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Postby random_man183 » 2008.12.25 (16:53)

Although I am not new to N, I am new to the whole online part of N. I've been playing N for three years now, I think..

I want to see how I rate to other players. Is there a way of doing that?

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Postby Turtle » 2008.12.25 (19:13)

If you mean with how far we all are, you can just say 'I have completed this much of N; how much have you guys completed.'

The responses will mainly be 'I completed N years ago,' with some people giving stupid answers and spamming stuff, such as 'I have two kittens, and one is also a brownie,' and a medley of 'MTI is harder than MIT. Run away before you get there.'

If you don't mean how far we all are in the game, please elaborate.

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Postby random_man183 » 2008.12.25 (19:16)

Well what I had in mind is players competing against each other to get the fastest times on different levels/episodes... But I don't know, that's why I'm asking you :)

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Postby Rikaninja » 2008.12.26 (08:04)

Well in N. Instead of clicking on play game in N click on highscores. Here when choosing lvls you will see the top 20 scores submitted in the world. A first place is called a 0th. Here are some succesful highscorers who are still around:
Ben_Shzullt (sorry, I don't know how to spell it):(

There are many more so keep your eyes peeled on highscores. And I personally have 5 flavours in N including black ;)

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Postby George » 2008.12.26 (10:39)

random_man183 wrote:Well what I had in mind is players competing against each other to get the fastest times on different levels/episodes... But I don't know, that's why I'm asking you :)
Errr...try get some high scores. That'll give you a good idea of how you fare against the world's best.

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Postby Izzy » 2008.12.26 (14:48)

Rikaninja wrote: naem
Really? Did I miss something?

lookatthis is also around for the holidays.
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Postby Cheez » 2009.01.07 (23:02)

You forgot good ole Mr. Lim.
Him and xaelar are at the top of pretty much every episode, except for 0-0, where all the highscores are hacked.
sonysk8r4life is a big hacker to watch out for. Just look at his times and you'll know what I mean.
So bascially, if you want to get in the highscores, do it on any level past Episode 0.
You might know already, but if you have a really good time on a level, just go into the highscores, go that episode by clicking it, and find the level you would like to submit. Click it, and hit "Submit."
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Postby unoriginal name » 2009.01.08 (00:32)

Or use NReality and highscore any map on NUMA in a cheating-free environment.

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