Postby Tunco » 2009.02.27 (18:51)
Really awesome idea,always wanted to write things like this.
Topic:Anything else that comes to your mind and all thngs
When I think a sentence,which I alway do,i think about this.Really.IT'S WEİRD THAT İ'M HİNKİNK A SENTENCE WHİLE ı'M WROTİNG THE SENTENCE,SOMETİMES İ THYİNK İS THİS WEİRD,OR OTHER PEOPLES DO THİS JUST ANYTHİNG,İ DON't KNOW.aNYHİNG THAT COMES TO YOR MİND İS İNCREDİBLE,WHİLE Iİ'M WRİTİNG THİ,İ THİNK THİS.İ DN'T WANT TO THİNK İT BUT STRANGELY İİ THİNK İT.YOU'LL PROBABLY THİS İS STRANGE AND WEİRD AND YOU WİLL PROBABLY THİNK İ'M STRANG AND WEİRD TOO.YES,İ'M BİTWEİRD EVERONE CAN BEİ'M NOT TRYİNG TO BE DİFFERENT ,ACTUALLY İ ALWAYS WANTED .i understoodthe caps loc is on.what ver i continue,i forget what i'm talking too lazy to look at screen acd find that sentence and continue rwriting.this makes no ense,i can write this forever really bad feelings a bout his writing which i don't know why,why?why everything has color?why there is univere ?why are we living?Why there is "why"?why not hthe word "hjdslrhsujofsjafola" instead of why?or is that too long why all the wrds must be short?because we are lazy?nobody can discuss that,evceryboıdy is lazy,face it,hmans made cellphones because thay are lazy,thay found computer to do lts of work becasue they are lazy,WE are lazy,tahts the poit?point.oint.even that is something.when i hear the word "point" i hear point why?thats lots of whys.why?so lets talkhsfdmsa---nothing screwed alö it up,great topopic i'm thinking now,this makes no sense ,nobody will probably will not read this,thurday,at a lesson somepeople came into classroom[im 8th grade]and said we shoulkd wri,te,EVERTHİNG that comes to our head in one minute,which i did like this,you should try it,it calms people ust write it anything,HERE İ WRİTE PROBABLY THATS too long but i'm gonna write it:sex,porno,science,keyboard,file,hide,secret,otoman empire,king,gold,place,nice,beatiful,sentenc ,keyboard,long,sky,panda,numbers,math,csience ,thta,this,soul,sociality,performance,visuality,tileset,dodging,gauss,rocket,RRR,text,limit,character limit,Mewtanet forumns,computer,paper,pencil,MSN mesenger,mesenger,sticker,mouse,microsoftiapple,company.thas one minute i guess,probably i think i should write lonügerbut even when i write this on keyboard it adds to sentece and i don't know if its taht the right word,probably not,.fort.40.60%6474.nothing.forgot.compuer.but it makes jsut longer and longer i think i like this toic i know tat nobody will read this much but im writing it for what then?for nothing?=yes you know that its wast of time crap.its funny that first word comes to my mind is sexand etc.but uddenly it comed to my mind and i wrote it no doubt guitar ero is awesome i didin't played the rock ban d probabnly worse thatn guitar hero.tyes ths is too long,29403 thinkn says i should always stop writing .MİND STORM MİND STORM.nothing.nthingiTBDTBDTBDTBDNITONJKSLFHSJDL......,İ,EXC.wc.why mo0re whys.ı promise çbut everythime we propise we borke işt.thats a lot i think,and i'm going to fşinish this later which is impossible because i can continue more but im not bu nothing just sop, stoopped.
Fuck that, it's retarded.
Last edited by
Tunco on 2009.10.09 (16:05), edited 1 time in total.