NReality Main Thread: 6g2 with IRC is up

Talk about Unreality's Dronie winning N 1.4 mod, NReality, here!
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Damn You're Fine
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Postby Unreality » 2011.10.08 (19:10)

NReality6g is up at

it adds a ghost function (presented as a circle) for demo runs and your previous run

to make the demo ghost works you have to patiently finish watching a demo first (either loaded from scoreboard or your personal best)

this ghost function should hopefully help to create more 0ths

the map pack function inside main menu->highscores isn't finished yet
Last edited by Unreality on 2011.10.09 (01:31), edited 2 times in total.

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Postby EddyMataGallos » 2011.10.08 (21:07)

Shadow function is awesome, i love it, and the displaying state function is amazing too, thanks for updating NReality again :D Im downloading it right now! ;D
ED. Submited a run with the new version, probably the first one, thats cool wee

EDIT: DONT open Nv6d4 after having played with v6g, it will make your savefile corrupt! (I supose, since my savefile was 8mb and then 3mb, i dont know if this new version includes a savefile compresser).
EDIT2: My savefile becomes corrupt when I open N with visual themes disabled or WinXP compatibility mode activated (always, i cant play with aero or it goes really laggy)
Crap I cant use v6g at the moment, ill keep using 6d4 until i find a solution
Last edited by EddyMataGallos on 2011.10.09 (00:41), edited 2 times in total.
Impressive flag by ska -|- N2High - My software for N2.0 -|- Awesome sig by Hendor
About me & Stats (Spoiler)

Hi, im Eddy, a Spanish highscorer and current Grandmaster of N. I've been playing N since 2006, I beat it on the 8th September 2008, and NReality later too. Started intermittently highscoring Metanet in 2010, although serious highscoring started in late 2011.

Current Stats
• Completed N on 8th Sept. 2008
• Completed NReality on 24th Dec. 2010
0th Place on Metanet 0th Rankings with 443 0ths.
0th Place on Metanet Top20 Rankings with 599 Scores.
0th Place on Metanet Top10 Rankings with 599 Scores.
1st Place on Metanet Top5 Rankings with 595 Scores.
0th Place on Metanet Level 0th Rankings with 361 0ths.
0th Place on Metanet Episode 0th Rankings with 82 0ths.
0th Place on Metanet Total Level Score: 72142.900 (20:02:22.900)
0th Place on Metanet Total Episode Score: 35669.900 (09:54:29.900)
0th Place on Metanet Total Point Rankings with 11669 Points.
0th Place in NReality 0th Rankings with 235 0ths.
0th Place for a grand total of 676 Total 0ths.
• Winner of some contests (BUST, 100, 9000, Bounty Hunters, SOAST) and of some rounds of some contests (ROPP, NErratic, Red Ball, NReality Team Arena)

{Info as of 01/Feb/2015} The info may be outdated.

• 6th highscorer to reach 100 Metanet 0ths
• 4th highscorer to reach 200 Metanet 0ths
• 1st and only highscorer to reach 300 Metanet 0ths
• 1st and only highscorer to reach 400 Metanet 0ths
• 8th ever Grandmaster
• 2nd* highscorer to reach 599 top-20 Scores
• 1st highscorer to reach 599 top-10 Scores
• 10th highscorer to reach 70k Level Score
• 5th highscorer to reach 71k Level Score
• 2nd highscorer to reach 71.5k Level Score
• 1st highscorer to reach 72k Level Score

Relevant Dates
• First 0th: 31-3 on 04/Oct/10
• Reached 100 Metanet 0ths on 25/Feb/12
• Reached 200 Metanet 0ths on 30/Sep/12
• Reached 300 Metanet 0ths on 16/Mar/13
• Reached 400 Metanet 0ths on 04/Sept/14
• Reached highest amount of 0ths on Jan/2013
• Became the Grandmaster on 12/Apr/2012
• Reached 70k Level Score on 25/Dec/11
• Reached 71k Level Score on 13/Jan/11
• Reached 71.5k Level Score on 01/Aug/12
• Reached 72k Level Score on 04/Jul/14
• Completed N 1.4 on 08/Sept/08
• Completed NReality on 24/Dec/10
• Reached 100 NReality 0ths on Oct/2011
• Reached 200 NReality 0ths on Nov/2011
• Reached 100 Top-20 Scores on Aug/10
• Reached 200 Top-20 Scores on Nov/11
• Reached 300 Top-20 Scores on Nov/11
• Reached 400 Top-20 Scores on Dec/11
• Reached 500 Top-20 Scores on Jan/12
• Reached 599 Top-20 Scores on 04/Apr/12
• Reached 599 Top-10 Scores on 18/Nov/12

Deds & Images (Spoiler)

Thanks to ska for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to BluePretzel for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to da_guru for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to zoasBE for dedicating this full episode to me!: 00-0 00-100-2 00-3 00-4
Thanks to zoasBE for dedicating this mappack to me
Thanks to zoasBE for partially dedicating this map to me
Thanks to VODKALOVER for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to runningninja for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to zoasBE for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to zoasBE for partially dedicating this map to me
Thanks to trance for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to zoasBE for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to zoasBE for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to llabesab for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to the23 for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Traveleravi for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to 123leonidas321 for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to the23 for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Uniden for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Uniden for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Ors_II for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Sunset for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to blue_rocks for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Leonhard for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to blue_rocks for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Daggafork for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to VODKALOVER for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to blue_rocks for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to blue_rocks for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Armaghan_Ali for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Armaghan_Ali for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Armaghan_Ali for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to RandomDigits/SpartaX18 for dedicating this map to me
Sorry if Im missing any ded.

ImageThanks to leo.

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Yet Another Harshad
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Postby amomentlikethis » 2011.10.09 (00:37)

Love it! My only criticism after playing around with it for a while is that the prev-run feature would be much better if it remembered routes somehow and thus prevented any cock-ups from being repeated (but that sounds like a bulky task that falls out of the main scope of NReality).

Good work!

Edit: Wow, it's really interesting using the demo function to compare two highscore routes. For example: xaelar and Last_FairyTale's 00-0 hs runs which are ever so slightly different!

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Postby golf » 2011.10.09 (01:55)

Are there any mappacks that can be chosen to be played from the highscores section?

Edit: wait, I think you added that last line on your post since I looked at it the first time, making my question worthless.
[16:24] <@golfkid> I'm pretty sure I will literally scream if I die on the last column of 78-4 at this point
[16:25] <trance> Oh, yeah. That level.
[16:29] <@golfkid> lol
[16:30] <@golfkid> It looks so simple
[16:30] <@golfkid> But it says "NO! I will rape your sanity!"

My Accomplishments:
Completed N; Completed Nreality on 4/11/08
598 top 20 scores in N 1.4 as of 6/28/14 (498 level scores, 100 episode scores, 2nd position in top 20 rankings); reached 100 on 12/14/2008; 300 (half of all possible :D) on 11/9/2009; 400 on 12/2/2011; max of 598 on 2/3/2013; tied for 0th in top 20 rankings on 2/26-27/13

4 current v1.4 0ths (9th position in 0th rankings); First v1.4 0th: 63-3 at 1:20 pm, 3/24/2008

current level score: 71079.200 (6th position all time); 60k seconds on v1.4 6/17/08; 12th to 70k at 11:30pm EST, 12/24/2011; 6th to 71k at 5:50 pm EST, 9/29/2012

current episode score: 34276.650 (4th position all time); 100k seconds total level score (Metanet and NReality) on 2/4/08

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[quote="ska on my 129-1 innovation"]I thought about that but couldn't chimeny fast enough when trying. Congrats[/quote]

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Postby TheRealOne » 2011.10.09 (04:29)

I am so stoked that shadow is finally a function. It makes comparing two routes so easy. You can also see so clearly where one player gains a frame over the other one. Extremely well done Unreality. I don't know what we would do with out you. This is so incredibly awesome. Display state is always useful in MDBing. Now I won't have to have both 6d4 and 6e open.

The only bug I have noticed is that my .sol did get corrupted. Most of my progress on the 100+ levels was erased. Not sure why that happened. But It is all good. I made sure to back up my .sol If I notice any other bugs Ill be sure to report them to you immediately.

Many thanks to you Unreality. You should just buy the rights to N from M&R and I would be glad to pay for new versions you put out. Frankly you have done more for N in the past 5 years than they could even imagine to.
<@Izzy> Holy balls, sweet run.
<@gloomp> Holy sweet, balls run.
<@Izzy> Sweet, balls run holy.
<@gloomp> Run sweet, balls holy.
<@Izzy> Sweet run, ballsy hole.
<@gloomp> All's sweet, holeb run.
<@Izzy> Ballsy nun, sweet mole.

<@Kool> bro no joke, I saw the sexiest swedish chick giving herself anal on one of those pop-up alarm-clocks at my uncle's house

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Postby Unreality » 2011.10.09 (06:20)

EddyMataGallos wrote:EDIT2: My savefile becomes corrupt when I open N with visual themes disabled or WinXP compatibility mode activated (always, i cant play with aero or it goes really laggy)
Crap I cant use v6g at the moment, ill keep using 6d4 until i find a solution
Please have a try on this NReality6g

The original 6g is published by Adobe Flash CS4
This new one is published by Adobe Flash CS3

Many thanks to Eddy, amlt, golfkid, TRO and everyone else who have test-played NReality.
Without the support and encouragement from you guys, NReality will not make this far

@Amlt: the prev run is made for FBF so FBF lovers can try and compare diff route easily

@golfkid: haha the last line is there when I first posted it

@TRO: many thx to the encouragement
pls help to test the cs3 version.
M&R probably wont sell the rights of N to me, but you can click the donation button at if you really feel like it :)
Last edited by Unreality on 2011.10.09 (13:17), edited 1 time in total.

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Postby EddyMataGallos » 2011.10.09 (11:55)

Unreality wrote:
EddyMataGallos wrote:EDIT2: My savefile becomes corrupt when I open N with visual themes disabled or WinXP compatibility mode activated (always, i cant play with aero or it goes really laggy)
Crap I cant use v6g at the moment, ill keep using 6d4 until i find a solution
Please have a try on this NReality6g

The original 6g is published by Adobe Flash CS4
This new one is published by Adobe Flash CS3
:D It works! Thanks Unreality, now it doesnt make my savefile corrupt anymore, i dont know how you found the problem but you did it ;)
Maybe v6d4 encrypted the savefile in CS3 and v6g encrypts it in CS4?
Impressive flag by ska -|- N2High - My software for N2.0 -|- Awesome sig by Hendor
About me & Stats (Spoiler)

Hi, im Eddy, a Spanish highscorer and current Grandmaster of N. I've been playing N since 2006, I beat it on the 8th September 2008, and NReality later too. Started intermittently highscoring Metanet in 2010, although serious highscoring started in late 2011.

Current Stats
• Completed N on 8th Sept. 2008
• Completed NReality on 24th Dec. 2010
0th Place on Metanet 0th Rankings with 443 0ths.
0th Place on Metanet Top20 Rankings with 599 Scores.
0th Place on Metanet Top10 Rankings with 599 Scores.
1st Place on Metanet Top5 Rankings with 595 Scores.
0th Place on Metanet Level 0th Rankings with 361 0ths.
0th Place on Metanet Episode 0th Rankings with 82 0ths.
0th Place on Metanet Total Level Score: 72142.900 (20:02:22.900)
0th Place on Metanet Total Episode Score: 35669.900 (09:54:29.900)
0th Place on Metanet Total Point Rankings with 11669 Points.
0th Place in NReality 0th Rankings with 235 0ths.
0th Place for a grand total of 676 Total 0ths.
• Winner of some contests (BUST, 100, 9000, Bounty Hunters, SOAST) and of some rounds of some contests (ROPP, NErratic, Red Ball, NReality Team Arena)

{Info as of 01/Feb/2015} The info may be outdated.

• 6th highscorer to reach 100 Metanet 0ths
• 4th highscorer to reach 200 Metanet 0ths
• 1st and only highscorer to reach 300 Metanet 0ths
• 1st and only highscorer to reach 400 Metanet 0ths
• 8th ever Grandmaster
• 2nd* highscorer to reach 599 top-20 Scores
• 1st highscorer to reach 599 top-10 Scores
• 10th highscorer to reach 70k Level Score
• 5th highscorer to reach 71k Level Score
• 2nd highscorer to reach 71.5k Level Score
• 1st highscorer to reach 72k Level Score

Relevant Dates
• First 0th: 31-3 on 04/Oct/10
• Reached 100 Metanet 0ths on 25/Feb/12
• Reached 200 Metanet 0ths on 30/Sep/12
• Reached 300 Metanet 0ths on 16/Mar/13
• Reached 400 Metanet 0ths on 04/Sept/14
• Reached highest amount of 0ths on Jan/2013
• Became the Grandmaster on 12/Apr/2012
• Reached 70k Level Score on 25/Dec/11
• Reached 71k Level Score on 13/Jan/11
• Reached 71.5k Level Score on 01/Aug/12
• Reached 72k Level Score on 04/Jul/14
• Completed N 1.4 on 08/Sept/08
• Completed NReality on 24/Dec/10
• Reached 100 NReality 0ths on Oct/2011
• Reached 200 NReality 0ths on Nov/2011
• Reached 100 Top-20 Scores on Aug/10
• Reached 200 Top-20 Scores on Nov/11
• Reached 300 Top-20 Scores on Nov/11
• Reached 400 Top-20 Scores on Dec/11
• Reached 500 Top-20 Scores on Jan/12
• Reached 599 Top-20 Scores on 04/Apr/12
• Reached 599 Top-10 Scores on 18/Nov/12

Deds & Images (Spoiler)

Thanks to ska for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to BluePretzel for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to da_guru for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to zoasBE for dedicating this full episode to me!: 00-0 00-100-2 00-3 00-4
Thanks to zoasBE for dedicating this mappack to me
Thanks to zoasBE for partially dedicating this map to me
Thanks to VODKALOVER for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to runningninja for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to zoasBE for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to zoasBE for partially dedicating this map to me
Thanks to trance for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to zoasBE for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to zoasBE for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to llabesab for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to the23 for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Traveleravi for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to 123leonidas321 for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to the23 for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Uniden for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Uniden for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Ors_II for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Sunset for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to blue_rocks for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Leonhard for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to blue_rocks for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Daggafork for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to VODKALOVER for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to blue_rocks for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to blue_rocks for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Armaghan_Ali for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Armaghan_Ali for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Armaghan_Ali for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to RandomDigits/SpartaX18 for dedicating this map to me
Sorry if Im missing any ded.

ImageThanks to leo.

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Damn You're Fine
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Postby Unreality » 2011.10.09 (13:14)

I have updated the NReality6g zip file so that it now use the CS3 version.

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Postby aids » 2011.10.09 (15:31)

Unreality, me and this guy named "Penis" on IRC were talking about mappack support for NReality, and I came up with what I think would be a possible and simple solution. All (or a significant majority) of the mappacks on the forums have attachment numbers in the form: download/file.php?id=2780 I don't know a thing about how the highscore boards work, but it might be possible to make new ones for the mappacks. For example, entering -2780 into the map number box could tell NReality to open the pack and add it to the 'master' mappack list. Then players would be able to compete on maps in the packs.

(I'm not making sense anymore and thus will stop talking.)


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Postby Unreality » 2011.10.09 (16:00)

it seems that map pack attachments have varies format which it is hard to parse the data into [1 episode -> 5 Levels] format easily

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Postby aids » 2011.10.09 (17:28)

Unreality wrote:it seems that map pack attachments have varies format which it is hard to parse the data into [1 episode -> 5 Levels] format easily
Yeah, some packs are column-based, and some are just packs of maps. The only gains I can see for having episodes is more semblance to N and new highscoring options. So if we're in agreement that they're are two types of packs, then it's a simple two step process: have people sort through them and categorize the packs between column and non-column, then have me go though and add something to the .txt files so that NReality will know the type. It could be something simple, like column-userdata= and pack-userdata= or whatever. If that's not possible, then just the ability to highscore on maps in packs would be enough for me. Maybe they could have their own map number, like 2780-0000.

Once again, I don't have the knowledge of NReality to help you more. All I can do is offer suggestions.


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Postby amomentlikethis » 2011.10.09 (23:17)

Yesterday I had no issues with the CS4 version, but today when playing NUMA maps my score wasn't saving to my sol. I figured I should update to try again, but going from the CS4 to CS3 version wiped my sol completely - however the saving issue is now fixed.
I don't know if anyone else will have this problem.

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Postby Unreality » 2011.10.10 (01:36)

Aidiera wrote:Yeah, some packs are column-based, and some are just packs of maps. The only gains I can see for having episodes is more semblance to N and new highscoring options. So if we're in agreement that they're are two types of packs, then it's a simple two step process: have people sort through them and categorize the packs between column and non-column, then have me go though and add something to the .txt files so that NReality will know the type. It could be something simple, like column-userdata= and pack-userdata= or whatever. If that's not possible, then just the ability to highscore on maps in packs would be enough for me. Maybe they could have their own map number, like 2780-0000.

Once again, I don't have the knowledge of NReality to help you more. All I can do is offer suggestions.
Many thanks for the suggestion, when I implement the map pack function I will consider about this method. Welcome to suggest more methods or more NReality features :)

@AMLT, hope you have your sol backup. Adobe Flash always have problem manipulating large sol file, there's not much I can do to its random behaviour.

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Postby ska » 2011.10.10 (07:47)

OK, can someone please confirm whether or not there is any actual user episodes you can play in NReality? Also, thanks for your work, Unreality. I'll consider sending you $10 as thanks.

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Postby Unreality » 2011.10.10 (08:08)

ska wrote:OK, can someone please confirm whether or not there is any actual user episodes you can play in NReality? Also, thanks for your work, Unreality. I'll consider sending you $10 as thanks.
no user episodes yet :)

thx for $10 :D

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Postby vankusss » 2011.10.10 (12:35)

Awesome job Unreality :)
iNsane (watch in 480p)( yellow wins )

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Postby Unreality » 2011.10.10 (17:04)


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Postby 999_Springs » 2011.10.10 (17:27)

<Zapmeister999> v6g is the best thing ever since faster-than-light neutrinos :D

Completed N and NReality.
106 N v1.4 highscores.
I used to maintain 1000 NReality Level Top20 Highscores - Ranked 0th
Former Owner of Episode 169, way back when.
I've taken 10 Metanet 0ths. 6 of them lasted <2 days. I don't have any of them anymore. >:(
Third Place in BLUR 4 highscore.
Not highscoring anymore until v2.

EddyMataGallos is an alien.

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Postby golf » 2011.10.10 (18:16)

Woo chat! Got a couple things to be worked out before I think it'll be enough for me to really want to use though. I don't mind the small entry area, just makes talking a little bit of an adventure :) I would like to be able to use the demo replay and enter NUMA maps to play, and also have the chat entry inputs separate from in-game inputs, so that typing in chat doesn't pause/unpause the game, or potentially suicide you.
[16:24] <@golfkid> I'm pretty sure I will literally scream if I die on the last column of 78-4 at this point
[16:25] <trance> Oh, yeah. That level.
[16:29] <@golfkid> lol
[16:30] <@golfkid> It looks so simple
[16:30] <@golfkid> But it says "NO! I will rape your sanity!"

My Accomplishments:
Completed N; Completed Nreality on 4/11/08
598 top 20 scores in N 1.4 as of 6/28/14 (498 level scores, 100 episode scores, 2nd position in top 20 rankings); reached 100 on 12/14/2008; 300 (half of all possible :D) on 11/9/2009; 400 on 12/2/2011; max of 598 on 2/3/2013; tied for 0th in top 20 rankings on 2/26-27/13

4 current v1.4 0ths (9th position in 0th rankings); First v1.4 0th: 63-3 at 1:20 pm, 3/24/2008

current level score: 71079.200 (6th position all time); 60k seconds on v1.4 6/17/08; 12th to 70k at 11:30pm EST, 12/24/2011; 6th to 71k at 5:50 pm EST, 9/29/2012

current episode score: 34276.650 (4th position all time); 100k seconds total level score (Metanet and NReality) on 2/4/08

participation and contest winner images


[quote="ska on my 129-1 innovation"]I thought about that but couldn't chimeny fast enough when trying. Congrats[/quote]

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Damn You're Fine
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Joined: 2008.10.13 (10:10)

Postby Unreality » 2011.10.10 (18:29)

golf wrote:Woo chat! Got a couple things to be worked out before I think it'll be enough for me to really want to use though. I don't mind the small entry area, just makes talking a little bit of an adventure :) I would like to be able to use the demo replay and enter NUMA maps to play, and also have the chat entry inputs separate from in-game inputs, so that typing in chat doesn't pause/unpause the game, or potentially suicide you.
thx for play testing :) I will try to fix those bugs

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Postby EddyMataGallos » 2011.10.10 (19:36)

Are you kidding me? This is turning out awesome! Now IRChighscores and N will be merged, amazing :D GReat job Unreality
Impressive flag by ska -|- N2High - My software for N2.0 -|- Awesome sig by Hendor
About me & Stats (Spoiler)

Hi, im Eddy, a Spanish highscorer and current Grandmaster of N. I've been playing N since 2006, I beat it on the 8th September 2008, and NReality later too. Started intermittently highscoring Metanet in 2010, although serious highscoring started in late 2011.

Current Stats
• Completed N on 8th Sept. 2008
• Completed NReality on 24th Dec. 2010
0th Place on Metanet 0th Rankings with 443 0ths.
0th Place on Metanet Top20 Rankings with 599 Scores.
0th Place on Metanet Top10 Rankings with 599 Scores.
1st Place on Metanet Top5 Rankings with 595 Scores.
0th Place on Metanet Level 0th Rankings with 361 0ths.
0th Place on Metanet Episode 0th Rankings with 82 0ths.
0th Place on Metanet Total Level Score: 72142.900 (20:02:22.900)
0th Place on Metanet Total Episode Score: 35669.900 (09:54:29.900)
0th Place on Metanet Total Point Rankings with 11669 Points.
0th Place in NReality 0th Rankings with 235 0ths.
0th Place for a grand total of 676 Total 0ths.
• Winner of some contests (BUST, 100, 9000, Bounty Hunters, SOAST) and of some rounds of some contests (ROPP, NErratic, Red Ball, NReality Team Arena)

{Info as of 01/Feb/2015} The info may be outdated.

• 6th highscorer to reach 100 Metanet 0ths
• 4th highscorer to reach 200 Metanet 0ths
• 1st and only highscorer to reach 300 Metanet 0ths
• 1st and only highscorer to reach 400 Metanet 0ths
• 8th ever Grandmaster
• 2nd* highscorer to reach 599 top-20 Scores
• 1st highscorer to reach 599 top-10 Scores
• 10th highscorer to reach 70k Level Score
• 5th highscorer to reach 71k Level Score
• 2nd highscorer to reach 71.5k Level Score
• 1st highscorer to reach 72k Level Score

Relevant Dates
• First 0th: 31-3 on 04/Oct/10
• Reached 100 Metanet 0ths on 25/Feb/12
• Reached 200 Metanet 0ths on 30/Sep/12
• Reached 300 Metanet 0ths on 16/Mar/13
• Reached 400 Metanet 0ths on 04/Sept/14
• Reached highest amount of 0ths on Jan/2013
• Became the Grandmaster on 12/Apr/2012
• Reached 70k Level Score on 25/Dec/11
• Reached 71k Level Score on 13/Jan/11
• Reached 71.5k Level Score on 01/Aug/12
• Reached 72k Level Score on 04/Jul/14
• Completed N 1.4 on 08/Sept/08
• Completed NReality on 24/Dec/10
• Reached 100 NReality 0ths on Oct/2011
• Reached 200 NReality 0ths on Nov/2011
• Reached 100 Top-20 Scores on Aug/10
• Reached 200 Top-20 Scores on Nov/11
• Reached 300 Top-20 Scores on Nov/11
• Reached 400 Top-20 Scores on Dec/11
• Reached 500 Top-20 Scores on Jan/12
• Reached 599 Top-20 Scores on 04/Apr/12
• Reached 599 Top-10 Scores on 18/Nov/12

Deds & Images (Spoiler)

Thanks to ska for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to BluePretzel for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to da_guru for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to zoasBE for dedicating this full episode to me!: 00-0 00-100-2 00-3 00-4
Thanks to zoasBE for dedicating this mappack to me
Thanks to zoasBE for partially dedicating this map to me
Thanks to VODKALOVER for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to runningninja for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to zoasBE for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to zoasBE for partially dedicating this map to me
Thanks to trance for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to zoasBE for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to zoasBE for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to llabesab for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to the23 for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Traveleravi for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to 123leonidas321 for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to the23 for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Uniden for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Uniden for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Ors_II for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Sunset for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to blue_rocks for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Leonhard for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to blue_rocks for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Daggafork for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to VODKALOVER for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to blue_rocks for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to blue_rocks for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Armaghan_Ali for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Armaghan_Ali for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Armaghan_Ali for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to RandomDigits/SpartaX18 for dedicating this map to me
Sorry if Im missing any ded.

ImageThanks to leo.

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Beyond a Perfect Math Score
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Joined: 2008.09.30 (06:37)
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Location: California, USA

Postby Nexx » 2011.10.12 (05:22)

Wow! Nice work, Unreality!!! :) :)


I can only get prev-run to work with my actual previous run, not with demos. The steps I'm following: load demo, watch in full, then go to play level myself. It works neither in userlevels nor in high scores.
Nevermind, I'm an idiot. :D

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Damn You're Fine
Posts: 389
Joined: 2008.10.13 (10:10)

Postby Unreality » 2011.10.12 (09:15)

NReality6g2 is up! Use the NRealityIRC6g2.exe, enlarge your screen to see the IRC chat panels!

Remember to backup your sol.

If you haven't logged in, the IRC chat panel won't appear.

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Postby vankusss » 2011.10.12 (10:16)

Unreality wrote:NReality6g2 is up! Use the NRealityIRC6g2.exe, enlarge your screen to see the IRC chat panels!

Remember to backup your sol.

If you haven't logged in, the IRC chat panel won't appear.
When I try to start it, it launches like 2 seconds (the 6g version is instant) and then it says that message about abnormal speed. I'm using win xp. Is there any trick involved, like newest flash or?
iNsane (watch in 480p)( yellow wins )

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Damn You're Fine
Posts: 389
Joined: 2008.10.13 (10:10)

Postby Unreality » 2011.10.12 (10:19)

have you copied the 6g2.swf to the folder too?

have you tried restarting the exe?

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