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Postby Yoshimo » 2009.12.20 (00:18)

I'll join. I wanna see how shit will go down if I'm paired with Leaff, but I'll assume he already has a partner, so I'll take whatever. I'm guessing Obylisk is still open, and it would be awesome if we were partnered. We'd be the freakin' dream team.


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Postby sidke » 2009.12.28 (08:19)

Lol first round is buuust and couldn't have had worse timing.
I'll try starting this up again beginning to mid-January. Sorry for the lousy takeoff.

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Postby Pikman » 2010.01.03 (02:19)

I would've jumped on this if I were able to access the forums shortly after the move. It wasn't a problem with inactivity; instead, I've concluded my spyware blocker DESPISES me.

So I'll look for this again around mid-Jan, okays?

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Postby scythe » 2010.01.03 (03:14)

I'll do this in Haskell if Suki or AE will go at it with me. I've been meaning to learn Haskell for a while.
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Postby Pikman » 2010.01.07 (14:50)

Actually, with ADMINISTRONG probably going soon, you may not want this running concurrently just because so many people are in the other contest already.

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Postby Zephyr » 2010.01.07 (15:09)

I'd join but programming tutorials are so complex.

Orange- N cannot be spoken, or even thought about in my household. If my parents ever found out that I have played N since the cleansing, my life would be ruined. I keep the game in a multi-passworded .rar on a USB flash drive inside a locked boron alloy container that requires two keys to open (I keep one under the 64th hammer in my piano, and the other one in a small section of removable ceiling in the corner of the attic) hidden in a wall compartment lined with aluminium foil to prevent sonar detection behind my 375 kg cupboard, which is bolted to the floor - the only way to reach it is to abseil outside the fourth floor window and use a screwdriver to unfasten the screws holding the secret brick in place on the opposite side of the wall, but the screwdriver must be a specific type like the one I own, since if any other screwdriver comes into contact with the screws, the entire building will explode, as will a seperate charge placed inside the boron alloy container, rendering the USB useless. Even once the container is retrieved, attemping to open it without the arming pin in place (which is kept inside the battery compartment of my Maglite) will cause the water reservoirs lining the container to burst and react with the caesium lining, causing the container to burst into flames - the only way to prevent this is to use the arming pins to shut off the reservoirs with a sliding steel door. The USB itself contains an accelerometer linked to an explosive charge, meaning that if the USB detects its own movement speed as being greater than 5 cm/s, it will explode - any person attempting to steal it would have to move at a uselessly slow speed. Once plugged into a computer, the USB will upload a ghost virus onto it, leaving no traces. Only the right password can deactivate this virus, and if it is left on the computer for more than six hours, it will format all drives.

As you can see, I take my N playing very seriously.

Guiseppi- I'd much rather watch animals get boned in the ass.

Yanni- If it's glad, it's not rape.

Tsukatu- I refuse to use throw-away bags for such a frequent purpose as buying groceries. Instead, I've collected the hair of my two pet dogs and have woven them together into an all-natural, 100% environmentally friendly bag that I bring with me everywhere. And when I buy products that come in glass and plastic containers, I track down the company that packages them and ship back their containers so that they don't take up space in landfills.

Yeah, I use plastic.

Tsukatu- I hear Ebony Online is great, too. Cum save your princess, my lord!


Ska- why d i get the feeling what i typed will end up in the quote depository; or worse: someone's sig.

KinGAleX- I did it on the couch a little while ago.

Zeph- I got too pissed at the knife in the end so I just broke the wood on my knee

[13:50:29] |<-- Zeph has left irc.mountai.net (Quit: Zeph)
[13:50:53] <Zeph> omfg 1950s jazz :D
[13:50:57] <WorldCupE> ZEPH
[13:51:01] <WorldCupE> WHAT
[13:51:11] <WorldCupE> hpw
[13:51:12] <WorldCupE> how
[13:51:12] <Zeph> everyone wears out halfway through the match
[13:51:15] <WorldCupE> ._.
[13:51:17] <WorldCupE> you
[13:51:19] <WorldCupE> aren't
[13:51:20] <WorldCupE> here
[13:51:24] <WorldCupikaze> I think the broadcasters lowered the volume for certain frequencies
[13:51:35] <WorldCupikaze> WOAH
[13:51:38] <WorldCupikaze> STOP IT ZEPH
[13:51:46] <WorldCupE> he's in #n
[13:51:49] <WorldCupE> but not here
[13:51:58] <Zeph> that nz guy wasn't fouled
[13:52:05] <WorldCupikaze> DUBBLE YOO. TEE. EFF.
[13:52:05] <WorldCupikaze> STOPIT
[13:52:29] <WorldCupE> I don't think Zeph can read what we say
[13:52:38] <WorldCupikaze> No
[13:52:41] <WorldCupikaze> But it still happens
[13:52:46] <WorldCupE> xD
[13:52:47] <Zeph> holy shot I'm vibrating to 1950s relaxing jazz
[13:52:58] <WorldCupE> ZEPH
[13:53:01] <WorldCupE> CAN YOYU HEAR ME
[13:53:20] <WorldCupE> donfuy
[13:53:23] <WorldCupE> have you seen this
[13:53:35] <Donfuy> i can't
[13:53:43] <WorldCupE> can't what
[13:53:47] <WorldCupE> Zeph isn't here
[13:53:48] <WorldCupikaze> WHAT's GOING ON
[13:53:51] <WorldCupE> but is speaking
[13:53:51] <WorldCupE> D:
[13:53:58] <Donfuy> can't see what huh?
[13:54:06] <WorldCupikaze> IT'S THE APOCALYPSE
[13:54:10] <Donfuy> where's zeph o_o
[13:54:18] <WorldCupE> precisely
[13:54:21] <WorldCupikaze> Exactly
[13:55:21] <WorldCupikaze> call wide
[13:55:24] <Zeph> Pooh
[13:55:28] <WorldCupikaze> EH?
[13:55:37] <WorldCupikaze> OOOOOOOOoh
[13:55:38] <Zeph> amazing slide tackle saves day
[13:55:48] <WorldCupikaze> WHY ARE YOU TALKING YOU AREN'T HERE
[13:56:53] <WorldCupikaze> call wide
[13:57:02] -->| Zeph ([email protected]) has joined #Worldcup

[13:32:33] |<-- Zeph has left irc.mountai.net (Quit: Zeph)
[13:32:43] <WorldCupE> ZEPH D:<
[13:32:44] <Zeph> fucking irc app
[13:32:47] <WorldCupE> O_O
[13:32:50] -->| Zeph ([email protected]) has joined #Worldcup

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Postby SlappyMcGee » 2010.01.07 (15:22)

I don't want to take steam away from sidke.

Anybody who quits Administrong to do sidke will get a backup prize. (The prize will probably be felt.)

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Postby sidke » 2010.01.08 (08:49)

SlappyMcGee wrote:I don't want to take steam away from sidke.

Anybody who quits Administrong to do sidke will get a backup prize. (The prize will probably be felt.)
I'm trying to rethink how to do 48; whether to keep it a hectic, intense, weekend event, or to make it a lax project to be worked on gradually over time. Going the intense route involves (for a semi-decent result, at least) devoting an entire weekend to learning/coding/content creating, which is a long time considering it's an entire two days 'off' from work/school/sailing, whereas a chill, long-term project seems more rewarding and doable.
I suppose this is like in MMORPGs where there are people who prefer PvE against PvP. (Hint: I prefer PvE)

If anyone has any preferences, please feel free to post your opinions/ideas.

Either way, we'll see how a round of ADMINISTRONG (total ripoff of http://www.STILLERSTRONG.org/ by the way (total ripoff of http://www.LIVESTRONG.org/ by the way)) taxes our time and effort, and if a two day (or long-term, laxly deadlined) project can co-exist peacefully.

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Postby Pikman » 2010.02.06 (14:54)

I'm feeling free to post my opinions/ideas now.

Since Administrong is kind of taking forever for half of Round 1, I move that we pick a couple of days that are omnipresent as days off in everyone's schedule. For me, that's...

...*gets schedule*

...wow. Spring break at the end of March.

Which gives me a NEW idea. People pair up, then select dates between themselves as the time to build their game (hopefully nothing extraordinarily far away from the contest start date). Slowly but gradually, the games are handed in at the end of the allotted time period (two days? A week? Who knows?) for each pair/group. So it's on everyone's own time, but they don't need to do this contest on a day that doesn't work schedule-wise for them. I might even broadcast some development process live via Ustream, just to show I'm actually working...who knows.

Also, for 48:0, people should just build games rather than following a theme. To see how this will run. Then things will really start up with 48:1 and beyond...

Last but not least, apologies for the necropost.

Last last but definitely more than least, I prefer PvE as well.

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Postby sidke » 2010.02.06 (18:57)

Pikman wrote:awesome stuff
i believe straddling is in order

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Postby LittleViking » 2010.02.06 (19:54)

I've been thinking about this, and I think we need to build up a community of game developers before we can really start. Ten minute maps became popular after everyone had already mastered making N maps. 30 minute comics came up after everyone had started and/or finished a webcomic. But for games, (with a few exceptions) no one has really made a game here. So I propose that we get some people building games, figure out which tutorials are actually useful, and jump on the 48 wagon when enough people are up to speed.
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Postby aids » 2010.02.06 (20:17)

LittleViking wrote:I've been thinking about this, and I think we need to build up a community of game developers before we can really start. Ten minute maps became popular after everyone had already mastered making N maps. 30 minute comics came up after everyone had started and/or finished a webcomic. But for games, (with a few exceptions) no one has really made a game here. So I propose that we get some people building games, figure out which tutorials are actually useful, and jump on the 48 wagon when enough people are up to speed.
This is the reason you're an Admin; it all makes sense to you.

I'd love to learn how to build a game, and I have a few ideas, but I have no clue how to. What we need to do is set up three new "Metagames," one for novices, dabblers and pros. Each of these will consist of group of people with one "experienced" member to lead. Then, after everyone's had a taste of game-making, we can restart 48 how Pikman stated. At least, that's what I think will work.


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