1001 Things before you Die.

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Postby SlappyMcGee » 2009.02.14 (10:27)


Basically, these guys write books about the 1001 blanks you have to blank before you blank out. And my roommate, the ever-lovely Studebacher Hoch, and I came up with a game where we see whose seen or listened to more of the media on the list. You have to have seen the whole thing for it to count.

In Albums:

SlappyMcGee: 240
Studebacher: 202

In Films:

SlappyMcGee: 311
Studebacher: 311

If you've got an hour, try it and I'll edit your scores into this post.

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Postby Studebacher Hoch » 2009.02.14 (10:30)

If it wasn't for French New Wave, I'd like to point out, I would have won the movies list handedly.

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Postby 乳头的早餐谷物 » 2009.02.14 (11:39)

144 albums, 33 movies. My life is majorly unfulfilled.
M E A T N E T 1 9 9 2


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Postby Tanner » 2009.02.14 (13:51)

Albums: 172

The list has it's strong points and its weak points. It seems to prefer albums that are important over albums that are particularly good. In general, though, I like the list.

Films: 92

Why have I watched so many musicals? I don't even particularly like musicals.

Books: 96

I was really disappointed by the omission of all non-fiction books. What's up with that?
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Postby otters~1 » 2009.02.14 (18:05)

Movies: 70

I ran across so many movies that I've always meant to see... I do believe this has motivated me.

Albums: 121

There was not enough Dylan on that list.

Books: 54

I disliked the book list. Where were The Jungle Book and A Tale Of Two Cities?
Last edited by otters~1 on 2009.02.14 (19:44), edited 1 time in total.
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Postby GamingWolf » 2009.02.14 (19:08)

I'll get back to this, but where are the 1001 video games you must play before you die?

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Postby Tanner » 2009.02.14 (19:12)

GamingWolf wrote:I'll get back to this, but where are the 1001 video games you must play before you die?
G-Dubs, make the thread. We are doing this. We are compiling this list.
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Postby SlappyMcGee » 2009.02.14 (20:36)

flagmyidol wrote:
There was not enough Dylan on that list.]?

Ahaha. Like, there were six to nine Bob Dylan albums on that list. A man of discriminate taste, you.

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Postby Tanner » 2009.02.14 (21:07)

rennaT wrote:The list has it's strong points and its weak points. It seems to prefer albums that are important over albums that are particularly good.
I just want to defend this opinion with an example so as to avoid looking like a poor sport.

There's only one Liars album in that list. It's not particularly surprising considering Liars aren't particularly popular despite being moderately influential. If you asked Liars fans which album they would expect to see on a list like this, they would almost unanimously say Drum's Not Dead because it's unquestionably their best album. However, the album that was chosen was They Were Wrong, So We Drowned which, while being an adequate album, was more of a stage-setter for Drum's Not Dead. It was a segue of an album and because it bridge the gap from obnoxious post-punk to airy no-wave, I suppose, it was chosen. And thus, favouring influence over undeniably good tuneskis.
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Postby SlappyMcGee » 2009.02.14 (21:31)

rennaT wrote:
rennaT wrote:The list has it's strong points and its weak points. It seems to prefer albums that are important over albums that are particularly good.
I just want to defend this opinion with an example so as to avoid looking like a poor sport.

There's only one Liars album in that list. It's not particularly surprising considering Liars aren't particularly popular despite being moderately influential. If you asked Liars fans which album they would expect to see on a list like this, they would almost unanimously say Drum's Not Dead because it's unquestionably their best album. However, the album that was chosen was They Were Wrong, So We Drowned which, while being an adequate album, was more of a stage-setter for Drum's Not Dead. It was a segue of an album and because it bridge the gap from obnoxious post-punk to airy no-wave, I suppose, it was chosen. And thus, favouring influence over undeniably good tuneskis.

They were also missing Joe's Garage. I knew that would bother you, Tanner.

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Postby otters~1 » 2009.02.14 (23:32)

SlappyMcGee wrote:
flagmyidol wrote:
There was not enough Dylan on that list.]?

Ahaha. Like, there were six to nine Bob Dylan albums on that list. A man of discriminate taste, you.
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Postby Borealis » 2009.02.15 (01:31)

I own 384 albums on that list. That's pretty good, I think.

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Postby Lenny » 2009.02.15 (04:34)

Fixed your italics for you - hope you don't mind.

Neat site. I'm looking through bits of the list, just to get an idea of what I might have seen. Not sure why All quiet On The Western Front is there, because I felt it wasn't a good movie, and the ending was terrible.

I'd put guessed on me having seen around 100 of those films (or maybe less), and possibly 50 or so of those albums. I just say that because I tend to listen to soundtracks or individual songs over actual albums, and I haven't heard of almost all of the artists I've seen on the list so far.

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Postby Turiski » 2009.02.15 (05:13)

Um... I thought I'd check out movies... heh.

14. Ouch.
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Soon as in later. Probably post-December. However, aperture and I are in contact, so rest assured we are at least thinking about it.

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Postby unoriginal name » 2009.02.20 (15:49)

Oh, haha, I actually check off films in the movie book as I see them. It's sorta a sad life goal, but I do intend to see all of them.

So, movies:
84, I think. May have counted wrong.

Not very many at all, probably 20 at the most.

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Postby Condog » 2009.02.21 (00:19)

GamingWolf wrote:I'll get back to this, but where are the 1001 video games you must play before you die?
Do it. Do it now.

Films 44
Music 2 - Gorillaz and American Idiot

Ice Climbers are awesome. Deal with it.

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Postby ska » 2009.02.23 (12:21)

woo, emergency on planet earth!

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Postby wolfgang » 2009.03.03 (12:19)

55 albums. I only had the stamina to check albums, but I'm positive I would have scored lower in both films and books.

Some of you guys are pretty well listened, if I can use that in the same sense as well read.

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Postby George » 2009.03.07 (13:07)

I got less than 20. ;_;

Where's the classical section?

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