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Maxwell Smart
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Postby ninja_matt » 2010.08.17 (17:58)

Fucking hard level, can someone help me?

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Postby Pheidippides » 2010.08.17 (18:08)

My first suggestion is to watch how the highscorers do it. If the top scores seem too tough to duplicate, maybe the bottom of the list will have something you can work with. Also, Bricklayer is gonna take you a while, so be sure to build up a lot of extra time in 83-0, 83-1, and 83-2 if you can. 83-0 is particularly helpful in that respect. Other than that, there's not much advice I can give besides practice and planning. If you keep at it long enough, I'm sure you'll get it. Good luck!
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Postby ninja_matt » 2010.08.17 (18:11)

lol, thanks, I'll keep trying...

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Postby Raif » 2010.08.17 (18:13)

My advice is to look at the wikia. http://n.wikia.com/wiki/83-3

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Postby Vyacheslav » 2010.08.17 (18:19)

Keep trying! I remember it took me around 4 hours to beat this level. Persistence is key here.

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Postby BluePretzel » 2010.08.18 (08:04)

Having completed 83-3 only about 2 weeks ago, I can still freshly remember how I did it...
(This method would work as long as you're just want the bare minimum of completing it)
As a build-on to what Pheidi said, go into the configure menu and change the 'highscore' mode to 'speedrun' (using Nreality of course). Go to the highscores, then watch the lowest scoring demo. Chances are, this will be the most direct route, but at a slower pace. I (think) I used nickdeale4's demo, whereas I changed it a bit; getting the switch above you first seems to make it easier.
And of course, you need to persist! It took me about 35 minutes (seriously) to complete using this, so hopefully it'll help you too. Oh, and this method can apply to any hard levels you come across (*cough* MTI *cough*)

Good luck!

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Maxwell Smart
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Postby ninja_matt » 2010.08.19 (21:02)

Thanks guys :)
I finally completed it and the rest of the 80's column :D
Then I did 67, 68 and 69, so I completed the game :DD

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Postby The Black Lion » 2010.08.22 (11:25)

When i'm blocked at one level, i watch lukapaka's video on youtube and try to do excatly the same way. Have a look for 83-3 level: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbW8wTP73Vc
For others video type "N-game episode X" (X is the number of the episode your blocked).
Thanks Lukapaka :D
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