The Highscore Rankings

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Postby ska » 2010.07.28 (18:30)

TheRealOne wrote:
mohamedraif wrote:
TheRealOne wrote:Also my Nhigh gives me "0 xaelar - 211" and I add 3 for Ep 00, 00-0, and 00-1. Here are xela's 0ths. If you can find the discrepancy we can know who you have ignored and I don't.
Ugh, it was schwah again. He must have been in my ignore list in 2 places because I remember removing him before. O_o
Edit: So who has the 90-3 0th now? The spreadsheet says TFK but the rankings say cheese_god.
Ok I have kind of taking care of the highscores for a while now. I started with a simple spread sheet with all of the current 0ths for the metanet highscores and their cheated counterparts in two different columns to keep track of the Total Level Score. I created this while getting all of the of the demo codes for all of the non-nreality top-20s (I doubt this project will ever get finished. I got a little discourraged and then kinda stop working on it all together. I have an excel file on my portable hard drive but it is .xlsx and I only have open office on this computer so I can't really do much with that file because of all the formating. I have about 2700 demo saved on that sheet, there are about 300 more to get, but then begins the long process of uploading them. golfkid helped me out with this a lot demo grabbing and upload a few hundred demos. If anyone wants to help me with this feel free, but if not I understand since I doubt I will do much more on this.)

However, everything I have just said is kind of irrelevant to what I wanted to say, but eventually Raif did something similar and made a spread sheet similar to mine with all of the current 0ths both cheated and legit. I liked his formatting much more so I have been using his spread sheet with some of my own modifications. I keep this updated and so does he, along with eru now because I sent him a copy. If anyone else wants a copy I link to it in my latest Highscore Rankings pots, 5 post up. And there have been a few discrepencies in the Total Level score and the 0th rankings because: on 90-3 I give the Level Score to TFK but in my Nhigh I give it to cheese_god. Also on 82-0 I give the Level Score to Clux and the 0th to cheese_god. so here is the question, I don't think there is any evidence in the form of a confession or perfect direction changing chimnies, if anyone can find some from the old forums or one of his runs then we will have a conviction, but if not then I see that we would have to give both the 0th and the Level score to cheese? If anyone sees different make your point heard. I will go with majority rules. I believe this is the only mismatch between the 0th and the level score if anyone finds more please tell me and we can discuss those too.

Also schwah's run on 27-0 is what makes him suspected of cheating, but like cheese I don't remember any incident of cheating he confessed to or was postulated with demo analysis. So I am inclined to give him the 0th. If anyone can prove something otherwise then we will change that.
I think his 27-0 is legit... I think it was his 99-0 that attracted more attention... but with timing and practise, it's not impossible... unfortunately, arrow-chimney jumping is not a giveaway either as people who have the skill to jump so quickly usually have supreme synchronism skills - spect for example. Also... how exactly do you extract demo data from highscores? I'd like to pitch in and help if possible...

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Postby vankusss » 2010.07.28 (21:39)

TheRealOne wrote:Also schwah's run on 27-0 is what makes him suspected of cheating, but like cheese I don't remember any incident of cheating he confessed to or was postulated with demo analysis. So I am inclined to give him the 0th. If anyone can prove something otherwise then we will change that.
it's cheated, my mighty eye sent me a proof
changing directions during chimneying is just stupid thing which stupid cheaters do, if he played the game realtime for 1 day he would have noticed he doesn't have to change directions, and perfect chimneying WITH changing directions (not sure he did it or someone at all) is just impossible
iNsane (watch in 480p)( yellow wins )

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Postby TheRealOne » 2010.08.05 (15:54)

The Highscore Rankings
- As of 08/05/10
- Includes Tied 0ths
New 0th Report

27-2 - Old: [golfkid, 113.125] New: [vankusss, 113.475] => [golfkid, 113.550]
28-1 - Old: [Mr_Lim, 121.125] New: [vankusss, 121.200] => [xaelar, 121.225]
28 - Old: [golfkid, 244.400] New: [eru_bahagon, 246.250]
63-0 - Old: [Mr_Lim, 126.300] New: [eru_bahagon, 126.325]
63 - Old: [Hendor, 400.100] New: [eru_bahagon, 403.525]
91-1 - Old: [Hendor, 186.900] New: [xaelar, 186.950]
91-4 - Old: [TWA_MATO_Titan, 270.225] New: [7aMaDX, 270.350]

Total 0th Rankings

0 xaelar - 216
1 vankusss - 101
2 Mr_Lim - 81
3 eru_bahagon - 63
4 lookatthis - 29
5 Izzy - 15
6 golfkid - 14
- Seifer - 14
8 Ben_Schultz_11 - 13
9 macrohenry - 11
- Hendor - 11
11 Darkshadow1416 - 7
- Analu - 7
13 johnny_faneca - 6
- Kool-aid - 6
- clux - 6
16 trib4lmaniac - 4
- The_TGM_Project - 4
18 zj820 - 3
- ToeFaceKiller - 3

- Meta_Ing - 3

Level 0th Rankings

0 xaelar - 200
1 vankusss - 97
2 Mr_Lim - 64
3 lookatthis - 25
4 eru_bahagon - 19
5 Izzy - 15
6 Seifer - 13
- Ben_Schultz_11 - 13
8 macrohenry - 11
9 golfkid - 8
- Darkshadow1416 - 7
11 johnny_faneca - 6
- clux - 6
- Kool-aid - 6
14 Hendor - 5
- Analu - 5
16 trib4lmaniac - 4
- The_TGM_Project - 4
18 zj820 - 3
- ToeFaceKiller - 3

- Meta_Ing - 3

Top-20 Rankings

0 eru_bahagon - 570
1 lookatthis - 567
2 xaelar - 546
3 Mr_Lim - 543
4 glib_jase - 391
5 Hendor - 384
6 Analu - 378
7 ToeFaceKiller - 362
8 golfkid - 336
9 johnny_faneca - 307
10 vankusss - 269
11 Ben_Schultz_11 - 246
12 Darkshadow1416 - 221
13 Chouse - 188
14 trib4lmaniac - 169
15 macrohenry - 155
16 zapkt - 142
17 Izzy - 137
18 jg9000 - 129
19 Amdi - 108

Community Total Level Score

Seconds - 71727.000
Hours - 19.924
Frames - 2869080
Seconds left until 20 hours - 273.000
Frames left until 20 hours - 10920

First off sorry this is late, it just seemed to slip my mind. This week started off with Eru taking a few Ep 0ths and then snagged 63-0 by a frame from Lim. Van innovated 27-2 with a neat corner jump taking a frame war map from golfkid by .350. Golfkid retaliated and improved by another 3 frames securing his 0th for the week. xaelar made a return to highscoring with week with two Metanet 0ths this week along with a bunch of legacy 0ths. xaelar took 28-1 from van two hours after he had taken it from Lim which was another two hours after Eru had just tied Lim. The two 0ths xaelar took put him back over the 200 level 0th mark. 7aMaDX also made a return to highscoring, but a return several years in the making. 7aMaDX was a highscorer from years ago, I don't know if he ever reached the forums or not, but if not he takes the one map that the highscorers from the forums can seem never to take. 91-4 has been fought over by TWA and x-y-z for years, but 7aMaDX swooped in an snagged it by using the route that skips the center gold.

In other news I gave the level score on both 90-3 and 82-0 to cheese_god for consistency's sake; simply based on the fact that I have never heard of anything from his of cheating, but this is still up for discussion, if people think the runs should go to TFK and clux respectively, I know there are already votes from ska and Raif to give the 0ths to them, but I would like a few more people's opinions before I make the change.

Personally I think that cheese's CJs on 82-0 are all hnjh which makes me suspect him of cheating and most of his chimnies in 90-3 are jnj. So I am going to put my vote in for cheater.
82-0 cjs

137. RJ - 1 frame
138. R - 40 frames
178. RJ - 29 frames
207. R - 1 frame
208. RJ - 15 frames
223. R - 1 frame
224. RJ - 2 frames
226. R - 9 frames
235. RJ - 63 frames


000. L - 5 frames
005. LJ - 1 frame
006. J - 1 frame
007. Nothing - 1 frame
008. RJ - 1 frame
009. R - 52 frames
061. L - 1 frame
062. LJ - 3 frames
065. L - 3 frames
068. J - 2 frames
070. Nothing - 1 frame
071. J - 5 frames
076. Nothing - 3 frames
079. J - 1 frame
080. Nothing - 1 frame
081. J - 1 frame
082. Nothing - 1 frame
083. J - 2 frames
085. Nothing - 5 frames
090. J - 1 frame
091. Nothing - 1 frame
092. J - 1 frame
093. Nothing - 1 frame
094. J - 1 frame
095. Nothing - 5 frames
100. J - 1 frame
101. Nothing - 1 frame
102. J - 1 frame
103. Nothing - 1 frame
104. J - 1 frame
105. Nothing - 9 frames
114. LJ - 16 frames
130. Nothing - 4 frames
134. J - 1 frame
135. Nothing - 7 frames
142. R - 4 frames
146. Nothing - 1 frame
147. L - 9 frames
156. Nothing - 4 frames
160. R - 6 frames
166. Nothing - 6 frames
172. R - 8 frames
180. RJ - 9 frames
189. R - 20 frames
209. L - 25 frames
234. R - 18 frames
252. L - 18 frames
270. R - 19 frames
289. L - 4 frames
293. Nothing - 3 frames
296. R - 1 frame
297. Nothing - 3 frames
300. R - 90 frames
390. RJ - 2 frames
392. Nothing - 1 frame
393. J - 1 frame
394. Nothing - 1 frame
395. J - 1 frame
396. Nothing - 1 frame
397. J - 4 frames
401. LJ - 7 frames

Last edited by TheRealOne on 2010.08.05 (18:07), edited 1 time in total.
<@Izzy> Holy balls, sweet run.
<@gloomp> Holy sweet, balls run.
<@Izzy> Sweet, balls run holy.
<@gloomp> Run sweet, balls holy.
<@Izzy> Sweet run, ballsy hole.
<@gloomp> All's sweet, holeb run.
<@Izzy> Ballsy nun, sweet mole.

<@Kool> bro no joke, I saw the sexiest swedish chick giving herself anal on one of those pop-up alarm-clocks at my uncle's house

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Postby eru_bahagon » 2010.08.05 (16:19)

In my opinion, you can give 82-0 to clux and 90-3 to TFK. cheese_god is really really clean and just too old to be that good.

If it were xaelar, ok, but in this case,i think it's cheated.

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Postby golf » 2010.08.05 (17:50)

Is it just me or is the new 0th report spoiler not working?
[16:24] <@golfkid> I'm pretty sure I will literally scream if I die on the last column of 78-4 at this point
[16:25] <trance> Oh, yeah. That level.
[16:29] <@golfkid> lol
[16:30] <@golfkid> It looks so simple
[16:30] <@golfkid> But it says "NO! I will rape your sanity!"

My Accomplishments:
Completed N; Completed Nreality on 4/11/08
598 top 20 scores in N 1.4 as of 6/28/14 (498 level scores, 100 episode scores, 2nd position in top 20 rankings); reached 100 on 12/14/2008; 300 (half of all possible :D) on 11/9/2009; 400 on 12/2/2011; max of 598 on 2/3/2013; tied for 0th in top 20 rankings on 2/26-27/13

4 current v1.4 0ths (9th position in 0th rankings); First v1.4 0th: 63-3 at 1:20 pm, 3/24/2008

current level score: 71079.200 (6th position all time); 60k seconds on v1.4 6/17/08; 12th to 70k at 11:30pm EST, 12/24/2011; 6th to 71k at 5:50 pm EST, 9/29/2012

current episode score: 34276.650 (4th position all time); 100k seconds total level score (Metanet and NReality) on 2/4/08

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[quote="ska on my 129-1 innovation"]I thought about that but couldn't chimeny fast enough when trying. Congrats[/quote]

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Postby vankusss » 2010.08.05 (17:54)

not working
iNsane (watch in 480p)( yellow wins )

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Postby ska » 2010.08.06 (04:12)

haha 'Frame War' classic :P
Great summary, TRO. I'll try and submit my episode 18 0th if I get some time next week... and maybe Mistixia, but no promises...

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Postby TheRealOne » 2010.08.12 (14:42)

The Highscore Rankings
- As of 08/12/10
- Includes Tied 0ths
New 0th Report

68-4 - Old: [lookatthis, 156.425] New: [vankusss, 156.???] => [vankusss, 157.250] => [vankusss, 157.275]

Total 0th Rankings

0 xaelar - 216
1 vankusss - 102
2 Mr_Lim - 81
3 eru_bahagon - 63
4 lookatthis - 28
5 Izzy - 15
6 Seifer - 14
- golfkid - 14
8 Ben_Schultz_11 - 13
9 macrohenry - 11
- Hendor - 11
11 clux - 7
- Darkshadow1416 - 7
- Analu - 7
15 johnny_faneca - 6
- Kool-aid - 6
16 trib4lmaniac - 4
- ToeFaceKiller - 4
- The_TGM_Project - 4
19 zj820 - 3

- Meta_Ing - 3

Level 0th Rankings

0 xaelar - 200
1 vankusss - 98
2 Mr_Lim - 64
3 lookatthis - 24
4 eru_bahagon - 19
5 Izzy - 15
6 Seifer - 13
- Ben_Schultz_11 - 13
8 macrohenry - 11
9 golfkid - 8
10 clux - 7
- Darkshadow1416 - 7
13 johnny_faneca - 6
- Kool-aid - 6
14 Hendor - 5
- Analu - 5
16 trib4lmaniac - 4
- ToeFaceKiller - 4
- The_TGM_Project - 4
19 zj820 - 3

- Meta_Ing - 3

Top-20 Rankings

0 eru_bahagon - 570
1 lookatthis - 567
2 xaelar - 546
3 Mr_Lim - 543
4 glib_jase - 392
5 Hendor - 384
6 Analu - 378
7 ToeFaceKiller - 363
8 golfkid - 336
9 johnny_faneca - 306
10 vankusss - 271
11 Ben_Schultz_11 - 246
12 Darkshadow1416 - 221
13 Chouse - 187
14 trib4lmaniac - 169
15 macrohenry - 155
16 zapkt - 142
17 Izzy - 137
18 jg9000 - 129
19 Amdi - 108

Community Total Level Score

Seconds - 71727.675
Hours - 19.924
Frames - 2869107
Seconds left until 20 hours - 272.325
Frames left until 20 hours - 10893

Well this was a slow week. Van was the only one to take a 0th. He made a route change on 68-4 and then improved his score several times to secure the new 0th.

In other news I have ignored cheese_god ans his two 0ths (82-0 and 90-3) were given to Clux and TFK respectively and their scores for those maps are now reflected in the community total level score.

<@Izzy> Holy balls, sweet run.
<@gloomp> Holy sweet, balls run.
<@Izzy> Sweet, balls run holy.
<@gloomp> Run sweet, balls holy.
<@Izzy> Sweet run, ballsy hole.
<@gloomp> All's sweet, holeb run.
<@Izzy> Ballsy nun, sweet mole.

<@Kool> bro no joke, I saw the sexiest swedish chick giving herself anal on one of those pop-up alarm-clocks at my uncle's house

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Postby vankusss » 2010.08.12 (14:45)

haaaa i owned this week!
iNsane (watch in 480p)( yellow wins )

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Postby ska » 2010.08.19 (11:20)

The Highscore Rankings
- As of 19 August 2010
- Includes Tied 0ths
New 0th Report

00-1 - Old: [xaelar, 135.975] New: [xaelar, 136.125]*
01-4 - Old: [vankusss, 166.900] New: [golfkid, 167.225]
03-2 - Old: [ToeFaceKiller, 161.900] New: [xaelar, 161.975]
39 - Old: [eru_bahagon, 321.325] New: [golfkid, 322.900]
85 - Old: [Mr_Lim, 352.225] New: [eru_bahagon, 352.675]

*Score only available in legit mode

Total 0th Rankings

0 xaelar - 216
1 vankusss - 101
2 Mr_Lim - 80
3 eru_bahagon - 64
4 lookatthis - 28
5 golfkid - 16
6 Izzy - 15
7 Seifer - 14
8 Ben_Schultz_11 - 13
9 macrohenry - 11
- Hendor - 11
11 clux - 7
- Darkshadow1416 - 7
- Analu - 7
14 johnny_faneca - 6
- Kool-aid - 6
16 trib4lmaniac - 4
- The_TGM_Project - 4
18 zj820 - 3
- ToeFaceKiller - 3

- Meta_Ing - 3

Level 0th Rankings

0 xaelar - 200
1 vankusss - 97
2 Mr_Lim - 63
3 lookatthis - 24
4 eru_bahagon - 20
5 Izzy - 15
6 Seifer - 13
- Ben_Schultz_11 - 13
8 macrohenry - 11
9 golfkid - 9
10 clux - 7
- Darkshadow1416 - 7
12 johnny_faneca - 6
- Kool-aid - 6
14 Hendor - 5
- Analu - 5
16 trib4lmaniac - 4
- The_TGM_Project - 4
18 zj820 - 3
- ToeFaceKiller - 3
- Meta_Ing - 3

Top-20 Rankings

0 eru_bahagon - 570
1 lookatthis - 567
2 xaelar - 545
3 Mr_Lim - 543
4 glib_jase - 397
5 Hendor - 383
6 Analu - 377
7 ToeFaceKiller - 362
8 golfkid - 335
9 johnny_faneca - 306
10 vankusss - 272
11 Ben_Schultz_11 - 247
12 Darkshadow1416 - 220
13 Chouse - 186
14 trib4lmaniac - 169
15 macrohenry - 155
16 zapkt - 142
17 Izzy - 137
18 jg9000 - 127
19 Amdi - 108

Community Total Level Score

Total level 0th Time gained this week: 0.550
Seconds - 71728.225
Hours - 19.9245069444...
Frames - 2869085
Seconds left until 20 hours - 271.775
Frames left until 20 hours - 10871

Firstly, I decided to give TRO a rest this week since he's been doing this a while, so I hope he doesn't mind ;)
This week has been a big week in terms of highscoring in general. As well as the 5 new Metanet 0ths that were submitted; (three of which were in the 00's column), Blur 4 started which instigated the resurgence of inactive players such as Seifer and zapkt. Golfkid leapfrogged a couple of positions on the 0ths table with his impressive 0ths; a nifty run on 1-4 and an episode 0th on 39 which is a tumultuous episode to get a 0th on considering the nature of the gold which needs to be grabbed on level 4. xaelar got a tight run on 00-1 (viewable in 'legit mode' on NReality), with with his ultra precise jumping skills. He also proved who's boss on 3-2, eclipsing TFK's 2 year old run by 3 whole frames. However, TFK claims he has some tricks left up his sleeve yet that could bring the level into 162 territory.
TheRealOne wrote:Also with 03-2 xaelar gets Episode Ownage on ep03. Currently xela and van are the only two players owning a full episode, 03 and 48 respectively.
Finally Eru_Bahagon asserted his episode dominance with a successful assault on episode 85, scraping over the line to take another Lim 0th. Good luck to everyone for the rest of round 1 of Blur 4 and I'm quite impressed with the solid scores players are getting in both the speedrun and highscores section.

DisKuss. (and please correct me if I made any statistical errors etc.)
Last edited by ska on 2010.08.20 (22:03), edited 5 times in total.

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Postby Raif » 2010.08.19 (12:02)

Why does Lim have the same number of 0ths as last week even though he lost a 0th this week?

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Postby TheRealOne » 2010.08.19 (14:33)

ska wrote: Firstly, I decided to give TRO a rest this week since he's been doing this a while, so I hope he doesn't mind ;)
Not at all. Thanks a lot Ska. In the future if anyone wants to see the rankings early or feels they could give a cool run down of the weeks events feel free post them. I try to do it every week just to keep everyone informed, in fact that is what I was about to do until I saw that Ska posted the rankings.

Two mistakes I found where xela should have 216 total 0ths and 200 level 0ths. This is because xela was tied with TFK on 3-2 before he beat him, so even though he took the 0th it appears as if he only improved both 0ths. Eru should have 64 total 0ths and 20 level 0ths. This is because he tied xela on 28-1 I think. Because of ties sometimes the rankings get tricky to calculate correctly because you can't just take the net 0ths for each player that week and add it to their count.

Also with 03-2 xaelar gets Episode Ownage on ep03. Currently xela and van are the only two players owning a full episode, 03 and 48 respectively.
<@Izzy> Holy balls, sweet run.
<@gloomp> Holy sweet, balls run.
<@Izzy> Sweet, balls run holy.
<@gloomp> Run sweet, balls holy.
<@Izzy> Sweet run, ballsy hole.
<@gloomp> All's sweet, holeb run.
<@Izzy> Ballsy nun, sweet mole.

<@Kool> bro no joke, I saw the sexiest swedish chick giving herself anal on one of those pop-up alarm-clocks at my uncle's house

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Postby ska » 2010.08.19 (14:53)

TheRealOne wrote: ...Also with 03-2 xaelar gets Episode Ownage on ep03. Currently xela and van are the only two players owning a full episode, 03 and 48 respectively.
hehehe, that's about to change ;)
btw thanks for your corrections; i knew i was bound to make a few mistakes, so thanks for updating me.

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Postby chume14 » 2010.08.20 (18:16)

11 clux - 7
- Darkshadow1416 - 7
- Analu - 7
15 johnny_faneca - 6
- Kool-aid - 6
16 trib4lmaniac - 4
- The_TGM_Project - 4
Should johnny_faneca and Kool-aid not be 14th= here in the total 0th ranking and similarly 12th= in the level 0th ranking?
This is interesting to look at by the way thanks for putting in the time.
I am become death. Destroyer of worlds.

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Postby ska » 2010.08.20 (22:04)

chume14 wrote:
11 clux - 7
- Darkshadow1416 - 7
- Analu - 7
15 johnny_faneca - 6
- Kool-aid - 6
16 trib4lmaniac - 4
- The_TGM_Project - 4
Should johnny_faneca and Kool-aid not be 14th= here in the total 0th ranking and similarly 12th= in the level 0th ranking?
This is interesting to look at by the way thanks for putting in the time.

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Postby vankusss » 2010.08.23 (22:42)

ska wrote:thanks
iNsane (watch in 480p)( yellow wins )

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Postby ska » 2010.08.27 (12:07)

TRO... are you here man?

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Postby TheRealOne » 2010.08.27 (16:43)

The Highscore Rankings
- As of 08/27/10
- Includes Tied 0ths
New 0th Report

01-4 - Old: [golfkid, 167.225] New: [vankusss, 167.800]
01 - Old: [xaelar, 337.725] New: [eru_bahagon, 337.800] => [golfkid, 339.900]
02 - Old: [xaelar, 226.650] New: [vankusss, 228.075]
06 - Old: [xaelar, 345.450] New: [eru_bahagon, 345.675]
52-0 - Old: [johnny_faneca, 172.475] New: [xaelar, 172.675]
62-3 - Old: [Mr_Lim, 128.275] New: [eru_bahagon, 128.350]
62 - Old: [Hendor, 362.175] New: [eru_bahagon, 363.950]
65 - Old: [Hendor, 258.425] New: [eru_bahagon, 259.400] => [vankusss, 260.950]
78 - Old: [Mr_Lim, 451.350] New: [eru_bahagon, 456.525]

Total 0th Rankings

0 xaelar - 214
1 vankusss - 105
2 Mr_Lim - 78
3 eru_bahagon - 68
4 lookatthis - 28
5 golfkid - 16
6 Izzy - 15
7 Seifer - 14
8 Ben_Schultz_11 - 13
9 macrohenry - 11
10 Hendor - 9
11 clux - 7
- Darkshadow1416 - 7
- Analu - 7
14 Kool-aid - 6
15 johnny_faneca - 5
16 trib4lmaniac - 4
- The_TGM_Project - 4
18 zj820 - 3
- ToeFaceKiller - 3

- Meta_Ing - 3

Level 0th Rankings

0 xaelar - 201
1 vankusss - 99
2 Mr_Lim - 63
3 lookatthis - 24
4 eru_bahagon - 21
5 Izzy - 15
6 Seifer - 13
- Ben_Schultz_11 - 13
8 macrohenry - 11
9 golfkid - 8
10 clux - 7
- Darkshadow1416 - 7
12 Kool-aid - 6
13 johnny_faneca - 5
- Hendor - 5
- Analu - 5
16 trib4lmaniac - 4
- The_TGM_Project - 4
18 zj820 - 3
- ToeFaceKiller - 3

- Meta_Ing - 3

Top-20 Rankings

0 eru_bahagon - 572
1 lookatthis - 566
2 xaelar - 545
3 Mr_Lim - 540
4 glib_jase - 396
5 Hendor - 381
6 Analu - 375
7 ToeFaceKiller - 359
8 golfkid - 338
9 johnny_faneca - 302
10 vankusss - 278
11 Ben_Schultz_11 - 250
12 Darkshadow1416 - 219
13 Chouse - 185
14 trib4lmaniac - 166
15 macrohenry - 154
16 zapkt - 142
17 Izzy - 136
18 jg9000 - 127
19 Amdi - 107

Community Total Level Score

Seconds - 71729.075
Hours - 19.925
Frames - 2869163
Seconds left until 20 hours - 270.925
Frames left until 20 hours - 10837

ska wrote:TRO... are you here man?
Yes I am here, Sorry for this being late, but there is a movie being filmed at my house so I have been staying at a friends house this past week. I haven't had much time in front of my computer. I need to get some demo before the deadline for blur :\

This week the 00 column saw more progress with van and eru a level 0th and 3 Ep 0ths. Golfkid later jump in grabbing Ep 1 from Eru keeping him at a net of +0 after van took his 1-4 from last week. xaelar suffered the most individual losses with 3 Ep 0ths, however he did take johnny's extremely long standing 52-0 with van's new route. Eru took two more Lim 0ths this week leaving him now 10 0ths from the former 0th overall. Eru also took two of Hendor's Ep 0ths in his on going quest to achieve 35k total ep score. Van then later took Ep 65 from Eru in an attempt to get some competition going on that 0th. Will Eru retaliate and reclaim Ep 65? Will Hendor put a stop to both of their effort for his 0th? Will trib4l return to highscoring and take everyone's 0ths??? Tune in next week and find out.
<@Izzy> Holy balls, sweet run.
<@gloomp> Holy sweet, balls run.
<@Izzy> Sweet, balls run holy.
<@gloomp> Run sweet, balls holy.
<@Izzy> Sweet run, ballsy hole.
<@gloomp> All's sweet, holeb run.
<@Izzy> Ballsy nun, sweet mole.

<@Kool> bro no joke, I saw the sexiest swedish chick giving herself anal on one of those pop-up alarm-clocks at my uncle's house

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Postby Raif » 2010.08.27 (17:57)

TheRealOne wrote:Will trib4l return to highscoring and take everyone's 0ths???

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Postby eru_bahagon » 2010.08.27 (18:02)

Funny week. It seems that i can't reach 50 ep 0th.

I will not challenge van on ep 65 right now, i still have 122 seconds to find on my episodes, i'll first complete my "ep to-do list".

About trib'. N has changed. We now have many players with more than 500k played runs. That's a lot of pratice. 0th are really really hard. And i don't think there are many innovations to find. Therefore, 0th is cleaning : practice, practice and a bit of luck.

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Postby eru_bahagon » 2010.09.01 (21:38)

The Highscore Rankings
- As of 09/01/10
- Includes Tied 0ths
New 0th Report

18-0 - Old: [Ben_Schultz_11, 130.125] New: [Ben_Schultz_11, 130.325]
18 - Old: [eru_bahagon, 274.850] New: [Ben_Schultz_11, 276.150]
24-0 - Old: [Mr_Lim, 193.375] New: [eru_bahagon, 193.425]
24 - Old: [xaelar, 336.725] New: [eru_bahagon, 338.775]
27 - Old: [golfkid, 299.300] New: [eru_bahagon, 305.125]
29-4 - Old: [clux, 120.900] New: [Ben_Schultz_11, 120.950] => [Izzy, 121.025]
29 - Old: [Mr_Lim, 272.875] New: [eru_bahagon, 274.175]
34 - Old: [golfkid, 214.900] New: [eru_bahagon, 216.500]
38-1 - Old: [vankusss, 178.875] New: [eru_bahagon, 179.025]
38 - Old: [golfkid, 381.975] New: [eru_bahagon, 384.825]
43-0 - Old: [Seifer, 161.425] New: [Seifer, 161.575]
43 - Old: [Seifer, 284.375] New: [eru_bahagon, 284.675] => [Seifer, 285.450]

Total 0th Rankings

0 xaelar - 213
1 vankusss - 104
2 Mr_Lim - 76
3 eru_bahagon - 75
4 lookatthis - 28
5 Seifer - 16
- Izzy - 16
7 Ben_Schultz_11 - 14
8 golfkid - 13
9 macrohenry - 11
10 Hendor - 9
11 Darkshadow1416 - 7
- Analu - 7
12 Kool-aid - 6
14 johnny_faneca - 5
- clux - 5
16 trib4lmaniac - 4
- The_TGM_Project - 4
18 zj820 - 3
- Meta_Ing - 3

Level 0th Rankings

0 xaelar - 201
1 vankusss - 98
2 Mr_Lim - 62
3 lookatthis - 24
- eru_bahagon - 24
5 Izzy - 16
6 Seifer - 15
7 Ben_Schultz_11 - 13
8 macrohenry - 11
9 golfkid - 8
10 Darkshadow1416 - 7
11 Kool-aid - 6
12 johnny_faneca - 5
- clux - 5
- Hendor - 5
- Analu - 5
16 trib4lmaniac - 4
- The_TGM_Project - 4
18 zj820 - 3
- Meta_Ing - 3

- Meta_Ing - 3

Top-20 Rankings

0 eru_bahagon - 571
1 lookatthis - 561
2 xaelar - 543
3 Mr_Lim - 533
4 glib_jase - 387
5 Hendor - 373
6 Analu - 367
7 ToeFaceKiller - 351
8 golfkid - 331
9 johnny_faneca - 300
10 vankusss - 276
11 Ben_Schultz_11 - 252
12 Darkshadow1416 - 215
13 Chouse - 182
14 trib4lmaniac - 162
15 macrohenry - 150
16 zapkt - 138
17 Izzy - 136
18 jg9000 - 126
19 EddyMataGallos - 121

Community Total Level Score

Seconds - 71729.650
Hours - 19.925
Frames - 2869186
Seconds left until 20 hours - 270.350
Frames left until 20 hours - 10814

I'll do the rankings. I hope that TRO won't get angry^^

It was a huge week : 12 0th ! I've gained up to 9 0th and passed Lim (and tie lat in counting only level 0th). Starting with ep 27 and 27-4 (tie). I then get ep 34, ep 38 and 38-1. Yesterday was a long long day, getting ep 29 (one frame slower than crappi's cheated run), ep 24 and 24-0 from Lim. Late in the night, i finally managed to get ep 43 to pass Lim. A few hours later, Seifer took back his ep 43. And then ska beated my ep 18 :/
Both of the episode starts with a 0th : ska improved his 18-0 and Seifer his 43-0.

About rankings, i think i'll do it every monday around 18h00 GMT, to ensure some "linearity".

EDIT : Ska found a innovation at the beginning of 29-4, which allowed to beat a clux/kryx 0th. Then Izzy cleaned it.
Last edited by eru_bahagon on 2010.09.02 (08:21), edited 2 times in total.

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Postby ska » 2010.09.01 (22:44)

No mention of:
18-0 - Old: [Ben_Schultz_11, 130.125] New: [Ben_Schultz_11, 130.325]
29-4 - Old: [clux, 120.900] New: [Ben_Schultz_11, 120.950] => [Izzy, 121.025]
43-0 - Old: [Seifer, 161.425] New: [Seifer, 161.575]

Not worthy of mentioning any of these 0ths?

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Postby Izzy » 2010.09.02 (01:17)

First 0th in a while for me. :D
Derived from ksktorngsig!
I don't think the universe has infinite material though, unless God makes DLC packs. - SkyPanda

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Postby ska » 2010.09.02 (02:52)

Bahaha... I just realised I have as many 0ths as Johnny_Faneca, Trib4lmaniac and clux combined!
I honestly never thought I'd see the day.

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Postby EddyMataGallos » 2010.09.02 (13:02)

You forgot to say that I made the Top-20 Rankings List and kicked Amdi off =) (Yes, im very proud of it, its difficult for me :D)
Impressive flag by ska -|- N2High - My software for N2.0 -|- Awesome sig by Hendor
About me & Stats (Spoiler)

Hi, im Eddy, a Spanish highscorer and current Grandmaster of N. I've been playing N since 2006, I beat it on the 8th September 2008, and NReality later too. Started intermittently highscoring Metanet in 2010, although serious highscoring started in late 2011.

Current Stats
• Completed N on 8th Sept. 2008
• Completed NReality on 24th Dec. 2010
0th Place on Metanet 0th Rankings with 443 0ths.
0th Place on Metanet Top20 Rankings with 599 Scores.
0th Place on Metanet Top10 Rankings with 599 Scores.
1st Place on Metanet Top5 Rankings with 595 Scores.
0th Place on Metanet Level 0th Rankings with 361 0ths.
0th Place on Metanet Episode 0th Rankings with 82 0ths.
0th Place on Metanet Total Level Score: 72142.900 (20:02:22.900)
0th Place on Metanet Total Episode Score: 35669.900 (09:54:29.900)
0th Place on Metanet Total Point Rankings with 11669 Points.
0th Place in NReality 0th Rankings with 235 0ths.
0th Place for a grand total of 676 Total 0ths.
• Winner of some contests (BUST, 100, 9000, Bounty Hunters, SOAST) and of some rounds of some contests (ROPP, NErratic, Red Ball, NReality Team Arena)

{Info as of 01/Feb/2015} The info may be outdated.

• 6th highscorer to reach 100 Metanet 0ths
• 4th highscorer to reach 200 Metanet 0ths
• 1st and only highscorer to reach 300 Metanet 0ths
• 1st and only highscorer to reach 400 Metanet 0ths
• 8th ever Grandmaster
• 2nd* highscorer to reach 599 top-20 Scores
• 1st highscorer to reach 599 top-10 Scores
• 10th highscorer to reach 70k Level Score
• 5th highscorer to reach 71k Level Score
• 2nd highscorer to reach 71.5k Level Score
• 1st highscorer to reach 72k Level Score

Relevant Dates
• First 0th: 31-3 on 04/Oct/10
• Reached 100 Metanet 0ths on 25/Feb/12
• Reached 200 Metanet 0ths on 30/Sep/12
• Reached 300 Metanet 0ths on 16/Mar/13
• Reached 400 Metanet 0ths on 04/Sept/14
• Reached highest amount of 0ths on Jan/2013
• Became the Grandmaster on 12/Apr/2012
• Reached 70k Level Score on 25/Dec/11
• Reached 71k Level Score on 13/Jan/11
• Reached 71.5k Level Score on 01/Aug/12
• Reached 72k Level Score on 04/Jul/14
• Completed N 1.4 on 08/Sept/08
• Completed NReality on 24/Dec/10
• Reached 100 NReality 0ths on Oct/2011
• Reached 200 NReality 0ths on Nov/2011
• Reached 100 Top-20 Scores on Aug/10
• Reached 200 Top-20 Scores on Nov/11
• Reached 300 Top-20 Scores on Nov/11
• Reached 400 Top-20 Scores on Dec/11
• Reached 500 Top-20 Scores on Jan/12
• Reached 599 Top-20 Scores on 04/Apr/12
• Reached 599 Top-10 Scores on 18/Nov/12

Deds & Images (Spoiler)

Thanks to ska for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to BluePretzel for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to da_guru for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to zoasBE for dedicating this full episode to me!: 00-0 00-100-2 00-3 00-4
Thanks to zoasBE for dedicating this mappack to me
Thanks to zoasBE for partially dedicating this map to me
Thanks to VODKALOVER for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to runningninja for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to zoasBE for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to zoasBE for partially dedicating this map to me
Thanks to trance for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to zoasBE for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to zoasBE for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to llabesab for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to the23 for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Traveleravi for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to 123leonidas321 for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to the23 for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Uniden for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Uniden for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Ors_II for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Sunset for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to blue_rocks for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Leonhard for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to blue_rocks for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Daggafork for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to VODKALOVER for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to blue_rocks for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to blue_rocks for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Armaghan_Ali for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Armaghan_Ali for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Armaghan_Ali for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to RandomDigits/SpartaX18 for dedicating this map to me
Sorry if Im missing any ded.

ImageThanks to leo.

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