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Postby NPLUS » 2010.07.19 (15:55)

I dont really get how this work, how do I place the yellow drones and the other new stuff on my maps? Becuse they dont exist in the stage builder.

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Postby unoriginal name » 2010.07.20 (22:55)

You need to edit the level code (a.k.a. the stuff in the top box in the level editor [a.k.a. "stage builder"]) in certain ways to make NReality features. For information on how to that, refer to this extremely helpful guide, and/or someone knowledgeable in such matters.

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Postby aids » 2010.07.20 (22:59)

I'm not too sure about yellow drones, but you can start with this mapmaking guide here. If you have more questions feel free to browse these guides.

Ooooh, you're talking about NReality. Pick up a free copy here and you can learn about it here and here.


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Postby kkstrong » 2010.07.21 (14:36)

Insert shameless plug *here*
~~Download Modmaster: My NReality Mod Helping App~~

golfkid - "I beat kk on his map, and he got me within 6 seconds, then I did it again and he beat me in 12 seconds."

blue_tetris - "kkstrong was nothing, alot of people stood in his way, and he just fought against adversity, he learned he lived, and he was admin at for a while. He is a great mapper, and ya know, thats why he is on the short list for the mod pick."

Pheidi -" Despite a mapper's best efforts, highscorers will always find a way to defy his intentions."

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Postby NPLUS » 2010.07.21 (20:06)

I have now spent like 6-7 hours infront of the computer testing NReality.
Now I know alot, alot!
But I there is sitll some things I cant make.

How can I make these?

The Tank & The Bomb Drone

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Postby aids » 2010.07.21 (21:43)

I believe he got them from this thread. You might be able to use kk's ModMaster link above to actually make the mechanics of the drones, since Animator only makes the images. If you don't get drone modding, just post in this thread.


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Postby NPLUS » 2010.07.22 (14:40)

I already downloaded those image drones by Animator.
I also already know how to modify drones using ModMaster 1.4

But lets talk about The Tank, so this is a drone that move, and behind it is a gauss turret that move behind the drone.
There is no code in ModMaster allowing gauss turret to move, and I dont know how to do it.

Some help?

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Postby aids » 2010.07.23 (04:53)

NPLUS wrote:I already downloaded those image drones by Animator.
I also already know how to modify drones using ModMaster 1.4

But lets talk about The Tank, so this is a drone that move, and behind it is a gauss turret that move behind the drone.
There is no code in ModMaster allowing gauss turret to move, and I dont know how to do it.

Some help?
You might want to try PMing UniverseZero for the data, or just take it directly from the map.


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Postby Universezero » 2010.07.24 (06:45)

Aw, you guys are talking about me! I didn't realise I was so famous. :D

Anyway, I got a couple of PMs over the last week talking about those maps, and I think I should posts the replies for anyone else that may have troubles.
Universezero, whilst talking about the moving gauss in his level The Tank wrote:Ah, so that's what you want to do! Personally, I don't use ModMaster; it stops you from understanding how the Nreality code works... and it has its limitations, like this one.

You can make just about any object in Nreality move like a drone does. Here's an example of one:

Code: Select all

Again, look at the link and it will tell you what each of the numbers after the ^^^ mean. I wrote a lot of it, so it's a fairly trustworthy source. ^_^

Universezero talking about the x and y offsets for custom icons wrote:The x and y offset determine how close or far away the icon going over the object is. For instance, if your x offset is very high, then the icon will not be directly over the object; it will be far away to the right of this. If you leave the x and y offset at 0, you'll most likely end up like this:

Code: Select all

( Where the cluster of 8s is a drone, and the cluster of 4s are the custom icon. Obviously, in this case, the drone and the icon are the same size. )

Generally, you have to tweak the offsets to -12 and 12 (I'm not sure which is x and which is why, so just try them out) if you're using a drone and a custom icon the size of a drone. However, for some objects you may want to adjust it to make sure that the icon is in the correct position relative to the object.


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Postby NPLUS » 2010.07.24 (10:15)

Thanks to Universezero for the anwser.
I now understand how to make gauss turret move, and made my own map, using Animators Tank.

Now I got another two questions:

- When I add a custom image for a drone, the custom image dont rotate when the drone change direction, the "eye" of the drone is always on the same angel. Is it possible to make it rotate? Prehaps with a GIF Image?

- Sorry Universezero for being so annyoing, but this is my last question to you, can you explain how you made that bomb omb drone?
So how this works, is when this bomb omb drone "walk" into a mine, the N guy dies. But I have no clue have to make this.

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Postby Universezero » 2010.07.25 (01:19)

NPLUS wrote:Now I got another two questions:

- When I add a custom image for a drone, the custom image dont rotate when the drone change direction, the "eye" of the drone is always on the same angel. Is it possible to make it rotate? Prehaps with a GIF Image?

- Sorry Universezero for being so annyoing, but this is my last question to you, can you explain how you made that bomb omb drone?
So how this works, is when this bomb omb drone "walk" into a mine, the N guy dies. But I have no clue have to make this.
No problem. Glad to help. ^_^

For the first question, you can't make the image rotate. Sorry, but it's just not possible. With a gif though? That -might- be possible, although it would only work if A) The drone always changed direction at the exact same time, i.e. it doesn't stop moving, and B) The person playing the map started playing once the custom icon had loaded, which is unlikely. So yes, it may be possible, but it would be damn hard.

For the second question... ugh, no, that's not how I did it at all. What I did is I simply made the gausses move with the drone (which you now know how to do) and then added properties to the gausses so that if you stayed within sight of them for a certain amount of time, they would fire. I believe I did this by increasing the PrefireDelay very high and then adjusting the Aim Speed to be really fast, so it would never miss. More info on that here.

Oh, and just so you know, what you said about the mine triggering the gausses could technically be possible. I don't know much about area triggers, but an example on what you described can be found here, along with some information here.

Triggers are quite hard, so if you plan to make one... good luck. :P

Hope that helps.

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