- Kablamo_Boom
- Universerzero
- sTalkR
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- SkyPanda
- Universerzero
- wumbla
- ultCult
- sTalkR
- mustardude
- aaspe
- toasters
- ninja143
Moderators: EddyMataGallos, TheRealOne
Hi Everybody!
I didn't know you could change the tiles that much. :/sTalkR wrote:hey mustardude, not to accuse you of anything, but didn't you... kinda copy off UniverseZero's map? the middle and upper right tiles have some exact similar parts, the gold in the left part is the same and so on.
could everybody else maybe take a look at the two maps and then either tell me i'm right or tell me to shut up? ;)
Mustardude wrote:Alright, I resign this round then. Sorry for the misunderstang.
Hi Everybody!
Hi Everybody!
Hi Everybody!
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