I did a thing a few months ago but I never submitted it.
here it is. raingardens, by MyCheezKilledYours.
- lsudny
- Rose
- trance
- Bio
a fair amount of playtesting was done by #n-mapping
these persons include:
(possibly others that I cannot remember at this time. please forgive me for this.)
trance also helped me a lot with map reworking and reordering, so a big thanks to him.
have fun
Moderator: zoasBE
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- Posts: 623
- Joined: 2008.12.29 (15:37)
- NUMA Profile: http://nmaps.net/user/MyCheezKilledYours
- Attachments
- raingardens.txt
- [broken]
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- Ice Cold
- Posts: 219
- Joined: 2012.12.14 (22:08)
- NUMA Profile: http://www.nmaps.net/user/RedSpartan
I've only played maybe a quarter of the maps so far but I am enjoying this, nice work!
From Streetsahead
From elhombredelsombrero (Traveleravi)
From Aidiera
Also from Aidiera
From Traveleravi
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- Posts: 2332
- Joined: 2008.09.27 (16:53)
- NUMA Profile: http://www.nmaps.net/user/Aidiera :3
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- Location: Phoenix, Arizona
Pretty solid pack you've got here.
- [00-00] skies; a dream, revisited >> Elegant, and a cool drone path.
- [00-01] synthetic structures >> The right section is deviously tricky, but I liked the thwumps.
- [00-02] lungs >> Rather uninspired.
- [00-03] ice crisis >> A+++ tileset, almost ganteka-esque. Some better enemies would be good.
- [00-04] fryerstarter >> Cheeky name. All three sections are decent.
- [01-00] lay your ghosts to rest >> These maps are classy as shit. Cool layout.
- [01-01] bloodbath >> Ehhh, not that pretty, but it has great enemies.
- [01-02] dissipation >> The leftmost switch ruins all the fun.
- [01-03] chernobyl >> Awesome little map. Perhaps summore gold would be good.
- [01-04] onward to the gallows >> Curious. I liked the laser.
- [02-00] wreck of the brinehammer >> I got a laser glitch in my demo. :D Cool map.
- [02-01] melting city >> Hmmm, three chainguns is good, but the rest of the map was bland.
- [02-02] Steeple Cross >> I would have liked more hiding spots.
- [02-03] league >> Interesting design, but the rocket is pretty tricky.
- [02-04] junkyard shit >> This is what I'm looking for. Userlevel'd.
- [03-00] The Candlelight Massacre >> Very pretty gold pattern.
- [03-01] somnarium >> Yep, this is great. Userlevel'd.
- [03-02] One: twentyseven >> Sweet gold and really well-placed enemies.
- [03-03] cheydinhal >> A little bit tedious, but still enjoyable.
- [03-04] adrift >> Just okay.
- [04-00] sacred sixteen >> Are you sure Sunset didn't make this? Userlevel'd.
- [04-01] Camilla Rhodes >> I love a good lsudny tileset, but it's too hard to navigate.
- [04-02] This is a Five-Minute Map >> Surprisingly, it was boring.
- [04-03] valhalla >> Amazing design, but wasn't that replayable.
- [04-04] Synthetic Division >> I recall this. Big fan of the gauss, less of the chaingun.
- [05-00] V >> The rocket should be a seeker.
- [05-01] laputa >> This map is simply amazing. Userlevel'd.
- [05-02] everyone looks so good from here >> I didn't like either of the enemies.
- [05-03] a created void >> Great design with terrible enemies.
- [05-04] nosebleed!! >> Played this on NUMA. Good fun.
- [06-00] the world is our ___ >> Cramped gameplay is rarely fun.
- [06-01] desolate earth >> I don't much like the design or the gauss.
- [06-02] impact of reason >> Clever little map!
- [06-03] monolith >> Simple but fun.
- [06-04] astral imprisonment >> I do wish there was more coverage.
- [07-00] I saw the wolf >> Fucking great. A bit of ChrisE in this. Userlevel'd.
- [07-01] Salmarnir >> I made a map with a similar lower section. :p
- [07-02] Machine Death >> Good idea, but very hard.
- [07-03] cleansing pool >> Yikes. Hard.
- [07-04] cloudy water clambering >> Love love love love love.
- [08-00] a steady decline >> I rather like the rocket placement.
- [08-01] Action/Adventure >> I love the tile style.
- [08-02] destructor sequence >> Quite brilliant exit switch placement.
- [08-03] unconsciousness >> Simple and wonderful. Userlevel'd.
- [08-04] transcend >> The floorguard part is good, but the top is unnecessary.
- [09-00] feedback loop >> Super cool design.
- [09-01] powerburial >> Blah. Didn't like this layout.
- [09-02] throwing copper >> Sweet sweet design. Didn't really need the trap doors though.
- [09-03] namaste >> I'm sooo shit at perp jumps. Skipped.
- [09-04] gopher guts >> I like the tileset a bunch.
- [10-00] hive mind >> Pretty nice, just needed to be easier to traverse.
- [10-01] caves >> Cramped. Didn't much enjoy it.
- [10-02] facilitate >> Ehhhhh.
- Attachments
- raingardens-demos.txt
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