What NOT to suggest for N.

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Postby Pikman » 2009.01.10 (17:49)

<!> 3D, multiplayer, warfare, and ideas which add more keys to play will not be implemented, NO EXCEPTIONS. Please do not suggest them.
Trogdor007 wrote:All the following have been suggested several times. Some are technically impossible or difficult, some are already available in some form, some go against the philosophy behind the game, and some are just considered silly, uninteresting, or otherwise Not A Good Idea. Please don't suggest them again, because they'll just get shot down again, and angry people with no patience will probably get upset with you.

This is by no means a complete list of everything which has been suggested repeatedly. Before posting in this section, please use the search tool to look for similar suggestions. N, in particular, has been around for quite a while, and most of the suggestions we get these days have already been made.

EDIT- AIS is As It Sounds

Suggestions for N and N+

- timed doors (doors that remain open for a limited time)
- color switches (a blue switch opens all blue doors)
- numbered switches (switches must be done in order to open door)
- trip lasers (like trap doors.)
- Angled doors (AIS)
- force field (a force field that acts as a round door to be unlocked)
- toggle doors (AIS)

- Motion detector drone (only attack when they see you move)
- Motion detector gauss (only shoot when they see you move)
- Ghost drones (Drones that can go through walls)
- Drones able to damage each other (NO!)
- fire drone (a drone with a flame thrower)
- following laser drone (A gauss laser drone)
- Ice drone (a drone that can freeze N for a few seconds)
- sticky drone (a drone that makes N slower)
- button pressing drones (drones that can press switches)
- moving gauss drones (moving gauss drones)
- dart laser (a drone that shoots darts)
- spikes (spikes to impale the ninja - just use mines!)
- stationary laser (AIS)
- super cannon (an advanced Gauss)
- spear shooter (a gauss that shoots spears)
- evil N (an N drone)
- Samurai (play along side S who will race you to the exit. If you cross him, he'll slice you)
- Set path zap drones (set the path for the zap drone to go on)
- boss enemies (bigger drones at the end of a column)

- level (horizontal) flip switch (Flips level so you play upside down)
- N repeller/attractor (Fans and Vacuum)
- No jump/walk tile (tiles that you can't walk or jump on)
- push blocks (blocks that N can push)
- lifts (elevators)

Aesthetics - graphics, sound, etc.
- themes- Fire, Ice, Trees (a lot like lode runner)
- Any other kind of background graphics
- Different graphics for objects/enemies
- Different sounds for objects/enemies
- play along side high scores (have the demo play next to your ninja for practise)
- female ninja (The ninja's gender is never specified. You can consider her female if you wish.)
- full screen (AIS)
- no blood (a kids mode)
- Soundtrack (Just use your own music and a media player)

- New tile shapes.
- vector based maps (Would require entire game engine to be re-written)

Game mechanics/ninja abilities:
- N grapple gun (A ninja's rope shooting device) (Buy Robotology, Metanet's next game)
- Weaponry or combat. It's NOT going to happen, so don't bother posting it, please. This includes non-lethal weapons, like EMP blasts, smoke grenades, and the like.
- upside down N (allow N to run on ceiling)
- side scroller (a lot like sonic or cave story)
- multiplayer in the PC version (Buy N+, for DS, PSP or XBLA. Metanet will not implement multiplayer for PC due to technical difficulties.)
- lie down button (a crouch button, to allow N to move through tight spaces.)
- duck button (quack)
- Health, two hit kills, or anything similar.
- slow motion (During the game, that is. Not during replays.)
- Light (have dark areas where you can't see, and light areas where you can)
-SUPER N! (N gets superpowers)
- invisibility (stealth mode)
- a really long, red, scarf (Clothes and accessories)
- any other kind of clothing
- Lava/water pools (Lava burns N, Water makes him swim)
- bigger maps (varying map sizes)
- Wrap-around (allow N to go off to the right and come back on the left.)
- double jumping (Like in mario)
- faster (let N run faster)
- modulations for n (invincability, faster, stronger)
- easy mode (AIS)

Randomness (aka Miscellaneous)
- DDA reward for each episode beaten (as it sounds)
- jump to level (Use the existing cheats or practice mode.)
- tricks section (a section where it reveals the tricks of your ninja)
- speed bar (a bar that shows how fast you're going out of how fast you can go)
- online volleyball (WHAT!?)
DO NOT suggest the above for N v1.5 under any circumstance. Especially online volleyball.

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Postby epigone » 2009.01.10 (20:52)

No excuses anymore I suppose.
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Postby George » 2009.01.11 (08:29)

I wouldn't be surprised if most newbies missed this thread...

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Postby bhz » 2009.01.11 (12:16)

What does AIS mean?
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Postby Pikman » 2009.01.11 (13:42)

bhz wrote:What does AIS mean?
As It Sounds.
I was pretty sure that was in Trogdor's quote above, maybe not.

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Postby Banned » 2009.01.12 (21:11)

I think this should be pinned and locked (as it was in the old forum).
Thx Maestro!

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Postby MattKestrel » 2009.01.13 (10:21)

Ugh, half of these suggestions were in one of my earlier posts... :/

A WASD for floorguards and a NaN button for drones would be nice, though.

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Postby Banned » 2009.01.14 (22:07)

Who on earth would suggest online volleyball?!? Like, with N graphics? No, but like, really. Does anybody remember just who suggested that?
Thx Maestro!

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Postby aids » 2009.01.14 (23:20)

the demo-preview-while-playing would've been great...

can't always get what you want though. :(


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Postby 乳头的早餐谷物 » 2009.01.15 (01:54)

Skyflyer wrote:Who on earth would suggest online volleyball?!? Like, with N graphics? No, but like, really. Does anybody remember just who suggested that?
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Postby Banned » 2009.01.15 (13:28)

That guy was triple posting.
Thx Maestro!

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Postby isaacx » 2009.01.16 (13:21)

looking at that thread, it actually seems like a good idea (sorta)

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Postby blackbelmoral » 2009.01.18 (18:07)

why the huge list?
besides to tell them what not to say?

everyone is going to miss this thread
musta taken a long time to put together
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Postby Brainwasher » 2009.01.19 (05:15)

Some of these can be done in N, including but not limited to:
numbered switches (switches must be done in order to open door)
make a door, lock the switch behind another door, repeat as necessary
force field (a force field that acts as a round door to be unlocked)
make a square out of doors
Motion detector drone (only attack when they see you move)
seeker drone
stationary laser (AIS)
put NaN as the last number in a laser's code
Set path zap drones (set the path for the zap drone to go on)
available in nreality
N repeller/attractor (Fans and Vacuum)
available in nreality as force field drone
No jump/walk tile (tiles that you can't walk or jump on)
if you can't walk or jump, that must mean that they kill you, so put mines on a block, or put launchpads just inside a block
Any other kind of background graphics
available in nreality
female ninja (The ninja's gender is never specified. You can consider her female if you wish.)
complete 1 column
full screen (AIS)
press the button in between the x and minimize in the top right corner
no blood (a kids mode)
set visual quality on low will edit out some
slow motion (During the game, that is. Not during replays.)
available in nreality as "underclock"
Light (have dark areas where you can't see, and light areas where you can)
replace a part of the tileset code with a . to make it a dark area
invisibility (stealth mode)
almost, but not quite, complete 9 columns
Wrap-around (allow N to go off to the right and come back on the left.)
can be done with acurate teleporters (it was successfully pulled off in one of the userlevels)
tricks section (a section where it reveals the tricks of your ninja)
see help section, or attend St Attilla's College for Ninja
speed bar (a bar that shows how fast you're going out of how fast you can go)
look at the bottom left corner of your screen

Yup, and the effects of suggested enemies can, for the most part, be substituted for existing ones.

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Postby //Zander » 2009.01.19 (11:05)

man I can't believe people really suggested most of those things. I love N just the way it is...
also Full screen, you go to the flash menu and go view->show all (ctrl or command + 3) and then view->fullscreen (ctrl or command F)

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Postby blackbelmoral » 2009.01.19 (18:27)

n should only have more levels and the ability to move objects in ned. otherwise, it is perfect
29403|?NicNac?| Kablamo
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Postby Tunco » 2009.02.06 (18:15)

Actually some of them are good ideas.Other is bad.


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Postby Condog » 2009.02.06 (23:11)

He needs a katana. Then you could do the super jump scene out of Advent Children and slice a laser drone in half.

Ice Climbers are awesome. Deal with it.

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Postby otters~1 » 2009.02.07 (19:26)

Condog wrote:He needs a katana. Then you could do the super jump scene out of Advent Children and slice a laser drone in half.
Now that is a good idea. N strikes back. It always annoys me that I have to yield to the damn snipers, can't just take 'em out with one punch.
In fact... let's make N into an FPS!
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Postby Tunco » 2009.02.08 (18:36)

Sorry but what's FPS???


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Postby unoriginal name » 2009.02.08 (20:25)

Tunco123 wrote:Sorry but what's FPS???

A first-person shooter (FPS) is an action video game from the shooter game subgenre. Like all shooters, they involve "an avatar, one or more ranged weapons, and a varying number of enemies". FPSs are distinguished by a first person perspective, that renders the game world from the visual perspective of the player character. The character is nominally a literal person; humanoid movement is expected.

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Postby Superpok » 2009.02.09 (01:19)

a lot of these were obviously suggested by noobs who have no idea of the philosophy of the game. once you play for a while, you realize that all that stuff would be cool, but would ruin the philosophy of the game. although some of the (play along high-scores) are just way too hard to implement...
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Postby TheRealOne » 2009.02.09 (15:48)

Pikman wrote: - vector based maps (Would require entire game engine to be re-written)
I tried googleing what that means, but I am still kind of confused. Would that mean being able to X, C, and Z snap for tiles? Because if so that would be awesome.
<@Izzy> Holy balls, sweet run.
<@gloomp> Holy sweet, balls run.
<@Izzy> Sweet, balls run holy.
<@gloomp> Run sweet, balls holy.
<@Izzy> Sweet run, ballsy hole.
<@gloomp> All's sweet, holeb run.
<@Izzy> Ballsy nun, sweet mole.

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Postby blackbelmoral » 2009.02.09 (16:37)

that would be awesome, but the physics engine would hav to be so much more better and precise. too hard.
i just completed my second and a half column!
29403|?NicNac?| Kablamo
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Postby Ncouraging » 2009.02.23 (02:49)

lol when i looked at the volleyball thread, that looks prettyyy cool

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