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Postby Zoltrix » 2014.04.22 (12:36)

Hey guys. Im an expert at chimneys. but people thing im a cheater. especially cineva im sick of her. i dont hack cuz i dont know how to but please any idea how should i tell her that im not a hacker. my friend thorr has 5344 chimney best and me 5341 without hacks. she never accused him but accused me. also another reason i wanna share is that im good at chimnyes because i play electric guitar maybe that's why i do it quick but please guys help me to tell cineva that im not a cheater. Thank You

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Postby EddyMataGallos » 2014.04.22 (15:51)

I have a suggestion for you, download NReality, and do chimneys there. NReality is unhackable so if you do them there, people will trust you. Thats what I suggest to all people with super-fast chimneys, but none of them does it, which just makes them seem even more suspicious.

You can play map number 121027 and try to tie the 0th, with such a fast chimey you should get pretty close or even tie it.
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Postby otters~1 » 2014.04.23 (06:38)

i dont hack cuz i dont know how to
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Postby Zoltrix » 2014.04.23 (13:58)

but eddy i know about nreality but i dunno where to do chimneys and stuff. i mean what's the level or userlevel where ill do the chimney. if its a level tell me its name episode number and level number from 0 to 5. thank u eddy for replying to my post. imma big fan of u.

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Postby alsojp27ace » 2014.04.23 (14:56)

As Eddy mentioned, User level 121027 is the best level to prove your chimneying ability on.
On NReality choose 'User Levels' from the main menu, type 121027 in the top box and press load.
If you manage you get a highscore, ctrl+click your score to submit it.

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Postby Zoltrix » 2014.04.23 (15:11)

ok i did one and the experience was awesome. also i wanted to ask where to get those level codes like the one for chimney. i wanna play em thanks

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Postby Zoltrix » 2014.04.23 (15:27)

check this out guys ive beaten EMG in chimney 226905 is the code . i now know how to use nreality and its awesome

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Postby thejumper£#! » 2014.04.23 (15:44)

I'm trying to play nreality but
1) i cant login, my username is already in use. i was registred with my nickname in (all) previous version of N, and i don't have old passw
2) how can i start playing levels with UP key, and not with SPACEBAR? i need time to move my hand from spacebar to UP key.

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Postby EddyMataGallos » 2014.04.23 (21:13)

Zoltrix wrote:check this out guys ive beaten EMG in chimney 226905 is the code . i now know how to use nreality and its awesome
Well done, I'm not a good "chimneyer" though :P I agree, NReality is a beast compared to Nv2.0. I assume you are 5ue6ue5u? Maybe you could try out 121027, my chimney is a little better there.

But anyway, could you tell me which map in Nv2.0 you have a 5341 score? Because if I recall correctly that is near maxed and definitely much faster than your 226905 chimney, I just want to check it out ;)
thejumper£#! wrote:I'm trying to play nreality but
1) i cant login, my username is already in use. i was registred with my nickname in (all) previous version of N, and i don't have old passw
2) how can i start playing levels with UP key, and not with SPACEBAR? i need time to move my hand from spacebar to UP key.
1) Find your savefile, which is called "n_v14b_userdata.sol", and open it with notepad, now search for "userP" and your password should be around there, really close. If you can't find the savefile, tell me your OS and I'll tell you where it is located.

2) Sorry you can't change that, the only alternative is to change your jump key to something closer, or even spacebar itself.
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Postby thejumper£#! » 2014.04.24 (00:18)

Thanks Eddy, but I lost my 1.4 .sol. I have always made ​​a backup of the file .sol, because it was often lost in 1.4 (bug), but the hardisk with that file and with my old OS is broken and I lost all the data. :(

I have tried with spacebar and i have a highscore (88.900 not really good: thejumper742) lol, but my spacebar is terrible, impossible to use it for playing N. Is good only to type email. :D

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Postby Zoltrix » 2014.04.24 (08:23)

I'm really sorry eddy. I had done that chimney with 5341 with armaghan account and it was hacked. I had faved it in that account sorry but I wish I would once do it again. and many people call others cheaters at only 5335 but u know what I believe is Ronald and Cris are not hackers cuz the chimneys in nreality are even faster there than in nv2. and a message for eddy. nreality is hackable ive seen many runs that were hacked and mostly I had seen of james_s he has hacked nreality in many levels. sorry for bad english. and by the way I just wanted to ask which key do u use for jump eddy. thanks

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Postby EddyMataGallos » 2014.04.24 (18:10)

Zoltrix wrote:I'm really sorry eddy. I had done that chimney with 5341 with armaghan account and it was hacked. I had faved it in that account sorry but I wish I would once do it again. and many people call others cheaters at only 5335 but u know what I believe is Ronald and Cris are not hackers cuz the chimneys in nreality are even faster there than in nv2. and a message for eddy. nreality is hackable ive seen many runs that were hacked and mostly I had seen of james_s he has hacked nreality in many levels. sorry for bad english. and by the way I just wanted to ask which key do u use for jump eddy. thanks
1) I'm not sure I understood properly, are you saying that chimney was indeed hacked?

2) The chimneys in NReality aren't faster than the +5340 scores in Nv2.0 chimney levels, not as I remember them. Also, cris is a cheater, he even ADMITTED it to me in a map title, he basically said "so what, there are many more cheaters, it doesn't matter if I do as well". Johan and Alcatrazz also admitted if I recall correctly, although Johan does not cheat anymore I believe. Nonetheless, there are many more cheaters, or at least, there were back when I played Nv2.0 on a regular basis. There were discussions arguing whether cheating was ok or not, and I was baffled to see so many people saying "its alright, everybody can do it so we are on the same conditions".

3) Could you tell me the number of any NReality speedhacked level? I want to verify it, as I doubt it.

4) I use left Shift.
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Postby Johan1996 » 2014.04.24 (23:03)

EddyMataGallos wrote:Johan and Alcatrazz also admitted if I recall correctly, although Johan does not cheat anymore I believe.
That's right, I did cheat a few times and the times I did were all pretty obvious to notice. And like you said, I don't cheat now, since I think it ruins the game and the fun of it.

PS; Zoltrix meant that his account called 'armaghan' got hacked

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Postby Zoltrix » 2014.04.25 (10:02)

Eddy johan is right. but I mad another new best without hack 5343 yesterday
and I swear on god I didn't hack its just maybe because I play electric guitar I do fast chimneys

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Postby james_S » 2014.04.25 (10:14)

High five! Zoltrix Do your hands shake sometimes..
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Postby Zoltrix » 2014.04.25 (10:57)

no I mostly go for a punk hug james

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Postby Zoltrix » 2014.04.25 (13:38)

a message to eddy: My real name is Armaghan and in n2 it was hacked. in nreality im using armaghan account. in n 2 im using zoltrix and eddy i have beaten u in that chimney 121027 with armaghan account dont believe me look.

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Postby EddyMataGallos » 2014.04.25 (18:29)

Zoltrix wrote:a message to eddy: My real name is Armaghan and in n2 it was hacked. in nreality im using armaghan account. in n 2 im using zoltrix and eddy i have beaten u in that chimney 121027 with armaghan account dont believe me look.
You haven't submitted any run to 121027 yet Armaghan/Zoltrix, check it out:

EDIT: Oh I see you did it in spederun mode, nice run! Did you do it there on purpose?
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Postby Zoltrix » 2014.04.26 (09:22)

Thanks eddy but I didn't understand what was I supposed to do on purpose

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Postby Zoltrix » 2014.04.26 (09:24)

Zoltrix wrote:Thanks eddy but I didn't understand what was I supposed to do on purpose
EddyMataGallos wrote:
Zoltrix wrote:EDIT: Oh I see you did it in spederun mode, nice run! Did you do it there on purpose?

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Postby Zoltrix » 2014.04.26 (09:29)

and by the way imam speedrunner not a highscorer.

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Postby Zoltrix » 2014.04.26 (09:29)

and by the way i am a speedrunner not a highscorer.

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Postby EddyMataGallos » 2014.04.26 (15:01)

Oh, I asked whether you had played 121027 in speedrun mode on purpose. I suppose you know the difference between highscore and speedrun, right? If a level has no gold, highscore and speedrun is the same thing in that level, like 121027. And, in NReality, every score you submit to highscore mode gets also submitted to speedrun mode, so if a level has no gold, its better to do it in highscore mode, so you get your score on both modes. But anyway, its just a suggestion ;)
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Postby Armaghan » 2014.04.27 (07:28)

yes eddy i know difference between speedrun and highscore
oh ya i created this new account with my original name

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Postby EddyMataGallos » 2014.04.27 (16:10)

Armaghan wrote:yes eddy i know difference between speedrun and highscore
oh ya i created this new account with my original name
Cool, but did you know this:
EddyMataGallos wrote:in NReality, every score you submit to highscore mode gets also submitted to speedrun mode, so if a level has no gold, its better to do it in highscore mode, so you get your score on both modes.
Because that was the important part of my post ;)
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