[Guide] How to make a decent Race map

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Postby b3njamin » 2008.11.01 (23:05)

Guide for A decent race map by B3njamin and Riobe

/*First of all this guide will help you in making a good race map, IN MY OPION! I will edit this guide more later on.
second I'm sorry for my english. Also credits to riobe for his guide.*/

Written By Riobe


What Is A Race
Types Of Races

Basic Race
Tunnel Race
Drone Race
KRA Race
No Jump
Jump Only
Hidden Path Race
Miscellaneous Races
Basic "Loopy" Flow
Abstract Flow
Innovative Flow
Miscellaeous Flow
Why Enemies
Doors In General
Launchpads & Various Propulsion
Expand & Mix


What Is A Race

A race has several definitions:
1. a contest of speed, as in running, riding, driving, or sailing.
2. races, a series of races, usually of horses or dogs or ninjas, run at a set time over a regular course: They spent a day at the races.
3. any contest or competition, esp. to achieve superiority: the arms race; the presidential race.
4. urgent need, responsibility, effort, etc., as when time is short or a solution is imperative: the race to find an effective vaccine.
5. onward movement; an onward or regular course.
6. the course of time.
7. the course of life or a part of life.
8. Geology.
a. a strong or rapid current of water, as in the sea or a river.
b. the channel or bed of such a current or of any stream.
9. an artificial channel leading water to or from a place where its energy is utilized.
10. the current of water in such a channel.
11. Also called raceway. Machinery. a channel, groove, or the like, for sliding or rolling a part or parts, as the balls of a ball bearing.
12. Textiles.
a. the float between adjacent rows of pile.
b. race plate.
–verb (used without object)
13. to engage in a contest of speed; run a race.
14. to run horses or dogs in races; engage in or practice horse racing or dog racing.
15. to run, move, or go swiftly.
16. (of an engine, wheel, etc.) to run with undue or uncontrolled speed when the load is diminished without corresponding diminution of fuel, force, etc.
–verb (used with object)
17. to run a race against; try to beat in a contest of speed: I'll race you to the water.
18. to enter (a horse, car, track team, or the like) in a race or races.
19. to cause to run, move, or go at high speed: to race a motor.
That's a lot right? Well, we only have to focus on one.

A contest of speed.

Of course, some races are meant for other things, but we're currently focusing on this. A race is the closest genre to a DDA as you can get. There are many different aspects of a race; enemies, gold, flow, theme, propulsion methods, etc. How a race is made has changed over the course of time, and there are many different areas you will have to explore. Since there are so many areas, you are able to choose between various choices you can use. Choose the areas where YOU feel right with.

Types Of Races

Well, there are too many different unexplored types of races, But I'll go through 6 types for you.

Basic Race
Tunnel Race
Drone Race
KRA Race
No Jump
Jump Only
Hidden Path Race

Of course, there are many other unexplored types of races. It's up to you to find out the rest.

Basic Race

Here we are, a basic race. This is just a race where you aim to go as fast as you can through a single/multi-pathed flow. There are different types of flow, but we'll get into that later. You put together a race with just flow. Nothing really special, right? Wrong. With the right flow, you can put together one of the greatest races ever made.


Tunnel Race

A tunnel race covers many different aspects of a race. There are a lot of ways to implement a tunnel race, but it really takes skill since they are usually very bland. Depending on what you can do, they could become really great races as well. Mainly, there are two types of tunnel races. They are squeeze races, and basic tunnel races. A basic tunnel race is usually bland, to be honest. It takes only a little bit of skill, and can be made very easily. They may take a very long time to make though. A basic example of an average tunnel race would be this.


Although it does take a fair amount of skill to make, it is still not very creative. Hopefully, if you are as creative as formica, you will be able to make some really innovative tunnel races, such as the following.

Example 1
Example 2

Both have a huge amount of innovation, both take a decent amount of skill, and lastly, both aren't exactly hard for the average player, or easy for the expert player (Apart from example 2). Take a good look at how everything is placed in this.

Now we hit the other type of tunnel race, squeeze races. Squeeze races are more complex & innovative than they play by far, and they take a decent amount of skill to make. They're quite different from the normal tunnel race. Whether or not they are good is up to you. Here is a basic example of a squeeze race.


Here we have an example of a Squeeze map. As you can see, it can be described as repetitive, and boring or long and fun in different occasions (Ignoring my rant about snipers). They can be really complicated, or less complicated than perceived. Squeeze maps are very different, although they may not be the best way to go. That's for you to decide.

Drone Race

Drone races are a different kind of race. It's not the kind of map that has the most flow, usually. It may not be a map that is very simple, or even complex for that matter. Drone races usually go like this: it's a race in which you have to beat drones to a certain point or else you cannot complete the level. A basic example of a normal drone path race would be this.

Example 1
Example 2

Notice how there is a "drone train". Usually in drone races such as these (I prefer to call this a "Drone Train Race") you have to get to the point where the exit is quickly or else you will not be able to get to the exit, or the switch, etc. Notice how in Example 1 how if you go too slow on a part of it, it will screw you up. That is usually how that works. The drone train race in Example 1 is actually a very simple one. It covers the basic aspects of a drone train race, and happens to be fun and look well. Now we'll look at Example 2. Notice how complex this drone race is. It is much harder due to the inclusion of the rocket, whether that's bad or good. Both examples show how a Drone Train Race works; having a drone train cut off your pathway to the exit.

Now, we head into much more unique drone races. Here is one from one of my all time favorite authors ever:BuddyLee.


Take a very close look at this one. Here's an example of a very unique and inventive drone race. Look at how he managed to use the laser and doors as an enemy, cutting off your pathway to the exit and the exit switch. See how if the laser touches the bottom of the shaft he is located in, it stays there. It basically does the same thing the drone train does in drone race maps; it cuts off your path to the exit and or exit switch if you don't move fast enough to get to the doors. How the map actually works actually requires some manual Nediting, but we won't get into that as of the moment.

KRA Race

KRA race. Pretty self explanatory if you can use wordplay to figure out what it means. KRA=Keep Rocket Alive Race. the basic idea of the race is that you have to keep the rocket alive the entire race otherwise you will not be able to finish. This is the most key element to a KRA. These are very hard to make, and require much more skill and concentration to implement than a tunnel race or a basic race. The methods for how you have to keep the rockets alive vary from map to map, using many different methods to make it work. Mainly, you are not to place any other drones or gauss when making a KRA, as the order of the enemies may change. Thwumps, floorguards, and mines don't change anything though. Lastly, folks, don't make it cheatable. Having a cheatable KRA ruins the KRA part. Here are a few examples of different KRA's and how they work.

Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Example 4

Anyways, here are four examples of differently KRA's. Example 1. It has the basic good look to it. It's fairly easy. It plays well, and it works. Example 2. This is pretty much the same as example 1, with good look and gameplay, it works, and it has a fair difficulty. The difference is the unique way he managed to make it. Notice how the ninja doesn't start off in an E-based tunnel. He starts of on an opposing side of the rocket, yet the KRA part still comes into play. Example 3 is a bit more special. Good look, good play, etc. the difference is that it has 2 rockets. This is called a double KRA, a KRA in which you have to keep both rockets alive. I refer to this as a double KRA (Even if they do mesh together after a while, and even if the author doesn't refer to it as one). It's pretty special. Notice how the authors so far have reused the space that they travel on for the most part. That is essential to a long well-oiled KRA as well. Now lets look at Example 4. Pretty much the same as example 3, although this one has 5 rockets. It is a bit cheatable, as since you can get past the 5th rocket launcher even if the rocket for that particular rocket launcher dies. Plus, the rockets mesh together after a while as well, which isn't referred to as a good thing. Even so, this still shows how to make a KRA fairly unique. Noticed how he made the shaft at the bottom of the map for all 5 rockets. Innovation is also key to KRA race maps. Remember that now.

No Jump

No jump races. They are what the title entails; a race map in which you aren't to jump...
These No Jump races mostly have more Propulsion items. Obviously because you can't jump you generate less speed. Most of these races have more thumps. like in every categorie of races you also can make a No-Jump Thwump Race. Riding Thwumps is a hard but nice way of Racing. Although you need to practise Thump races, you'll Master it in a short time.

Jump Only

Now jump only is a different kind of race. as the title says, you may Not use the arrow keys. But how do you make a Race without running?
for most people thats a question that is hard to awnser. If you make a Jump-only race, try to be creative in enemies, doors, trapdoors etc. I recomend to use the law of ('N') gravity. you may not run but you may fall! use the gravity speed to gain speed. Aslo a narrow wall or a tunnel can increase speed.
Jump-only will take more experience and more skill then a basic race/ tunnel race. this is because the concept is completely different. No-jump races have less flow then others. but why do we still call it a race then? Because you still want to get as fast as possibe over the finish-line.

Yes I will edit this later with more tips, hint, links and tricks.
Credits to Riobe for this guide, I am just finishing it.
Last edited by b3njamin on 2008.11.02 (11:02), edited 3 times in total.

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Postby George » 2008.11.02 (00:26)

Why don't you submit the whole guide when you're finished? It's quite incomplete at this stage, and the technical aspects of the guide are very poor. You need to fix up the spelling errors, and the grammar needs some revision, too.

If you need help with those aspects after you complete the guide, I'd be happy to give you some advice.

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Postby Riobe » 2008.11.02 (05:21)

Aww man. I was making something like this. I called it, "The Race Manifesto". Ehh...might as well share what I currently have done. You could finish it up if you'd like, since you have more race making experience than me.

The Race Manifesto

Written By Riobe


What Is A Race
Types Of Races

Basic Race
Tunnel Race
Drone Race
KRA Race
No Jump
Jump Only
Hidden Path Race
Miscellaneous Races

Basic "Loopy" Flow
Abstract Flow
Innovative Flow
Miscellaeous Flow

Why Enemies

Doors In General
Launchpads & Various Propulsion

Expand & Mix


What Is A Race

A race has several definitions:

[quote="Dictionary]1. a contest of speed, as in running, riding, driving, or sailing.
2. races, a series of races, usually of horses or dogs or ninjas, run at a set time over a regular course: They spent a day at the races.
3. any contest or competition, esp. to achieve superiority: the arms race; the presidential race.
4. urgent need, responsibility, effort, etc., as when time is short or a solution is imperative: the race to find an effective vaccine.
5. onward movement; an onward or regular course.
6. the course of time.
7. the course of life or a part of life.
8. Geology.
a. a strong or rapid current of water, as in the sea or a river.
b. the channel or bed of such a current or of any stream.
9. an artificial channel leading water to or from a place where its energy is utilized.
10. the current of water in such a channel.
11. Also called raceway. Machinery. a channel, groove, or the like, for sliding or rolling a part or parts, as the balls of a ball bearing.
12. Textiles.
a. the float between adjacent rows of pile.
b. race plate.
–verb (used without object)
13. to engage in a contest of speed; run a race.
14. to run horses or dogs in races; engage in or practice horse racing or dog racing.
15. to run, move, or go swiftly.
16. (of an engine, wheel, etc.) to run with undue or uncontrolled speed when the load is diminished without corresponding diminution of fuel, force, etc.
–verb (used with object)
17. to run a race against; try to beat in a contest of speed: I'll race you to the water.
18. to enter (a horse, car, track team, or the like) in a race or races.
19. to cause to run, move, or go at high speed: to race a motor.[/quote]

That's a lot right? Well, we only have to focus on one.

A contest of speed.

Of course, some races are meant for other things, but we're currently focusing on this. A race is the closest genre to a DDA as you can get. There are many different aspects of a race; enemies, gold, flow, theme, propulsion methods, etc. How a race is made has changed over the course of time, and there are many different areas you will have to explore. Since there are so many areas, you are able to choose between various choices you can use.

Types Of Races

Well, there are too many different unexplored types of races, But I'll go through 6 types for you.

Basic Race
Tunnel Race
Drone Race
KRA Race
No Jump
Jump Only
Hidden Path Race

Of course, there are many other unexplored types of races. It's up to you to find out the rest.

Basic Race

Here we are, a basic race. This is just a race where you aim to go as fast as you can through a single/multi-pathed flow. There are different types of flow, but we'll get into that later. You put together a race with just flow. Nothing really special, right? Wrong. With the right flow, you can put together one of the greatest races ever made.


Tunnel Race

A tunnel race covers many different aspects of a race. There are a lot of ways to implement a tunnel race, but it really takes skill since they are usually very bland. Depending on what you can do, they could become really great races as well. Mainly, there are two types of tunnel races. They are squeeze races, and basic tunnel races. A basic tunnel race is usually bland, to be honest. It takes only a little bit of skill, and can be made very easily. They may take a very long time to make though. A basic example of an average tunnel race would be this.


Although it does take a fair amount of skill to make, it is still not very creative. Hopefully, if you are as creative as formica, you will be able to make some really innovative tunnel races, such as the following.

Example 1
Example 2

Both have a huge amount of innovation, both take a decent amount of skill, and lastly, both aren't exactly hard for the average player, or easy for the expert player (Apart from example 2). Take a good look at how everything is placed in this.

Now we hit the other type of tunnel race, squeeze races. Squeeze races are more complex & innovative than they play by far, and they take a decent amount of skill to make. They're quite different from the normal tunnel race. Whether or not they are good is up to you. Here is a basic example of a squeeze race.


Here we have an example of a Squeeze map. As you can see, it can be described as repetitive, and boring or long and fun in different occasions (Ignoring my rant about snipers). They can be really complicated, or less complicated than perceived. Squeeze maps are very different, although they may not be the best way to go. That's for you to decide.

Drone Race

Drone races are a different kind of race. It's not the kind of map that has the most flow, usually. It may not be a map that is very simple, or even complex for that matter. Drone races usually go like this: it's a race in which you have to beat drones to a certain point or else you cannot complete the level. A basic example of a normal drone path race would be this.

Example 1
Example 2

Notice how there is a "drone train". Usually in drone races such as these (I prefer to call this a "Drone Train Race") you have to get to the point where the exit is quickly or else you will not be able to get to the exit, or the switch, etc. Notice how in Example 1 how if you go too slow on a part of it, it will screw you up. That is usually how that works. The drone train race in Example 1 is actually a very simple one. It covers the basic aspects of a drone train race, and happens to be fun and look well. Now we'll look at Example 2. Notice how complex this drone race is. It is much harder due to the inclusion of the rocket, whether that's bad or good. Both examples show how a Drone Train Race works; having a drone train cut off your pathway to the exit.

Now, we head into much more unique drone races. Here is one from one of my all time favorite authors ever:BuddyLee.


Take a very close look at this one. Here's an example of a very unique and inventive drone race. Look at how he managed to use the laser and doors as an enemy, cutting off your pathway to the exit and the exit switch. See how if the laser touches the bottom of the shaft he is located in, it stays there. It basically does the same thing the drone train does in drone race maps; it cuts off your path to the exit and or exit switch if you don't move fast enough to get to the doors. How the map actually works actually requires some manual Nediting, but we won't get into that as of the moment.

KRA Race

KRA race. Pretty self explanatory if you can use wordplay to figure out what it means. KRA=Keep Rocket Alive Race. the basic idea of the race is that you have to keep the rocket alive the entire race otherwise you will not be able to finish. This is the most key element to a KRA. These are very hard to make, and require much more skill and concentration to implement than a tunnel race or a basic race. The methods for how you have to keep the rockets alive vary from map to map, using many different methods to make it work. Mainly, you are not to place any other drones or gauss when making a KRA, as the order of the enemies may change. Thwumps, floorguards, and mines don't change anything though. Lastly, folks, don't make it cheatable. Having a cheatable KRA ruins the KRA part. Here are a few examples of different KRA's and how they work.

Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Example 4

Anyways, here are four examples of differently KRA's. Example 1. It has the basic good look to it. It's fairly easy. It plays well, and it works. Example 2. This is pretty much the same as example 1, with good look and gameplay, it works, and it has a fair difficulty. The difference is the unique way he managed to make it. Notice how the ninja doesn't start off in an E-based tunnel. He starts of on an opposing side of the rocket, yet the KRA part still comes into play. Example 3 is a bit more special. Good look, good play, etc. the difference is that it has 2 rockets. This is called a double KRA, a KRA in which you have to keep both rockets alive. I refer to this as a double KRA (Even if they do mesh together after a while, and even if the author doesn't refer to it as one). It's pretty special. Notice how the authors so far have reused the space that they travel on for the most part. That is essential to a long well-oiled KRA as well. Now lets look at Example 4. Pretty much the same as example 3, although this one has 5 rockets. It is a bit cheatable, as since you can get past the 5th rocket launcher even if the rocket for that particular rocket launcher dies. Plus, the rockets mesh together after a while as well, which isn't referred to as a good thing. Even so, this still shows how to make a KRA fairly unique. Noticed how he made the shaft at the bottom of the map for all 5 rockets. Innovation is also key to KRA race maps. Remember that now.

No Jump

No jump races. They are what the title entails; a race map in which you aren't to jump...


Take it from there champ, if you want to...

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Postby Nexx » 2008.11.02 (20:59)

Not that I have spent a lot of time playing or making races, but I've always liked Destiny's advice about race construction:
Destiny wrote:I have noticed that my races are rather popular, and since incluye asked for some advice on races, heres mine:

1. Be inspired, play a bunniesandsheep or a calamity7 race before you start, get yourself in the mood.

2. Sketch out the flow of the map, don't do anything with the tileset apart from the tiles you use for flow. Try to make an innovative, and creative route for your race. Try not to include loops if it's possible.

3. once you have the flow of your race set out, make the tileset REALLY cool, and try to keep a constant theme throughout the level.

4. Add some enemies, try to mix it up a bit, rockets, thwumps, lasers, chainguns. Don't be repetative and just have 12 rockets and a guass.

5. Make the level uncheatable, locked doors to block off the key and mines to stop you taking a shortcut.

6. Finally add some gold - but don't just scatter it everywhere, decide on a good-looking pattern or theme, and place it a maximum of 7 times around the map

shazam! You got yourself a race. The rest is down to how innovative and smooth you were with the flow.

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Postby isaacx » 2008.11.09 (00:37)

it's a nice guide, just i didn't get anything on how to actually make a decent race map

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Postby otters~1 » 2008.11.13 (17:09)

bottom line: the best way to make a good race is to play (as destiny said) great races. a guide is only good if the person reading it has good ideas and some talent. for inspiration, I recommend MARIJNENANDRIES.
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Postby Rikaninja » 2008.11.25 (08:27)

Helpful guide. In my opinion races are the hardest types of maps ot make. And probably the funnest to play. And also the advice on this thread is from some experienced race makers with quality. This is great. Though I was never very fond of long guides (which most guides are) after posting my Rubik's Cube Guide. Nice work anyway, was pretty helpful as were the comments.

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Postby Riobe » 2008.11.25 (10:07)

isaacx wrote:it's a nice guide, just i didn't get anything on how to actually make a decent race map
Yeah, I was working on a Manifesto, and b3njamin was working on a guide. So yeah, there's the basic problem. Whenever he finishes it though, there'll probably be something you can get on how to make a good race map.

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Postby Rikaninja » 2008.11.25 (10:26)

I looked further into this. I tried to make a simple race and it turned out better than usual. This guide is pretty gosh darn helpful. Thanks!

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Postby Tunco » 2009.02.11 (17:52)

Too lazy to read all that but you shoud finish and submit it first;if you are too lazy to write that long then copy it to a notepad,save it,next time you can finish and submit it...


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