play on a different network all the gold I collect accumulates time.

Re: Trouble with gold accumulating time

Posted: 2016.05.12 (17:00)
by XandoToaster
There have been several versions of N over the years. Which one are you playing?

Re: Trouble with gold accumulating time

Posted: 2016.05.12 (21:16)
by EddyMataGallos
You need to elaborate a bit more on that, what do you mean by "different networks"? Which version are you using? Is this happening on any particular level?

Re: Trouble with gold accumulating time

Posted: 2016.05.16 (19:38)
by maverick82
N version 2.0, all levels. When I use a different computer on the same network the gold accumulates time. Also if I connect to the wifi on the same network the gold accumulates time. I didn't know if there was some setting on this computer that was causing it to happen.