Hero Clix

Discuss, create, and theorize about roleplaying games, tabletop games, board games, and other non-electronic interactive entertainments. Run dedicated or complex forum games here, also.

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Postby epigone » 2009.12.16 (20:43)

One of my good buddies loves this game to death, and convinced all of my friends to play it with him. Now we all play it a good amount, my roommate even dumped some money into buying his own figures.

Anyone else play?
Member of the Metanet Forum community since June 3rd, 2006.

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Postby beethoveN » 2010.01.12 (18:47)

used to.
If we shadows have offended,
Think but this, and all is mended,
That you have but slumbered here
While these visions did appear.
William Shakespeare

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Postby piash006 » 2011.09.02 (18:59)

long long time ago
i love this site

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Postby im_bad_at_n » 2011.09.04 (05:09)

My brother bought a lot of them. I remember that the vehicles were very iffy, and not worth the points. I always chose the same team, which i think included Boba, and some yellow/green electric figure from Xmen (or something). It was pretty cool.

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