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Postby PALEMOON » 2008.11.23 (05:39)

what do you name your computers? really, i am all too interested to know. this sort of thing is probably used to determine if you're a serial killer in an online quiz, or something. probably not.

my laptop is PRECURSOR, and my desktop is UMBRELLA.

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Postby 乳头的早餐谷物 » 2008.11.23 (05:44)

My computer is SWITZERLAND. I have also had Austria, Luxembourg, and Belgium. Hard drives and partitions for the computers are named after cities in that country.
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Postby TribulatioN » 2008.11.23 (05:53)

Mine's named alterWave.
Yes, it's horribly unfun.
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Postby smartalco » 2008.11.23 (06:18)

If you mean like nicknames... I don't really name them.

If you mean like login or something, mine are generally just 'alco'...
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Postby T3chno » 2008.11.23 (07:34)

Mine's HP

hoorah for factory settings

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Postby t̷s͢uk̕a͡t͜ư » 2008.11.23 (10:39)

Currently scrap:
JEBUS - a gaming laptop
ghetto-jesus - a POS desktop I got completely for free

Jehobah - gaming / general purpose desktop
strife - general purpose / productivity laptop
Dispater - Sony PSP

Honorable mention:
Chester A. Arthur - mein kampfy computer chair
[spoiler="you know i always joked that it would be scary as hell to run into DMX in a dark ally, but secretly when i say 'DMX' i really mean 'Tsukatu'." -kai]"... and when i say 'scary as hell' i really mean 'tight pink shirt'." -kai[/spoiler][/i]


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Postby Condog » 2008.11.23 (11:31)

Comp 1 - The main Pirie Computer
Comp 2 - Second but not so good computer

My dad is booooring.

On the plus side, my iPod is called iCorn.

Ice Climbers are awesome. Deal with it.

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Postby Nucleus » 2008.11.23 (14:46)

My laptop is AlterCrosse

And my iPod is Roleplay

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Postby ZZ9 » 2008.11.24 (16:38)

I think this one is called LANNING.

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Postby jean-luc » 2008.11.25 (04:11)

First, the computers in my room:

VOYAGER - (star trek) My main laptop, what I'm almost always on
TOBOE - (wolf's rain) My older laptop, which I still use on occasion for some old development tools that I haven't moved to the new one
7OF9 - (star trek) an old Power Macintosh 5400 that was given to me by a middle school. It has a large 7 written on the top, hence the name.
CRAP - (just what it sounds like) a desktop that I literally picked up off the side of the street on my way home one day. Not worth the sore arms I got from carrying it 8 blocks. 32MB memory, 600MHz proc. runs DeLi (Desktop Light Linux)
HLF10MNTS - (homestar runner) A TI-3000 TravelMate laptop (with ACTIVE MATRIX COLOR!) that my 6th grade teacher gave to me. Runs Windows 3.1. The name is a reference to Strongbad talking about his laptop's battery life - half of 10 minutes.
LASER - (computer's brand name) a 10486 SX/W. runs DOS 3.0.

And the rest of the house...
TSUME - (wolf's rain) my mom's laptop.
KIBA - (wolf's rain) the old server. Not currently in use, but still hooked up. I might start it up again one day...
HIGE - (wolf's rain) my sister's old laptop. doesn't work ATM.
FILES - (no meaning) my sister's desktop. Used to be her boyfriend's file server, hence the name.
ANGEL - (not sure if there's any deeper meaning) my sister's laptop.
DS9 - (star trek) an old beige box. Used only for testing, and the occasional hacking of XBoxes (hard drive hotswapping)
IT414629 - (asset tag) an old beige box from a school.

I can't think of any others right now, but I probably have other computers hanging around somewhere.

Oh, I mustn't forget.
REGZA - (computer's brand name) the television. It doesn't broadcast as a NetBIOS device, but when it connects to other computers it does so with that machine name.
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Postby KinGAleX » 2008.11.25 (04:18)

My computer is named "Alex2.". Even though it's my only computer. Family computer's named Second Breakfast Club.
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Postby otters » 2008.11.25 (19:57)

"G****** T*****'* iMac."

I'm going to name my computer the coolest thing ever, if I ever get it.

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Postby t̷s͢uk̕a͡t͜ư » 2008.11.25 (20:17)

incluye wrote:"G****** T*****'* iMac."

I'm going to name my computer the coolest thing ever, if I ever get it.
General Tsukatu's iMac?
I don't want your iMac, nor am I a general.
[spoiler="you know i always joked that it would be scary as hell to run into DMX in a dark ally, but secretly when i say 'DMX' i really mean 'Tsukatu'." -kai]"... and when i say 'scary as hell' i really mean 'tight pink shirt'." -kai[/spoiler][/i]


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Postby Exüberance » 2008.11.25 (20:34)


well... that's boring. Let's see if I can rename it Aperature Science Heavy-Duty Supercolliding Super-Laptop. Probably not, I bet there's a character limit. STOP LIMITIN MY BITS AND BYTES!
ExüberNewsFeed: Exuberance is mostly <AFF> (Away From Forums) for a while, though I may still participate in epic contests/threads. When I return, I shall bring several comic updates (enough to finish season 1) and hopefully 1 or 2 games- at least one of which is N-related
Comic Activity-O-Meter: (how often I'm updating my comic)
(Click here to see what each level and half-level means in terms of updates per time period)

NOTE: If I just add a bunch of comics in one day, but plan on going back to normal after that, I probably won't update the status.
+ Dead: Canceled. Done. Maybe you'll get a random comic like once a year, but it's pretty much done.
- Zombie (Dead/Comatose): The comic is probably done regular updates forever, but I'll probably still add something once in a blue moon. It's still POSSIBLE, that I'll raise the status up, but not very likely. Maybe I'll have a comicplosion for like a week, then go back to being dead
+ Comatose: Complete stand-by. No (or very few) updates for some amount of time, but the comic's far from being over
- <AFK> (Comatose/Loitering): Stand-by, but you might possibly count on a few updates once and a while. Again, this is temporary
+ Loitering: Like comatose, but for short amount of times.
- Turtling (Loitering/Semi-Active): Really slooooww updates
+ Semi-Active: One every 2 weeks...ish?
- Quasi-Active (Semi-Active/Active): Averaging about 2 comics every 3 weeks
+ Active: Loosely defined status, but about a weekly update
- Over-Active (Active/Power-leveling): About 2 comics a week
+ Power-leveling: About 3 comics a week. Possible a schedule, possibly not
- Über-Epic (Power-leveling/COMICPLOSION!!): In some cases, this may actually be mean updates more frequently than COMICPLOSION!!, but I'm defining this level as a non-organized comic rush, kind of like a few days after my comic started
+ COMICPLOSION!!: Daily updates for a minimum of 5 days (since the daily updates started. It remains at this status until the 5, 7, whatever days are done)

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Postby ZZ9 » 2008.11.26 (17:28)

I tried it, and unfortunatly, it does limit the name to 15 characters.

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Postby Exüberance » 2008.11.26 (20:01)

ZZ9 wrote:I tried it, and unfortunatly, it does limit the name to 15 characters.
Curses. Foiled by the 16-byte limit! (PRE-SUBMIT EDIT: Wait, 0 characters would just be a null character. It should limit it to 16)
ExüberNewsFeed: Exuberance is mostly <AFF> (Away From Forums) for a while, though I may still participate in epic contests/threads. When I return, I shall bring several comic updates (enough to finish season 1) and hopefully 1 or 2 games- at least one of which is N-related
Comic Activity-O-Meter: (how often I'm updating my comic)
(Click here to see what each level and half-level means in terms of updates per time period)

NOTE: If I just add a bunch of comics in one day, but plan on going back to normal after that, I probably won't update the status.
+ Dead: Canceled. Done. Maybe you'll get a random comic like once a year, but it's pretty much done.
- Zombie (Dead/Comatose): The comic is probably done regular updates forever, but I'll probably still add something once in a blue moon. It's still POSSIBLE, that I'll raise the status up, but not very likely. Maybe I'll have a comicplosion for like a week, then go back to being dead
+ Comatose: Complete stand-by. No (or very few) updates for some amount of time, but the comic's far from being over
- <AFK> (Comatose/Loitering): Stand-by, but you might possibly count on a few updates once and a while. Again, this is temporary
+ Loitering: Like comatose, but for short amount of times.
- Turtling (Loitering/Semi-Active): Really slooooww updates
+ Semi-Active: One every 2 weeks...ish?
- Quasi-Active (Semi-Active/Active): Averaging about 2 comics every 3 weeks
+ Active: Loosely defined status, but about a weekly update
- Over-Active (Active/Power-leveling): About 2 comics a week
+ Power-leveling: About 3 comics a week. Possible a schedule, possibly not
- Über-Epic (Power-leveling/COMICPLOSION!!): In some cases, this may actually be mean updates more frequently than COMICPLOSION!!, but I'm defining this level as a non-organized comic rush, kind of like a few days after my comic started
+ COMICPLOSION!!: Daily updates for a minimum of 5 days (since the daily updates started. It remains at this status until the 5, 7, whatever days are done)

"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind." ~Albert Einstein
My N+ Vector Sprite Sheet ::: My Caption Contest ::: My Comic :::Puzzles of the Exuberant ::: DEFEND YOUR NINJA: THE FLASH GAME (Release Date TBA)
Exüberance on WoW
Maps in the Fernat Epic (so far): (meh, let's put this in a spoiler too. My sig's gettin too big. I'm such a packrat :p)

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Postby 29403 » 2008.11.28 (17:00)

jean-luc wrote:First, the computers in my room:

VOYAGER - (star trek) My main laptop, what I'm almost always on
TOBOE - (wolf's rain) My older laptop, which I still use on occasion for some old development tools that I haven't moved to the new one
7OF9 - (star trek) an old Power Macintosh 5400 that was given to me by a middle school. It has a large 7 written on the top, hence the name.
CRAP - (just what it sounds like) a desktop that I literally picked up off the side of the street on my way home one day. Not worth the sore arms I got from carrying it 8 blocks. 32MB memory, 600MHz proc. runs DeLi (Desktop Light Linux)
HLF10MNTS - (homestar runner) A TI-3000 TravelMate laptop (with ACTIVE MATRIX COLOR!) that my 6th grade teacher gave to me. Runs Windows 3.1. The name is a reference to Strongbad talking about his laptop's battery life - half of 10 minutes.
LASER - (computer's brand name) a 10486 SX/W. runs DOS 3.0.

And the rest of the house...
TSUME - (wolf's rain) my mom's laptop.
KIBA - (wolf's rain) the old server. Not currently in use, but still hooked up. I might start it up again one day...
HIGE - (wolf's rain) my sister's old laptop. doesn't work ATM.
FILES - (no meaning) my sister's desktop. Used to be her boyfriend's file server, hence the name.
ANGEL - (not sure if there's any deeper meaning) my sister's laptop.
DS9 - (star trek) an old beige box. Used only for testing, and the occasional hacking of XBoxes (hard drive hotswapping)
IT414629 - (asset tag) an old beige box from a school.

I can't think of any others right now, but I probably have other computers hanging around somewhere.

Oh, I mustn't forget.
REGZA - (computer's brand name) the television. It doesn't broadcast as a NetBIOS device, but when it connects to other computers it does so with that machine name.
How many damn computers do you have! More than my dad and he fixes computers...
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Postby Pixon » 2008.11.28 (21:37)

My Laptop is Carl, and I named my TV Sgt. Mandarin.

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Postby darkshadow » 2008.11.29 (02:29)

I always name my primary desktops after which processor class they're running so my current comp name is core-2.
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Postby jean-luc » 2008.11.29 (03:38)

29403 wrote:
jean-luc wrote:First, the computers in my room:

VOYAGER - (star trek) My main laptop, what I'm almost always on
TOBOE - (wolf's rain) My older laptop, which I still use on occasion for some old development tools that I haven't moved to the new one
7OF9 - (star trek) an old Power Macintosh 5400 that was given to me by a middle school. It has a large 7 written on the top, hence the name.
CRAP - (just what it sounds like) a desktop that I literally picked up off the side of the street on my way home one day. Not worth the sore arms I got from carrying it 8 blocks. 32MB memory, 600MHz proc. runs DeLi (Desktop Light Linux)
HLF10MNTS - (homestar runner) A TI-3000 TravelMate laptop (with ACTIVE MATRIX COLOR!) that my 6th grade teacher gave to me. Runs Windows 3.1. The name is a reference to Strongbad talking about his laptop's battery life - half of 10 minutes.
LASER - (computer's brand name) a 10486 SX/W. runs DOS 3.0.

And the rest of the house...
TSUME - (wolf's rain) my mom's laptop.
KIBA - (wolf's rain) the old server. Not currently in use, but still hooked up. I might start it up again one day...
HIGE - (wolf's rain) my sister's old laptop. doesn't work ATM.
FILES - (no meaning) my sister's desktop. Used to be her boyfriend's file server, hence the name.
ANGEL - (not sure if there's any deeper meaning) my sister's laptop.
DS9 - (star trek) an old beige box. Used only for testing, and the occasional hacking of XBoxes (hard drive hotswapping)
IT414629 - (asset tag) an old beige box from a school.

I can't think of any others right now, but I probably have other computers hanging around somewhere.

Oh, I mustn't forget.
REGZA - (computer's brand name) the television. It doesn't broadcast as a NetBIOS device, but when it connects to other computers it does so with that machine name.
How many damn computers do you have! More than my dad and he fixes computers...
I have at least 3 more computers that aren't in that list. They're in the basement, and I just keep them around for spare parts. most of them probably don't have a full compliment of components anymore. There's another spare in my room that's a low-profile unit with no hard drive and an IDE cable hanging out the side. I used it to install XBox Linux (IDE hotswap method) a couple times, and haven't used it since.

And yes, I work as a computer technician, and I'm about to start college-level computer science courses (my high school offers absolutely nothing as far as CS, so I'm taking classes from the community college).
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Postby epigone » 2008.12.22 (06:07)

Mine's apparently called my name - PC
I didn't even realize I had christened it when it was born to me.
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Postby George » 2008.12.22 (12:42)

I'm not creative and thus my computer's name is acer-c5b576c93c. ;_;

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Postby Tanner » 2008.12.22 (14:21)


'rret donc d'niaser 'vec mon sirop d'erable, calis, si j't'r'vois icitte j'pellerais la police, tu l'veras l'criss de poutine de cul t'auras en prison, tabarnak

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Postby Eiturlyf » 2008.12.26 (11:46)

Die Kreatur muss sterben!

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